Nikon vs. Canon

March 21st, 2010
I was reading Michael's thread about buying his daughter her first DSLR camera and reading everybody's responses there were a lot of Canon/Nikon (and the random Kodak, Sony) business going on.

I feel like since the dawn of time (or since Canon and Nikon came out) there has always been this debate as to which company is better and I've never really understood why.
A lot of people say, "I don't like Canon... just... because" or, "I don't like Nikon because I'm a Canon kind of person."

So, just out of curiosity, which brand do you prefer? Canon or Nikon? And why?
(Camera, lens, flash etc.)
March 21st, 2010
Canon camera and lenses
March 21st, 2010
Canon, but mainly because I could get it cheaper at the time! I have a Canon DLSR and P&S but a Nikon film camera. I'll stick with Canon mainly because I know the menus now.
March 21st, 2010
I've got a Nikon P&S (S60) because for some reason I just don't get along w/ Canon LOL -- I feel kinda silly about it, but I just like the feel and ease of my Nikon. That and 5 out 7 people recommended Nikon over Canon when I was shopping around for a camera. I'm upgrading to an DSLR and I'm going w/ Nikon -- I love my Nikon ...
March 21st, 2010
when i went shopping for a new slr I would ask the sales person what their favorite was .. 5 out of 5 all said canon as first pick. 2nd was nikon or oylmpus . I ended up picking the Canon cos it felt great to hold. I walk around for hours with it in my hand and still feels great .
March 21st, 2010
I'm all about Minolta! lol. but i wanted to switch to digital SLR and sony's cameras (sony makes cameras to fit minolta's "a" mount lenses) just dont seem to have the best quality, So like most people I went back and forth between canon and nikon. I completely feel the "i don't like nikon ..just because.." but let me try to explain it:

ok so you know how everyone just thinks differently, well when i looked at a nikon and played with the menus and the camera controls it just seemed so complicated. but when I picked up a canon everything just flowed naturally to me. the menus and the controls and even the placement of the buttons just worked how my brain works.

I absolutely love my canon but I never push the brand on anyone. I always say just go play with some cameras and see which one works best for you.
March 21st, 2010
I went with a Nikon simply because a couple good friends of mine have and like their Nikon. I've never even held a Canon, but I love my Nikon. lol
March 21st, 2010
Nikon... here in Peru we don´t have technical support for Canon as we have for Nikon. All my friends have Nikon so if you want to test other lenses... probably is better to have a brand that everybody have... you can find differences in many websites but at the end... what matters is the eye behind the camera.
March 21st, 2010
Nikon, felt better in my hand, controls felt more natural and more logical to me.

Each brand has their ups and downs about them... knowing nothing at the time I went simply on feel. If you know what specs, features, and style of shooting you will be doing may help you choose what brand you use.
March 21st, 2010
I started out using a Canon t70 (I believe), it was the camera my mom and dad got me instead of a Grad Party from HS. came with a kit lens. used it, loved it. Shot it for several years, then it went into hibernation. When I emerged again into photography, I brought it out to find it was OLD... what did I know. I decided to take a studio class at a local photography studio. And did that for a bit and got to become friends with the studio owners and a few of the photog that shot out of that stufio. I wanted a new camera, and it happened that one of the photogs was getting out of photography for personal reasons, and sold me his body and lense for a really good deal. It was a Nikon N90 (another film body) Loved it so much more then my T70. The glass was better, no offense to Mom and Dad as I am comparing a kit lense to a fixed apreture lense... I have that body still and Might pull it out for the simple reason as something to shot for my 365. I had that forever and then moved into the digital age, which I hated at first. Like many film to digital shooters. But now I love it. No standing for hours in a darkroom. No worrying about chemicals, Instant gradification now. Love my LightRoom experience and since I built my base of lenses on the Nikon system and accessories (which I hardly use anymore) I am sticking with Nikon. Plus now that they have a full frame sensor I really have no reasons to jump ship; except I can't afford the D700. But maybe one day. My eyes are set on getting a D300(s). Unfortunately that day seems to be drawing closer as I am finding more and more dead pixels on my images and HAVE to correct them in PP. I bet you my N90 would still take great pictures, darn digital age with its predetermined life span. Grow with the times right :)

Did I give you enough, maybe too much?
March 21st, 2010
For me it's basically that I've moved steadily up through the different cameras Nikon brought out, and now I have my first real DSLR. Why Nikon? Got used to it's menus. I tried a Canon once, and they do make as fine pictures as Nikon, but I get lost in the menu. In the end, ease-of-use is what it's all about. They can pretty much do the same things I guess, depending on the model ofcourse, but how you get there is a different story.

I'd suggest, just determine what minimum things you really want your camera to be able to do, check out which Nikon, Canon (or any other) model would fit, and see if you can go for a testdrive with them. Whichever works best for you would be splendid.
March 21st, 2010
I shoot Nikon and own two Nikon DSLRs, a minolta 35mm and a Sony P&S... I love my Nikons, but you know what, I've used my friend's Canon 5D many, many times and love it, too!
People who want to be haters, can go on and be haters, they're both magnificent brands and do their damn thang! A lot of the results have to do with the user. I love Nikon's lenses, but any great - higher priced quality lens has its lovely place.
March 21st, 2010
I have no preference.... I personally use Nikon, because that's what I started out with so when I upgraded I wanted to keep Nikon because of all the accesories I have..... I know that a lot of professionals use Canon and They have a great camera line from P&S to DSLR- As a matter of fact I've been thinking about getting a P&S and one of my Co-Workers has a Canon that I like a lot.

SO to make a long story short, I think it's all a matter of personal preference just the same a with cars or computers.... You get what you like or what has worked well for you in the past. Be it Canon or Nikon or Sony, Pentax etx etc.... I've seen some great photos on here that are taken using the iphone camera..... the equipment helps but its the photographer that makes the photo.
March 21st, 2010
I bought a lightly used Nikon SLR almost 25 years ago. I'm sure had a Canon be available at that time, I might have picked that, but I no longer remember all the buying decisions from that long ago. When I met my husband, we discovered and compared compatibility in (among other things) personality, operating systems and camera gear (we are both Nikon user and have been for a long time). When we searched for a camera for our daughter we leaned towards Nikon, but checked around the other brands, too (did select Nikon in the end). At this point, of course, switching would require all new lenses etc, so I expect we are committed to Nikon in perpetuity. Luckily for us, we've always had good experiences with those cameras, so it works out well.
March 21st, 2010
i picked nikon, only because i'm a fan of ashton kutcher...
i originally chose nikon, because that's what my dad had, and figured for my first SLR, it would be better to choose one that my source of information would be available in the same household. It has worked really well for me since i bought it (i got the d80... oy. i can't remember when i bought it now...) and i've liked the results. plus, my p&s and 35mm film cameras are both nikon as well. i've never had any bad results with my nikon... except when my original point and shoot got way out dated to the point of the "lens cover" didn't open all the way when i turned it on a few times. haha. gave me a nice faux vignette.
i've had experience working with canons when i worked at a portrait studio, and find their settings easy to function (as much as i could do before the company locked the camera settings... ugh. i have seen good results with canon as well, so i can't smack talk them TOO much. (i only can, because one of my best friends is an avid canon user, and we love to go at each other for the fun of it)
canon cameras and mac computers go hand in hand for me. i like the results, they make some really good items, but i haven't had one of those OMG switch over moments for me.
March 21st, 2010
Canon. I don't know why, I've always had Canon, so why not stay with a good thing? Never had problems with them, with camera's, and printers.

When I was looking for a new Camera, last year, I was looking through all the "popular" brands, and Canon's camera's just had what I wanted (After much research, too) :) Sometimes I think it's just a preference?!
March 22nd, 2010
Main thing to realize is that both cameras are both extremely good cameras.

Myself personally, I've always used Nikon dSLRs and Canon Point and Shoots.

Mostly because it's what my dad first introduced me to (my first camera was a Nikon FE) and I've always just...stuck with it. Also because I enjoy the history of Nikon.

Canon is a great camera as well but it's just not my personal preference (I don't know if it's just me...but I find the actual grip of the cameras are different and Nikon for me, always felt more comfortable).

I haven't used the Sony Alpha before so I don't really know too much about it (but I have heard that it's also a pretty good camera).

As long as you're happy with what you're shooting, then that's all that really should matter.
March 22nd, 2010
When I decided to get a DSLR, I originally wanted Canon. Most everyone I knew had them, loved them.... I was sold on them before I even started. Then someone recommended that I go put one in my hands and try it out first. When I compared how it felt to how the Nikon felt, I knew Canon wasn't for me. The Nikon just fell perfectly in my hands and the Canon felt .. I don't know, wrong? Anyway, I think all things compared, you will probably be happy either way. Go put them in your hands and see which one whispers "buy me"! ;- )
March 22nd, 2010
i've been a canon user back to the film days, i got my first canon given to me, which was the only reason i went Canon from then on. My mate has a Nikon and it feels great, and takes great shots, but i don't see a massive difference either way.

Pure personal preference!

March 22nd, 2010
PENTAX all the way! It can use any one of the 24 million lenses that were ever made for the Pentax brand of cameras :) Sorry, I just GOT to be different! :D
March 23rd, 2010
Always been a canon user probably because of habit, but my dream camera is a nikon d3. Mostly its is a personal preference. You can get good shots with either brand not because its the camera but the person behind the camera.
March 25th, 2010
Always a nikon girl since the start
April 27th, 2010
Nikon.. The camera I figured out Aperture and Shutter speed on was a Fujifilm finepix x - The Nikon just felt right after using that
April 27th, 2010
I believe that both Canon and Nikon are equally good. You can't go wrong either direction you go.

Alex - Although I use a Canon, I'm a Pentax girl at heart! My first slr was a Pentax zx7. It's my baby, even though it just sits in the bag now.
April 27th, 2010
15 years ago or more Nikon was better made, at least it felt like it. It was more solid. I bought Nikon film SLR in my early press day's as used to do lots of riots etc and tbh, Nikon had the best rep for being robust if it was knocked a bit, certainly true for me!
Then when I moved onto Nikon digital, I stayed with them because my lenses were Nikon fit and it seemed pointless spending more thousands. Nikon's good reputation stayed with the folk on Fleet Street for many years, and its only recently that Canon have been getting good reviews by my collegues who have used both over the years.
The main one is that they are now offering as good a camera but for slightly less money and canon have improved a lot of little things, ie, Canon's flashes were awful at the start.

April 28th, 2010
I've always owned a Nikon. I don't really have any rhyme or reason, it's just the first one that I tried out and liked. I've never, personally, said that I don't like Cannon though - I'm just a Nikon user because that's all I've ever known. ;)
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