Why do people say....

February 23rd, 2011
"....ran outta time, this is a sucky photo." etc etc. C'mon. If you really thought it sucked, you wouldn't have posted it, right? It's especially awesome when those photos show up on PP. Groan.
February 23rd, 2011
I totally agree!
February 23rd, 2011
Because they want people to say "oh no, it's beautiful!" It's fishing for compliments, like if you said "ugh, my hair looks terrible," everyone has to tell you that your hair looks great.
February 23rd, 2011
or because they actually did run out of time and didnt want a gap in their calender...?
February 23rd, 2011
@marshy15 I guess those are 2 different things. I can understand running out of time, but when people always post good photos abd then say one is the suck, it's just annoying. I don't see many sucky photos on here. Even I'd the quality isn't the best, everyone is generally creative and/or trying new things and experimenting.
February 23rd, 2011
@sdpace I know what you mean!
February 23rd, 2011
@bmovieshow That's sad. I am proud of my work. I can imagine saying that it sucks. Some people like it, others don't, and then you have the rare few who will critique and help you improve. maybe i should stop reading captions.
February 23rd, 2011
Or sometimes we just like to post crap... mistakes... put what we learned... (like I need to advance the film, my camera has a light leak and I need to replace my D-76 with fresh solution)

February 23rd, 2011
@icywarm Haha. That one would be understandable. But it's also cool in it's own unique way. plus I see you didn't tag it with " I suck. "
February 23rd, 2011
I have run late and taken some that really sucked. I've posted them only to avoid an empty photo day. I would feel I hadn't truly taken a photo a day if I filled with a photo from another date. I am sure none of my awful photos have made it to the PP.
February 23rd, 2011
I usually say it when i really didnt put the time or effort that i felt deserved to go into taking a picture.
(I actually used it for a picture i took 2 days ago) that i just felt uninspired, i guess in my head im not saying the picture is crap, just the effort behind it haha
February 23rd, 2011
@sdpace oh no... my whole album is I suck (besides my baby photos) nothing that makes it to a client gets posted on my 365... even things that are close...

are mistakes... the focus is on the guy in the rear, not in the front...

but that is what my 365 is my learning everyday... not posting my best work (I prefer to sell that vs seeing it on the pp, but that is a personally choice)
February 23rd, 2011
That came out more negative than I'd planned, sorry! I understand acknowledging your own mistakes or that something may not be your "best work." I guess I assumed you were talking about people that constantly say "this sucks" and expect a ton of positive feedback.
February 23rd, 2011
@marshy15 - That's me sometimes. xD

@sdpace - a 'good' photo is totally subjective. I can post a photo I think is crap because I rushed it 5 minutes before midnight and it can get an amazing response. Or I can spend hours setting up a photo and really like how it turned out and get a mediocre response. I think you can agree with me that one's opinion of one's own photos may not necessarily match the opinion of those who view and comment on them.
February 23rd, 2011
I started this as a personal challenge to myself to take a photo everyday. The comments and support from this group is gravy (really tasty, tasty awesome gravy). If I say that one of my photos aren't my best shot, it maybe just means in my personal opinion I could have done something better or different if I wasn't ie. pressed for time, lazy... whatever. I come across some of these threads which make me feel judged and I guess I'm just here to say that some people aren't actually here for any other reason than to better their own skills and not necessarily for the approval of others. It's the same as people saying things like people leave redundant comments like "beautiful" and "wow!", but come on! It's positive, everyone here is taking a photo everyday and should get praise, not feel weird about the comments they use to describe daily photos or other people's stuff.

Good luck to everyone with this wonderful challenge!!
February 23rd, 2011
Haha! I remember saying that about my candle shot....not sure I said it sucked but, more I didn't feel good about it. Sometimes it's midnight and I'm tired and something goes up even if I am fed up with it. People did comment on it to try and make me feel better (which it did...oops) but, I wasn't "fishing" at all....and felt kind of stupid for even saying I didn't like it.

Wait a second do people actually tag it with "I SUCK"....that is kind of dumb IMO.
February 23rd, 2011
Because sometimes I really think my photos suck but its the best I could do for the day. Simply don want to soup.a.day and would rather put up.a crappy.photo and get pointers in how to make it better.
February 23rd, 2011
Yup, agree, because I dont want to skip a day and I really DID run out of time!
February 23rd, 2011
I personally have started this project at a terrible time for me personally, I am living in two different locations with much of my stuff in storage - but saw the website and got so excited that I wanted to start right away - considering this, Ihave intermittent access to cameras, my computer and the ability to take the photos off the memory card as well as no current access to post production - so many of my pictures that I have started with have been taken in a complete rush and are on my iphone and honestly - in comparison to my normal photography - absolutely dreadful- or barely passable.

I am self conscious of this, especially in a forum where there are so many AMAZING and professional photographers, who in comparison wipe my normal work out of the water. Yes i could have not started until I was in a better situation - or I can try to pull together what I can, considering the circumstances and in the interim may post "sorry I am out of time and this pic sucks" to help my ego know that I am able to be better when I can...but not lose momentum in the interim.
February 23rd, 2011
I sometimes post pics with that kind of comment because I do want to remind myself of the cool pictures I wanted to take but didn't get to because of time/practical issues. It's not because the pic isn't that good that it can't be a nice memory.
And yes, having to come up with a picture each day will always lead to 'this picture sucks' kind of pictures.
February 23rd, 2011
@marshy15 "....or because they actually did run out of time and didnt want a gap in their calender...?"

February 23rd, 2011
I say it if I'm really disappointed with something I've taken but I've come this far without a filler and refuse to skip a day until I finish in May! Sometimes, as Teresa mentioned, these ick photos actually work out. My my most popular photo was a rushed attempt to get a photo for that day... I wasn't happy with it but hesitated to say so in the caption and posted it anyway (the following day, even)

February 23rd, 2011
now i say it if its how i feel about the photo ! ...... but i have little confidence in my own work to be honest .... i use the word "lame" a fair bit but thats how i feel about some of my photos , so i use the word to describe it !

yesterdays photo was a rush job and yes i was angry at myself for doing water again GRRR and i expressed the anoience at myself when i uploaded it , but i uploaded it because it was all i really had for yesterday and im determined not to use a filler for as long as possible , I for one certainly dont "fish for compliments" anyone who knows me knows im quite happy to take someone telling me its rubbish and honestly am supprised every time someone actually says something is good because half the time i just dont see my stuff as good !!
February 23rd, 2011
i think i did that too .... (guilty) ..... lols
February 23rd, 2011
I agree that people are usually fishing for compliments. I've taken photos that I think suck, just because I can't get it to look how I can in my head. I would never label it as such, just because I would want to let people form their own opinion.

Sucking is perspective, lol.
February 23rd, 2011
I definitely feel I haven't been so inspired these last few weeks but I'm in my second year and I am still taking and posting a new photo a day. Sometimes I'm not happy with them myself and I may say so. I'm not fishing for compliments at all I just feel the need to acknowledge that I'm not happy with it but it's 11.30pm and it's all I got!! :) - Also much as I love the friends I make on these sites and really value the comments (good, bad and constructive!) I am doing this project for myself and to challenge me.
February 23rd, 2011
Oh I should say that when I first started this project my aim was to take a photo a day not necessarily a brilliant photo a day (huh I wish!!) LOL!
February 23rd, 2011
There are people on here fishing for comments and I have noticed plenty of drama queens desperate for more followers but in my case I'm rarely happy with my pictures and I'm happy to say so. I don't have much time to find a good shot and I'm learning so I don't expect them to be that good. I hope within a few months I will be posting pics that I'm boring people with how great they are but I for one am not fishing for "your shot it great" comments when in my eyes they are not.
February 23rd, 2011
@sdpace I say it cause it's true even when it's a absolutely brilliant pic ** ... that's what girls are good at, putting their work down so others will tell them how good they are ... a twisted form of reverse psychology.

**actually must for the record say I don't say that for my brill pix cause what I think is a brill pic, other 365er's choose what I consider a dud as a good one

Ok even if my pic sucks I will still post because that's what I've signed up for 365pix. 76% done and counting down.

Would you like to to agree with you your pix absolutely suck, further make you feel like shite or tell you how good it is? I actually am quite truthful with all my comments so I know how to win friends and influence people (ROFLMSAO)
February 23rd, 2011
I put up pics that I'm not totally happy with because it's what I end up with at the end of the day. Yesterday's pic was ok, it captured part of my day and that's a big part of why I'm doing my project, even though I hope to improve through the process. I don't actually say - I think this sucks, because I agree, I think that is a way of fishing for comments. I'd rather hear peoples opinions on how to improve. I guess I should do more critque-me tags! Good thread idea though.
February 23rd, 2011
Wow. I am envious of anyone participating in 365 who can ask this question. As a novice photographer who doesn't have the biggest ego to begin with there are times when I know or at least suspect that one of my photos isn't particularly compelling and I usually say so. I'm not fishing for compliments, merely warning my followers that I'm having an off day and that they can expect something better from me in the future. My promise to myself when I started this project was to take a picture every day, not produce a beautiful piece of art 365 days in a row. I know that at my skill level and with my schedule that would be an unrealistic and stressful goal. Some days it's all I can do to find the time to snap a photo of something in my mundane life -- my tiled bathroom floor, a lamp, my feet, etc. At times I have absolutely no inspiration or my mood is so dark I can't find anything beautiful in my life to capture. There are days when I've struggled with a headache all day and after getting home from work, making dinner, and doing chores I'm wiped out. I don't have the patience or stamina to come up with a great idea for that day or set up an elaborate shot or take numerous pictures so I can be sure the focus, lighting, and coloring are all right. If when I view the few pictures I was able to take on my computer and none of them is just right I'll go ahead and upload one anyway with a few words about why I'm not proud of it. To me it's more important to not have a gap in my project and if that means uploading yet another slightly blurry picture of my cats I hope anyone viewing my pictures would understand.
February 23rd, 2011
i wasn't happy with last night's picture....but i couldn't think of anything else to take really, and wasn't sure how i could approve the angle or take it how i wanted it....
so if i were to say it, it would mainly be to apologize to anyone viewing it who had decided to follow me, and had to be stuck with a picture or 2 that weren't like my others....
but, i post ones i'm not 100% happy with because that is the picture i took for the day....its not about post 365 awesome pictures...its about posting a picture a day, whether it's good or not....for me at least...
i don't do it because i'm fishing for compliments, but, i'm not above doing such things....but really if i say it it's because some of my pictures are really good, and some are just eh...not really consistent
February 23rd, 2011
Some of us are very critical of our own photos and what might look sucky to us, may look good to someone else. I keep trying to do what people have suggested and look at my own work as if it were posted by someone else but that doesn't seem to work for me. I am my own worst critic! So, lots of times when someone says that, it's how they really feel. One shot that I really did not care for was my last barn shot. Not that I was in a hurry but I only found 3 barns the whole day and I hated the way the road was in my photo. Then someone told me that was their favorite part of the photo. Because of the reaction it got, it did turn into one of my favorites but I was genuinely disappointed with it at first. I spent hours hunting for barns and came back with 2 pictures that I liked. Since I had spent my entire day hunting and then editing the few pictures I was able to take, that was all I had to post.

I'm extremely hard on my own water shots too. When I shoot them I have a very specific shot in mind and when I can't get it I am very disappointed. Even though other people might like it, it's not exactly what I had in mind so sometimes I just can't get past that.
February 23rd, 2011
@chevymom @dkg @sourkraut @lislee75 @misschuff @robewells @tad2106 @lower_angle @gavincci @flamez @maceugenio @elephantgirl @kerrinjane @kelbattiwalla @jessicapena @semrants @jupiterjanes @balkaj @ca_dev @pocketmouse
I sure hope no one thought I was asking why you would post a photo...I am wondering why you would put that thought into someone's mind. I have posted photos, both fillers and regular daily, that I know aren't awesome, but I would never post them with the caveat that i know they suck! When i see that on someone's photo, I usually don't comment at all.
I admire how many people who are committed to this project on a daily basis! Even posting a filler photo requires effort! I just wish people weren't so critical of themselves. Photography is about showing others how you see the world....and I dont think anyone's perspective is sucky! :)
February 23rd, 2011
It must be nice to be blessed with such wonderful self confidence. I wish I had an ounce of it. While this project has helped me think better of myself and my ability, I'm still a long way from believing in myself. I haven't ever specifically said my photo sucks, but just that I'm not particularly happy with how it turned out.

I think that's what is so great about this site. There are people from all walks of life here and it's impossible for us to know what each of us has gone through in our lives to mould us as human beings. It is also impossible to know what insecurities we may have or how we view our own work. I try not to be judgemental of others.

I post my pictures, give a commentary, hope that people view it and like it. If I don't like it then I say so, from the heart, not to get anyone to comment on my picture or view it. As someone else said, some pictures that I really love hardly get any views or comments and some that I really don't care for end up in the top 20 for the week. I doubt that my comments have anything to do with it one way or the other.
February 23rd, 2011
@chevymom :) please don't confuse my knowldge of self with confidence in self! I know I'm a novice, and I am always delightfully surprised at comments and popular page photos. I guess my point of view with this project is that it is what it is. My eyes saw it, and I was generally able to capture and/or edit it in a realistic or beautiful way. We can't help what our eyes see, and sometimes even how it was "recorded" with our vast arrays of plastic, metal, and glass. I hope none of my followers expect a work of art from me every day, an if they do, they will surely be disappointed.

February 23rd, 2011
@sdpace didn't think the question was directed to me in particular. Just wanted to answer the question of , "if you really thought it sucked, you wouldn't have posted it, right?" Yes, I've done it. Posted a very blurry one because that's all I had for the day.
February 24th, 2011
I guess we all have different ideas of what our photos should be. Some days I am very disappointed with what I have taken.

And who knows how those photo monkeys work with the popular page?! One of the photos I put up for critique wound up in the PP and I was so surprised. (I do like that photo a lot more now than I did when I first took it.)
February 24th, 2011
@sdpace looks like you struck an ugly cord .... I was giving a very tongue in cheek answer, one I'm aware of constantly in the classroom ... I'm good and no offence taken nor meant to be given.
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