More stolen images?

February 18th, 2011
I think one of the pictures on the new faces page is stolen. It is of food, and it looks like there are copyrights printed all over the image. Most of the users other images are suspect as well. None have exif info.

This frustrates the heck out of me, as each day I strive to take good pictures in the hopes that I will get noticed, people will follow me, and give me pointers to my work.

Stuff like this makes me want to quit this site (again- I abandoned my first attempt for similar reasons.)

OK, rant over....
February 18th, 2011
ugh... i don't see the point in stealing others' photos.... it's frustrating!!!... my images may not be anything special... but i try very hard to get a shot i am somewhat satisfied... it's too easy to just take credit for other people's work....
February 18th, 2011
I noticed one of the images is emblazoned with an istock watermark so I would say a definate yes

p.s dont give up, I for one love what you are doing :)
February 18th, 2011
AND the other pictures on their page arent photos.. after close inspection, it is a copyrighted photo. This obviously isnt some one who actually take thier own photos for display, just simply takes others images to post up. Im not sure if it is intentional, or if they dont get the concept that you actually have to make your own photographic images......
February 18th, 2011
I suspect that this person is a child. Most of these images aren't even photos, and (s)he doesn't seem to be making any claim to be the creator of the images. I get that copyright theft is copyright theft, but I think this case is a pretty innocuous example of someone not understanding what a 365 project is all about.

I agree that image theft is frustrating, but please don't let this one discourage you -- it's so not worth it :)

February 18th, 2011
It is totally wrong and frustrating, but dont let it ruin the site for you! The best we can do is report this stuff to Ross. Obviously he can not monitor every single photo that is uploaded to this site.

Its sad that people will do stuff like that but dont let them win!
February 18th, 2011
I dont think the person's age is a legitimate excuse, my opinion only. If it is a child, someone should be monitoring their internet use and this is a GREAT teachable moment about theft, plagiarism, etc. And perhaps there should me a minimum age for users, like other social networking sites. Because regardless of this person's age, this is unfair, and kind of an insult to all of us who take this seriously.

It would be like a child taking a class with you, and cheating, and getting a better grade than you. It would make you angry, right?

And submitting an image on here IS claiming it is your image, that is the whole purpose of the site, in my opinion.

Probably not intentional, you are right, but still not ok.
February 18th, 2011
@asrai thanks for the vote of confidence :)
February 18th, 2011
Just checked it out, sound's like a kid... looks like he's just putting up things/photos that he likes, maybe that's his understanding of the project?

Please don't let these things ruin your experience :)
February 18th, 2011
I am guessing that Ross is going to read this link.... is there anyway you can add a "check box" that reads "I confirm that this is my own original work and as such the copyright belongs to me"!! in nice big letters and you have to tick it before you can display the image?
I agree that it is very frustrating as like everyone else who takes this seriously I put a great deal of effort and thought into what I produce.
February 18th, 2011
I am starting to get paranoid from all this. I know my photos are not the best, but still the feeling of someone taking the credit that you put heart and soul on your work.
February 18th, 2011
I would probably care more, if more of the images were photos. In any other case I would be totally with you. I'm not saying this person isn't wrong. I'm just saying this particular case doesn't really bother me, because this person is uploading crap anyway.

Either way, Ross has zero tolerance for this garbage, so I'm sure it'll be gone soon.
February 18th, 2011
I agree with the others, I think this is a kid with no idea of what they are doing. As far monitoring their internet time, maybe the parents don't even realise that what he/she is doing is wrong. I mean not everyone has an understanding of copyright and what that means. I am sure that Ross will handle it in the right manner.
February 18th, 2011
I dont think it is right, but what can we do right? You know your pictures are legitamate and you can take pride in that. It is not about the recognition, and if the person gets attention from pictures they google imaged, then let them. They know it is not their work.

If it is a kid, its probably a young teenager who is goofing off. (As a side note, if you make an age limit, kids just put in different bdays, there is no way to check that) I dont think anything on this site says you have to post your own original work and that if you dont, its illegal. (I could be wrong). I mean I have posted pictures other ppl have taken of me or my friends (granted I gave them credit, but its not like I got their permission)

In any case, let them do their thing. It's not hurting anyone else and like almost everyone that responded, we can tell its fake.
February 18th, 2011
I'm not sure who you're talking about, the picture is gone now but report it to Ross and the account will be deleted if they are proven to be stolen.
February 18th, 2011
Since there are still no rules around the point of this 365 project... I find it tough to believe that it makes your 'project' less valuable...

I am all for teaching about copyright law... but the artist integrity of your project being ruined is BS! 365 things that you like, vs 365 bad images vs 365 of the greatest images ever are all just as valid... so people take 365 self portraits.... 365 baby photos... 365 family pet photos... 365 cell phone photos.... 365 photos with clever captions...

but I don't take this seriously... so my vote doesn't count...
February 18th, 2011
I find it really strange that people would steal them. I feel your frustration. I put a lot of time and energy into each days photo and for someone to steal it is just plain annoying and wrong.
February 18th, 2011
I saw that as well..Drives me crazy. Hopefully Ross gets rid of this person ASAP !
February 18th, 2011
Ok just found it, I wouldn't be worried at all, it's just a kid who's put pictures on, most of them aren't even photos. It's not like the last few times where people have uploaded photo to get credit for them.

Yes the copyright part of it is bad, but as far as stolen images affecting 365ers this one is not worth the trouble.
February 18th, 2011
I'm a fairly newbie here and it gets me upset too! We all work hard to get 'just the right pictures', and knowing that people steal photos and use them as their own is just not right. Sigh....
February 18th, 2011
Just looked up that food one, deffinatly stolen! On one of the cartoon pictures they have it even has the website where they got it from?
Checked out the zebra photo on tineye, 18 results.
Such a shame!
Seems there is a huge rise in stolen photos on this website lately :/
February 18th, 2011
Now *here* is a case of good old fashioned copyright theft, if you want to get pissed about something:
February 18th, 2011

ok this is CRAZY! creating a phantom account acting as someone else to make your stolen image legitimate? Get real?!?!?!
February 18th, 2011
I agree with some of the folks who said the photo of the fries isn't quite like the other examples. It's almost like the person is posting things they like...not photos they have (or claim to have) taken. Since no effort was made to cover up the watermark I wouldn't think they intended it to be viewed as their work...just my 2 cents.

Now, the water drop example is quite another issue.
February 18th, 2011
You want to post other people's pictures online as things you like, do it in a blog or on facebook or tumblr. I think it detracts from the real photographers on a site like this.
February 18th, 2011
Straight from the terms of service for the site"

You may ONLY upload images to this site that you have taken yourself, copying a photo from Flickr does not make it yours!
You do not give up any rights to your own images when uploading to 365 Project.
Your images are yours and yours only, you can remove them any time.
We will only use your images on this site. If you are lucky your photos may be featured on the 365 Project blog or newsletter (we do top 20 lists and things like that) the image will always be accompanied with a link back and full credit to the original work.
February 18th, 2011
@icywarm well said. Just because someone chooses to not take this site seriously is not ruining the experience for me. I decided to stop looking at the popular page completely and am enjoying finding people with a variety of work from places I have wanted to travel. Plagerisim and Copyright infringement is wrong, but the more we quietly report to Ross, the less attention we give the people that are begging for attention, the more unsatisfied they will be.
February 18th, 2011
fyi all...i just shot ross an email regarding this profile and the waterdrop one.. they should be reckoned with soon....

@mrsharkleroad please don't let these happenings ruin this project for you. there's always a few knuckleheads out there....and from my experience they usually get theirs in the end. :P
February 18th, 2011
I'm curious: who trolls the 365project site to find stolen pics? Is it just random chance that some of you come across them? And how do you know when you've stumbled on one?

I would like to watermark my photos but do not use photoshop ( just Aperature and iPhoto on my Mac) I have seen tutorials for applying a watermark to a photo but how do you ACTUALLY create an watermark image to apply in the first place? Help appreciated.
February 18th, 2011
I think it's theft when you put up pictures that are not your own.
I hope they will stop doing that!

But... I do this project mainly for myself, to prove to myself I can make nice pictures and I can do it a whole year! I really appreciate all the nice comments other people make and I'm learning heaps.
Tiffany, don't let this stealing hold you back, it's YOUR project!
February 18th, 2011
I agree with @icywarm and @brumbe, actually...

Yeah, that can be annoying - but that's not a reason to quit your own project, is it?!
February 18th, 2011
the way i view it is those who steal images to pass off as their own are clearly jealous of the talents of those of us who don't and it inspires me to be creative, don;t be angry at them,pity them that they don't have what it takes to be part of this community legitimately
February 18th, 2011
lol @ having a fake dad step in to defend water drop dude
February 18th, 2011
Yeah, that dude needs kicking and his 'Dad' too! pmsl way too obvious!
February 18th, 2011
@pete21 @indiannie_jones AND now a fake brother as well? amazing. and sad. thank heavens the thread got closed before more family members showed up to blast us...
February 18th, 2011
Thanks, situation under control!
Thanks for your participation, this thread has now been closed.