Setup shots versus catches

February 14th, 2011
So how much of your 365 project are shots set up on purpose & how much of it are shots you just looked up & saw & caught? Just wondering how the process on this project is working for others.
February 14th, 2011
Many of the pictures of wild animals are snap second shots (err, no pun intended). I either get em, or they disappear. I've learned there isn't much time to wait, and better to get something to delete than nothing at all! Sometimes I take random shots of stuff, which isn't planned, and a surprise when I get home. Then there are shots that allow a little more time and I compose.

I often go out with little planned. Whatever I come across that I find interesting, I snap a shot of. Without an expectation, you can open up your mind to a lot of interesting things.

Oh, and I come across some fascinating shots that make me wonder if I just get lucky, or if it is planned. I smile when I get those catches. Makes photography very interesting.
February 14th, 2011
most of mine is set up , but the weathers been bad so not really got out much :(
February 14th, 2011
Same as Jean, I often go out with no plan. I find it most fruitful to leave my mind blank when I go take photos. If I have too much planing I'd miss something cool right in front of me!

No set-up at home also.
February 14th, 2011
i'm a photographer, i live and breath photography, so its second nature to photograph anything and everything, even if its just with my iphone :)

i havent set anything up for 365 YET, but my 5D died on the 5th Jan and i only just got a replacement today, so anything could happen from now on!!
February 14th, 2011
I think of myself as an opportunistic photographer at the moment, if I see something I like the look of, I'll try to capture it. Hopefully as my skills improve, I'll attempt some more set-up shots.
February 14th, 2011
I keep my P &S with me at all times so when I see a composition that "speaks" to me, I am ready to "try" to take a photograph of it. As an amatuer photographer, I need to take as many photographs as I can to help develop my photographic "eye" and skills before moving on to "set ups" and a digital SLR camera. siiiigh.
February 14th, 2011
I haven't set any shots up yet.
Out of my 44 shots so far there's only one where I made a slight adjustment in the surroundings in order to get that perfect shot. I take most of my shots outside: landscapes or city scapes, and the odd shot of my children.
February 14th, 2011
a mixture for me... I carry my camera everywhere with me and I will see something and have my shot but then there are days when that just doesn't happen and I have found myself setting up a shot...
Some days like today I just set it up as I have something in mind....
February 14th, 2011
I would have to say that 99% if mine are not set up! They are just everyday life!
February 14th, 2011
Most of mine are planned - because I'm using my 365 as a visual diary-type record of my year, I tend to try and photograph the most significant thing that sums up each day for me. Therefore, most of my shots are taken in the afternoon when I've had time to select/realise what shot would most represent my day.

Sometimes though, I will start off thinking I know what's going to be the subject of my 365 for a particular day and end up with something completely unrelated- like today: went bike riding with my sister so I thought id get a shot of the two of us/bike related but ended up with an abandoned couch, lol.

February 14th, 2011
Probably a lot are planned but I do occassionally get the just caught moment which are mostly of my youngest son, like this one for example:

February 14th, 2011
I rarely have the patience for "set-up shots" but I do have some. I think I prefer the ones that just happen (:
February 14th, 2011
I'm not good at setting shots up... I'm never sure what exactly to do, so they rarely come out how I'd wanted, anyway! Mostly, I just take pictures of things I see...
February 14th, 2011
I'm a mixture - of my three best shots, one was completely spontaneous and unplanned and i was so lucky to catch that moment (and have all the right settings lined up on my camera).

My other two were not "set up" per se, but i had to work very very hard to get them - a lot of trail and errors before i finally got the right one.
February 14th, 2011
@clarissajohal I do a lot of just happens :) I should try to start setting them up but haven't yet :)
February 14th, 2011
I'm doing set up shots for the first time, everything else is usually 'caught'. I decided to stage some shots because I havent done it before, and its taught me quite a lot about lighting...which is handy! Although I have still been 'catching' shots as well... I cant go anywhere without a camera of some sort, and cant resist shooting.
This is todays...only 2 more to go!

February 14th, 2011
@mikichelle about 70/30, 70 being setup shots, 30 the fleeting moments. i just find that i can be more expressive with the setup shots and since i have a very rigid day-to-day routine, there isn't much else to see within the views of my daily commute. but on weekends when i get to go out without any plans, that's when i fill my SD card with shots that does not involve my DIY softbox. :D
February 14th, 2011
I think I've set up my whole project..well not really, there are a few that were there and I just took a picture of, but it seems like set up pictures are just more fun for me
February 14th, 2011
It really depends on the week, day, hour. I "set up" very little. I am trying to have a little of everything on my project all the while getting better at compositions and editing. I always have "set up" ideas in my head that I can do if I cannot find a picture of the day.
February 14th, 2011
I catch things as I see them... or more often see great shots but don't have the time/ability to stop and take them!! I can't wait for the snow to melt, so there will be places to pull over on the roads again, lol.
February 14th, 2011
I don`t know ,I guess about 40 % are setup shots,and the rest catches. To be honest,I love setting up,better.
Here`s a "catch"-

..and a setup:

To be honest,I love to make still life shots and setting up unusual,odd and metaphoric photos,but I`m not too inspired,to make them often.
February 14th, 2011
I suppose I am pretty much in the norm. Since I started this in January I have had only a few shots that I have actually set up. The rest have been spur of the moment or just something I have seen in my surroundings. I always have a camera on me, even if is even my iPhone, used to be a fuji p&s but the hubby has that now.

The top 2 shots in the collage are set up. The bottom left was just handing a paper heart to my 9 month old & snapping & the bottom right was handing the cut out to my 6 year old & telling him to hold it by the scar on his face.

This one was set up. I put it in my 4 year olds hand at least & told him to hold it.
February 14th, 2011
just had a good look and nearly all of mine are set ups hehe ! but i have an idea and just want to go with it i guess !

this was my fav set up :

February 14th, 2011
I rarely get chance to take any Photos til I sit down at night and thats 9pm/10pm so with Me its a grab a random object arrange it on black background and shoot, Todays I managed earlier as I was using Heart Shaped Jellies and had to do it quick before Little People scoffed them
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