Facebook pages ?

February 12th, 2011

Ok so i remember seeing a post about fb pages on here and remember a lot of you have them for your photography.

This might sound like a daft question but is it worth doing ?

I'd kind of like to do one to have my stuff somewhere else , but not convinced anyone would be interested ...... so just curious what kind of response have u had ?
February 12th, 2011
I just add my 365 photos to a folder in facebook. Less hassle that way! :o)
February 12th, 2011
@flamez You can connect FB and 365 Together... or you can share your photo through button share then choose FB.
February 12th, 2011
I don't use my fb for photos... the quality just seems to be lacking when fb formats your image. I use photobucket and I also have a few flickr accounts. I think flickr is the way to go, and I put all my 365-not-quites on there.
February 12th, 2011
I dont get a huge response on FB, but a lot of my friends are on my page (Loose Images) and not on here, so they can then see my 365 (if they are interested lol)....having said that my FB numbers have swelled since I've been here. LOVE this site! :)
February 12th, 2011
I have a facebook page. I think its worth it for getting your name out there on its own. I have my own personal page and also one for the photography side of it. I have had a few sales off it and it also gave me something to show for interviews before I got my portfolio sorted properly
February 12th, 2011
Facebook is way better for photo albums than 365.

For me 365 is more like a project which contains the more "arty shot" whereas facebook is where you keep all your photos including family friends and is viewed (depending on your privacy settings) by only friends.

If your doing it from a business point of view, it is good cause its free and another way to get noticed.

February 12th, 2011
I'm also wondering about this too but the reason I haven't done it is I think I'm not good enough. I would love to though
February 12th, 2011
Kirsty I have had my facebook page up for almost a year and like you thought I wasn't good enough either. The people who have spent the last year watching me have watched me change and grow within myself as a photographer and its great as an archive alone. I was uploading in high definition but have stopped doing that recently less chance of having images stolen...
February 12th, 2011
@flamez I have one as You know I add every Photo I add here to it and a Photography Quote each day but dont use it for professional use its more somewhere for Me to keep all my Photographs together if that makes sense .
February 12th, 2011
I connect my favorite shots to my FB page so that I can share my 365 link with my friends. I find that they like looking at them as well. My postings have even inspired two of my friends to start the 365 adventure, too. That makes it all worthwhile!
February 12th, 2011
i think what i mean is an actual facebook page rather than puting them on my own account if that makes sense ? like what @silverhorn has mentioned , i already bore my own fb friends with my shots LOL ! i wouldnt expect to earn anything at all , id just like shots to be seen by people if that makes sense ?
February 12th, 2011
Flamez, check out mine if you like www.facebook.com/proffittphotography - sorry not advertising just only way I can get it to you lol It will give you a good idea..
February 12th, 2011
@silverhorn ~ ohhhh just looking now ive actually already liked your page :) didnt realise till i just looked tho , i shall have a looksie on yours properly :)
February 12th, 2011
All good :) just thought it might give you some ideas. I have found it really good for confidence building...
February 12th, 2011
It's funny....I have more people following me on Facebook than in here. What amazes me is a lot of my friends tell me that they are looking forward to see what I am going to post next. It makes me happy to know that I am not only making my day....but the day of someone else. :)
February 12th, 2011
@flamez You dont bore Me with shots Im always saying to Richard "Look at what Rache has done, How cool is that" I was telling Him earlier about Your matches and he was impressed.
February 12th, 2011
I have a facebook page (well actually, Greg has..) it is http://www.facebook.com/pages/Greg-The-Duck/183032188386387?ref=ts

He currently has 84 'likes' and it goes up all the time :) it's great fun and it's nice for people to see the photos that didn't make it to 365 or, more often, how I did the photos and showing the set-up etc. :)
February 12th, 2011
I started a FB ad page a couple monthes ago to spread the word about my sports shots to the families. I think it has helped get my name out there, all the shots I load there have big watermarks on them. This allows the kids to use them on there FB pages, spreading the word even more. Has the website that hosts my shots to help get the word out even more.

February 12th, 2011
Flamez, I thought the same thing.. am I good enough to have a page just for my photos. But then I just went ahead and set one up, and was really embarressed about doing it so I didn't invite all my friends to like it. I have got some likers now and some lovely messages on there too. I say just set one up, it's a good way to get your work out there and be seen. (this is mine by the way! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Photography-by-Rebecca-McQueen/185480988150956)

@silverhorn I love your facebook page Rose, just wondering if you have any tips on making sales? I'd really like to sell some prints through my facebook page but I have no idea if people even buy prints these days, and no idea how to go about it. I know I'm not good enough to do photo shoots for people, and can't really get out to do it. Any advice appreciated, thanks!
February 12th, 2011
@mamaisaac - Bec to be honest I don't really do that much. Not as much as I should do that is for sure. every now and then I offer the prices and I have them all lifted in the discussions tab so people can see. I also use an auction site here in New Zealand where I get most of my sales so you could probably try ebay. I try to get more sittings because that is where the money is. I do not make much from prints but I have sold about 100 this past year. Which why feels alot is really only $5-$10 here and there and only about $500 in profit if that.

Advertisement is the key. Put up fliers around the community you live in. Hand out business cards (which you can get made cheap) Once you get a fan base sales will naturally come on there own. The face book site for me was really about building a fan site so I can get my name out there more and people would see my work and take me seriously
February 12th, 2011
My 365 project is set up to share on fb all my photos get posted on there. Lots of my friends have commented on how they love my pics and love following my project which is lovely :-) I also have a fb page where i post my spares
February 13th, 2011
I have one.. But i started it because i was doing senior shoots for the kids in my school and it was a way to get my name out there. Now, besides the family shoots, couple shoots and senior shoots ive done, i just upload whatever to it. Its just another place for me to get feedback. :)
February 13th, 2011
@silverhorn thanks so much for the tips. I might try posting a price list soon, and see if I get any interest. 100 prints does sound like a lot! Well done. Even selling them cheaply would be worth it for me, as I'm really needing the extra cash at the moment. There is an Australian site I'm looking at selling on too, along with some things I have made. Thanks again!
February 13th, 2011
m starting to make onein FB , but the setting made me confuse..... i usually load my stuff iin multiply.... i like the resolution there....
February 13th, 2011
I have one that I like to add my shots to that I do not post on here...some of my family & friends not on 365 like to check it out. Mine is called Ventress Photography. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Ventress-Photography/121071294630328
February 13th, 2011
here is mine, I add other stuff to it too!
My Facebook Page
And I have a 365 blog:
I will go through your pages in this stream later and "like" them :)
February 13th, 2011
oohhhh thankyou everyone , will go and take a looksie at all your pages :)
February 13th, 2011
I say start one up Rache, you photos definetely are good enough and like others have said it will get your name out there, you could easily sell your photos.

As you know I started one up last year so that I could try and get to build up my portfolio. I add photos from this project to it every so often.
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