Who Do You LOVE?

February 25th, 2011
Let's face it, everyone remembers their first! ;) There have been a lot of discussions about following and followers. Who we follow, why we follow, if we follow. Honestly, I do not keep track on a daily basis, but I will say that I get a little giddy every time someone decides to follow me, and I always try to return the favor. Just my personal choice.

I thought it would be neat to share your first follower and who you followed first. When I started this project I was timid about following people, but my first was FaerieMoon (you can tell who yours was by scrolling all the way to the bottom of your lists) I didn't have to, it was so special that I remembered, ha ha!


Here is her most recent photo:

And she followed me right back!! She is an inspiration, and I really appreciate that she decided to follow me. Her continued comments and support make me happy!

Now it's your turn. Who did you follow first and who was your first follower. Go to their most recent pictures and copy the html code in the "share" box and paste it in your reply. Then, and most important, say something nice about that person, because everyone loves a little love :)

There may be duplicates, but that's OK. Then we just know who 'gets around'! :)
February 25th, 2011
Aww, good thread!

I've been following Rainee since I started here! If memory serves, she was the first person to comment on a photo of mine.

Mitch was one of the first people to follow me and I followed him back. He doesn't pop in here often but we keep in touch on FB. Same with Rainee actually.

February 25th, 2011
Suzi @swoop was my first follower and one of my favourite photos of hers is:

February 25th, 2011

Kari was among the first that I followed. Her images offer a timeless look and fantastic perspective on rural Iowa(?). Regrettably I forget her location, although Iowa or Idaho seems to come to mind. Regardless, the imagery is awesome.
February 25th, 2011
Also the first person that I followed was Tammy @albqshutterbug and this is one of my fav favs!

February 25th, 2011
The first person I followed was @northseaknitter. I love the photo she uploaded on 23rd February. Lovely black&white and the perfect title -

One of my first followers was @kiwix. She hasn't been around for a while though : ( Love this image -

February 25th, 2011
LOVE this thread idea. :) My first follower is the friend who gave me the idea to start this project. I had never heard of 365 until she mentioned on Facebook New Year's Day. Like her, I thought this was a resolution I could handle. My other was drink more water. So far both resolutions are going really well, although this has been way more fun!

February 25th, 2011
My friend Dana got me involved so she was my first follower and first followed. Here is my favorite picture of hers that I love most. Not only is it an excellent photo and lighting, it is just so not the version of her daughter that I normally see.

My first non friend follower was Sally Kinsey at @musikinsey she is from America and she does some great photos of architectural elements.

February 25th, 2011

What a great post! I checked out the first people that i started to follow and not many made it past the first week! shocker!! @martyjk is the first to have lasted more than a month. this is his picture of today which I really like. He has a great mix of real life photos and cool set ups and a great down to earth sense of humour!
I followed my mate who introduced me to the site first off @louisewilson4
February 25th, 2011
My first follow was @noliesjustlove ( Emily) Still very much admire her photos

My recent 365 Love is @indiannie_jones ( Annie) love love love her work
February 25th, 2011
thanks for starting this thread...it's nice to let someone know how appreciative we are of that first follower...mine was @tesia

February 25th, 2011
my first for both was Stpehanie. @stepheesue

February 25th, 2011
My sister was actually my first follower but my first real follower on this site was Theresa Reagan. I also didn't have to look to know this because it was very special. She had just won a theme competition and I thought that was the coolest thing ever that she would want to follow me! Here's her latest shot!

February 25th, 2011
well I have been "following" Miss Candy around from site to site for 4 yrs now, she was my first follower and the first one I followed. I talked her into coming over here, now I am going to have to tell her to UPLOAD~ I know she has recent pics, I have seen them!! this isn't her most recent, but my fave she has here :

She is SUPER talented and I just know she is going to make a fortune shooting babies one day :)
February 25th, 2011
Clarissa (FaerieMoon, how could you not love that name) was kind enough to be my first follower. She has been kind ever since :) And very talented! I followed her right back. This is her picture on the day that I started @clarissajohal

The first person I followed is Lauren. She will forever be one of my favorites! @lauren211

This is her most recent picture. See what I mean? :)
February 25th, 2011
my first follower was my sister @dianastar - she contributes intermittently. . .

the first person I followed was @robinwarner

February 25th, 2011
The first person I followed encouraged me to start this project, The Alleged Teddy Bear (@eyebrows) who has completed his first year but is still posting fantastic photos, and sometimes hilarious commentary.
This is from his second (current) album:

Stephen Smiley (@ssmiley6017) was the first person to welcome me to the project, he posts original interesting photos, and has been encouraging through out my 153 days so far :) This is my favourite of his:

February 25th, 2011
@pfmandeville - This. made. my. day. Oh my gosh thank you!!!!!!!!!!! You are the sweetest!
February 25th, 2011
the first person I was following was my husband Trevor and he was my first follower this is my favorite of his so far....

but I must also add that both me and my Husband got into 365 because we saw Joni's posts on facebook so I need to give credit where credit is do... thank you Joni!
February 25th, 2011
Abz was my first follower and I was so excited to have someone following me!! I definitely remember it! Thank you Abz!

I first started following Anders and am always inspired by his wonderful mountain shots!
February 25th, 2011
@sevinstitches @pfmandeville Aww, you guys are so sweet--you made my day, just by a mention. You guys inspire me to keep going and by your wonderful photos (:

February 25th, 2011
My first follower (that wasn't my friend that I started the project with) was @hannauhlfelder
She hasn't been posting much lately, but here is a recent photo that I really liked...

The first person I chose to follow (again that wasn't my friend) was @fireoenone
Her last upload was December 1st :(

AND .... so not to lose a friend (hehe)....I LOVE LOVE LOVE my friend who started this project with me @atalitude

She has been travelling recently and uploading when she can, so here are a few of my recent favs from her albums:

February 25th, 2011
Okay, my first follower/person I followed was my husband--does that count? Haha--of course it does! Here's one of his first photos:

But my first "non-family" follower/person I followed was Erland. His photos are (sometimes) abstract, have great lines and make you ponder (:
Here's his photo today:

February 25th, 2011
As far as comments went, Louise, @Weezilou really made an effort to welcome me to 365. Which reminds me, I need to pop over and check out her photos. Last I read, she was traveling and didn't have access to a computer.

Just checked--great timing, she's back but maybe not posting day to day quite yet. (:

February 25th, 2011


This photo caught my eye immediately. I am brand new to this site, and I am only following two people so far, but she was my first ;)

February 25th, 2011
I love so many but off the top of my head...http://365project.org/pocketmouse/365.

I adore her shallow dof and tones of her photos.
February 25th, 2011
February 25th, 2011
fab thread !

the first person i started following was my friend sarah :) @coolgirlsar

i love this shot of heres !

but as i knew sarah b4 365 i will mention the 2nd person i started following which was (@lauz1981 )

who has brilliant photos like this :

and the first to follow me was sarah too :)
February 25th, 2011
As my wife Beth said we were each others first follower...she has so many photo's that are my fav so its hard to pick one...but I must say I absolutely love this one

February 25th, 2011
Well, I was sort of dragged in here by a good mate @sburbage, here's one of his from the day I joined, (I didn't start posting straight away though).

February 26th, 2011
The first person I followed was @amyhughes and I continue to be awed and amazed by her work...she has such an eye for this craft. Her work is creative, unique, beautiful...and it always makes me feel something. I am so inspired by the lovely Amy :)

My first follower was @lainie :) i felt so special knowing someone was even looking at my project!

this thread made me realize i was not following her...sillysilly!! she is awesome :)
February 26th, 2011
@mollyanne31790 you are so amazing molly, thank you!!! :)
February 26th, 2011
@sparkle +++ Thanks mate.. : ) )
February 26th, 2011
@amyhughes you are so welcome :)
February 26th, 2011
My first follower was Daniel Raymond Paul (@dan_paul) I remember being really excited that soemone wanted to see my pictures and he was teh first person I followed too.
I haven't lost that feeling of "Eeeee!" when someone follows me (or comments on a picture or favourites it!)

Here's Daniels most recent picture:
February 26th, 2011
My first follower AND the person I first followed was @sdpace, who also recommended I start this project. I tell everyone about it and love this community of talented photogs challenging and inspiring each other. Here are a few of my favorite photos from the incredibly creative and talented @sdpace:

February 26th, 2011
@sdpace awwwww, i LOVE LOVE LOVE that you thought of me :) Gotta admit, i hate the massive hole on my calender now, had no time to take pics this week... shrug :(
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