Can I sell my child

February 21st, 2011
I stepped away from the computer desk for a moment, my daughter climbed onto the chair and knocked my camera off the desk (I was in the middle of uploading some photos and she caught the usb lead) it landed full force on its it's lens (18-55mm) is now broken. The zoom part has been squashed in at an angle so that it won't adjust.
I know it's not the best lens but its my only one so I'm now stuck with my point and shoot until I can afford a new lens. Really hope there's no damage to the camera body.

I want to cry now :(
February 21st, 2011
February 21st, 2011

Oh that sucks!!! I'm always so paranoid that one of my little guys will do this. Now I'm super paranoid!!
February 21st, 2011
Oh Emma that sucks!

could you claim for the lens on house insurance? If you have small excess might be worth it?

February 21st, 2011
I feel for you!
I'm always looking for my camera, to see if it won't drop, but I did it one time myself... I dropped it from the top of my stars all the way down. I had to buy a new one :-( But it was only a cheap P&S, not an expensive lens!

And I agree with Carly, you could claim it with your ensurance.
February 21st, 2011
@emmar84 wow I am so sorry to hear this :( I know what its like with our children I am constantly on watch and moving the camera etc
February 21st, 2011
Would this be the same two year old who leaves Lego bricks for you to tread on? ... With her record do you think there's much chance of getting a sale?
Seriously ... that really is painful! Mind you, some of us only have a P&S so you'll be back in good company.
February 21st, 2011
@cazink Why do I never think of claiming on the insurance, I'll look to see if it's worth it. The lens to buy is about £150 and I'm sure our excess is £50, I suppose it will depend on how much it will push up our premiums.

@loztsoul Trevor, I don't htink I'd be so cross if I had left it perched on the edge of the desk but I made a point of putting it in the middle thinking "it'll be safe there".
More deep breaths I think!
February 21st, 2011
@emmar84 you could always get a used one to get you through.... try
February 21st, 2011
@elizabeth Elizabeth, no it's the 4 year old who was responsible for my bruised feet. I wonder if I could offer them as a package!
I do liek my p&s, it goes with me everywhere in my bag but I do love my dslr!

@mrsharkleroad Thank you for the link Tiffany, I will have a look at it.
February 21st, 2011
@emmar84 it shouldn't affect your premium until you renew and then you can shop about for a better deal :)
February 21st, 2011
Ouch! You could always try ebay... for a replacement lens not your daughter...
February 21st, 2011
@bobfoto although ebay might work for her daughter too! haha @emmar84 that sucks, i hope you can replace it :( When I get mine in a few days I will have to guard it with my life even more than I thought I would ! haha
February 21st, 2011
@emmar84 Are you insured for 'new for old'. I have just taken delivery of a Nikon D90 for a 6 year old Nicon D50 after a similar incident happened in which even a light knock affected the body and the lens in use. I had to pay £175 excess, but this was a silver cloud to my problem. Also, it made me get the most out of my point and shoot and discover that it could do some things better than my DSLR. Hope you have as much fun as I did on the latter, which will be a greater part of my kit for photography than it was previously.
February 21st, 2011
I usually do these kind of transactions on less...public websites,but... how much?
February 21st, 2011
@spaceman now that made me laugh!! how about a straight lens for a child?? Only joking....
February 21st, 2011
Emma, Ebay sells that lens with the VR for under $100. You may be able to sell your daughter on there too :)
February 21st, 2011
Oh no!!!
February 21st, 2011
Selling your child seems a bit extreme. I think that harvesting major organs
would make more economic sense. In fact, you may be able to afford a lens
February 21st, 2011
I can very well image whow you feel and there isn't anything really I can say to make you feel better except that I agree with Helen that a point and shoot makes great pictures. I have both and often take the smaller camera along, infact it fits right into a pocket next to the cellphone pocket in front of my purse.
February 21st, 2011
@spaceman Hahahahaha!
February 21st, 2011
This thread is making me laugh so much! 365 - the latest place to swap cameras, children and anything else you can think of!
February 21st, 2011
@emmar84 I'll buy her, then she can carry all my stuff around so I don't need pockets anymore, she can also be my organiser until my phone is fixed.

Some places, usually smaller ones take damaged lenses to fix, part exchange maybe?
February 21st, 2011
@Emma- I have been traveling and without my computer and just saw this sad post! I am so sorry about your camera!! I am so paranoid that same thing will happen to me. I'm hoping you are able to get a replacement lens soon, but in them meantime, use your point and shoot and keep posting your amazing photos!
February 21st, 2011
oh no !! :( emma , u have just described my biggest fear as my 3 year old is a megga clutz !

sorry to hear this :(
February 21st, 2011
ohhhhh thats sucks!
February 21st, 2011
@spaceman - thanks for the laugh! Made my day.
February 21st, 2011
Note to self: do not have children
February 21st, 2011
I have my cameras all over my dining room that not what it is for?? My children are 31, so I think he is trustworthy now....Dog can't reach....and cats don't bother much with the cameras....I feel for you....even though I have several cameras, I can't stand the thought that one day one of them will fail.....I like each of them for something....
February 21st, 2011
omg. that's a bugger!! im so sorry to hear this. i dont think i can handle that.
February 21st, 2011
That's why I sold me BEFORE I bought my expensive DSLR
February 21st, 2011
To everyone I highly recommend a purchase of a multi card reader that will fit all your camera needs. I have two cameras that use two different cards that my laptop does not have a slot for downloading. I purchased a multi card reader and leave it in my camera bag so I can easily download without a cord and leave my camera packed away. Also another note on technology, if you are starting to accumulate a lot of photos on your drive, you should add on an external hard drive to store the photos. Having had a computer that crashed, I have lost my first trip to Costa Rica, Japan, Iceland and Mexico.

This is what I have, but a quick search on amazon for multi card reader will bring up many types with a range in prices. They only cost 1/4 of the deductable also.
February 21st, 2011
What a bummer! If it helps I can donate my kids to your 'cause' , anything to help a fellow 365'er ; )
February 21st, 2011
See thats why they sent children down the Tin mines.. and why did we stop doing that? because the poor little defenseless buggers needed, to be in a safer environment .. but how can it be safer when all you wanna do it kill them cuz they break your stuff?
I say , send her back down the mine00, that way she will be out of your face and can pay for the damages she caused!!
and if you dont like that idea sell her to spaceman... he was bored the other day...
February 21st, 2011
@spaceman Lol! Well the girl child is a real poser when the camera comes out so if you're after a model then you will get a bargain. I'll happily trade for a working lens!

@meshinka I'll browse ebay for both options :)

@nikkers Hmm, we do live by an old coal mine, it has possibilities!

@bruni I do liek my p&s and I get some good shots off it my project so far is about 50:50 between the 2 cameras so I know I can still take good enough pictures, I'll just miss my 'big brute' until I have a new lens to use it again.

I get the impression my daughter is trying to "cute" herself out of the trouble she's in. She keeps singing twinkle twinkle, running up to give me a hug and kiss and is jumping about flapping saying "I'm a fairy".
How do I stay mad when faced with such tactics? I have no chance!
February 21st, 2011
Hold firm my dear!! if she doing this now she will do it when she crashes your car into a cow at 16.. !! Kids learn the art of manipulation as fetuses dont let her pull the wool over your eyes.. lol. I have one of my own that would do the same..its hard to be mad at them. isnt it... all of them are little snots!
February 21st, 2011
I'd say take the allowance away until it gets you a new lens. Err...okay...nevermind.

I originally thought you wanted to sell photos of your child. That might be a way to pay.
February 21st, 2011
To see the good in a bad situation insurance will cover it and my husband has said we can chip in an extra £50 so that rather than replacing the 18-55mm lens I can buy 2 of the lenses on my "wish list" (50mm f1.8 and the 70-300mm).

I'm feeling a bit calmer now :)

@nikkers Nikkers, she has charm down to a fine art, I pity any boys when she reaches her teens! My son prefers to go for the sympathy card if he's in trouble he will look as sad and pathetic as possible so everyone just wants to give him cuddles!

@jeancarl jeanCarl, that will take a while, she doesn't get allowance yet!
February 21st, 2011
@spaceman , @meshinka , @feeandstevie , ha ha ha you are all so cool, I'm so sorry Emma about your Camera. Thanks for making this thread lighter on the other side, it really made my day LOL! just tell your daughter that when she grows up and have a decent job, the first thing she would spend on her first salary is to buy you a very very expensive lens LOL! or a complete set of lens :) @emmar84 seriously ,whatever camera you used your photos are always be great.
February 21st, 2011
ebay! have a look for an old film SLR with a lens , if you have a canon DSLR look for a canon from 1990 onwards or so and the lens will be totally compatable! I just got a canon SLR from 1993 with a 28-80mm lens for £30 including special delivery postage! ($1 = £0.70)
February 23rd, 2011
@spaceman made my day! hahahahhahaha...

but yeah sorry to hear about the lens... and hopefully the body is still good... uhmnnn does the child love dressing up? i'd love to have her!!!!! hahahhaa kidding =) hope you can have the replacement soon! =)
February 23rd, 2011
@maceugenio She adores dressing up, playing with my make up (anothoer reason I need to sell her) and posing for the camera!

I'm taking my camera to Jessops today to check the body is still ok, if not it will be bigger a claim than I was expecting. I know my camera is quite old and there are much newer models out now but I really do love it so if people can cross their fingers that it has survived intact I'd really appreciate it
February 23rd, 2011
@emmar84 you have my prayer.. =) and

cutttttttttte! i'll dress her up as a litlle fairy! hahahhaha =) i could just imagine your daughter hahah
February 23rd, 2011
@maceugenio She would LOVE that! She has a couple of fairy dresses already and if she see's one in the morning she will insist on wearing it to nursery.

Good news is my camera body is undamaged and working well despite it's tumble. (Although man in the shop commented it was "old" and "reaching the end of it's life" *grumbles protectively about her beloved 350D) and I have spoken to the insurance company today to make my claim so all should be resolved soonish.
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