Has Anyone Heard From Sarah-Jane?

March 1st, 2011
Just wondering if anyone has heard from Sarah-Jane lately. It has been a while, January 29th since she last posted on here. She's been on my mind lately and just hoping and praying that she is ok.

March 1st, 2011
I've been wondering the same thing.....
March 1st, 2011
I wonder about her often and hope someone has news.
March 1st, 2011
I also think of her often and click on her calendar but there hasn't been any postings. should someone have some news please share it with us..
March 1st, 2011
I've been wondering about her too, praying all is well.
March 1st, 2011
The last time I heard from her was also near the end of January. She said she was very tired, and no longer able to get the children off to school. I think that a couple people on here are friends with her on facebook and email, so maybe they will feel comfortable giving us an update. Sarah Jane has been such a light in so many of our lives.
March 1st, 2011
Whats wrong with her?
March 1st, 2011
I just went back through her entire project - what a bright, sparkling spirit! Even with the hardship with her health, always a smile and light comes through her images and comments!
March 1st, 2011
I was thinking about her yesterday and did go to her album. Rick you are right, her last post was on Jan 29
March 1st, 2011
I have been missing her as well. I hope and pray every day for her......she has touched all of us in some way, hasnt she? What a beautiful person she is :-) Sarah Jane, if you are reading this, we miss you, and continue to pray for you!
March 1st, 2011
I know some folk email her but they hadn't heard since just after Christmas. She certainly touched our lives here and I think of her so much. How can we get in touch or find out news about her? I second @deesdiscoveries thoughts.
March 1st, 2011
@digitalrn Beautiful photo btw Rick.
March 1st, 2011
hoping someone has news too. She is often in my thoughts and prayers
March 1st, 2011
I haven't and I often think about her. Hoping all is going ok xxx
March 1st, 2011
Hi Rick. I know Sarah and just saw a very recent Facebook post where she thanked people for birthday wishes. I'll give her a call and she how she is...
Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Sarah.
March 1st, 2011
@bosschuster I also have been wondering about Sarah, I miss her, I pray she is improving healthwise and I pray also for her beautiful family. Thank you Richard for reaching out to her for all of us here that miss her.
March 1st, 2011
Looking forward to hearing some good news...I miss her great photos and comments...
March 1st, 2011
@bosschuster Yes Richard, thank you and please let her know that her community of friends is asking about her and wishing her well.
March 1st, 2011
@digitalrn @shawnanne @bruni @madeline515 @petersonsheri @triptych_angel @jesase @deesdiscoveries @jamestan @Cherrill @misa_dobu @jo365 @bosschuster @roth @greenpots

Hi all, I'm so sorry......don't know what to say so firstly Thank You all for your ongoing support and prayers and thoughts, secondly I guess you can't slip away on 365 like I thought I could (lol....thanks Rick!!!!!) next, I've still been trying to take photos regularly but getting around to processing any or posting has been a huge struggle, I constantly feel like they are not worthy of posting and feel inadequate in not having the same time and energy to reply or comment like I would like to do and hence feel like I'm letting everyone down so is that a lame enough excuse for everyone :)

I am doing okay, not great but okay....in and out of hospital of late with different complications, not major but enough to keep me exhausted, low blood sugar levels, pain management, chest infections etc... due to immune system being low (low nutraphils for those who know the terminology) and it's made me a bit of a sleep freak..........
When feeling okay trying to take any interesting photos when I don't get much further than my lame boring backyard is trying my patience and keeping up with being Mum and house duties and appointments and so on. I have always been one to push myself to my limit and and am yet to learn (or accept) the balance of what I can and can't do at this moment. Add that to the fact I struggle to ask for and accept help when I need it (much to my own frustration and that of those around me :) Hence I wear myself out and down for a few days or a week or two in 24hrs....cycle repeat, cycle repeat.
So.....now I feel intense pressure ~Thanks again Rick, you know I say that in all good humour I hope :) to post some of those photos...give me a day or so to find some I've processed and I promise to upload.
I hope this makes sense too as its about 3am in the morning here....I've had a poor sleep awaiting a break in pain and was alerted to this thread via emails from FB at around 11pm. I was lost for words due to your care, ashamed of me, (a little embarrassed too) and didn't know how to reply straight away but thanks to the thunderstorm we are currently experiencing decided to log on and post to you.

Again Bless You all and I will (I promise) upload soon and hopefully do some commenting as well.

Hugs ~ SJ
March 1st, 2011
Sarah, we love you and care about you, though we don't know you...we know you through here (if that makes sense) and so I am glad you responded to this posting, I will continue praying for you and family, get strong and get well my online photo friend :)
March 1st, 2011
Oh Sarah Jane. It was so good to see your name today. You don't even need to post a single photo!! Just hop on the discussion board every now and then and check in. so many of us wonder how you are, and if you were to just slip away from us with no word, our hearts would be broken. You don't have to comment or post. Just stop in and say "hello". We all love you from afar, and hold you dear to our hearts.

P.S. It's never too late to quit being so bull headed and allow someone to help you with some of life's mundane chores so you can enjoy the precious moments, and get the rest that you need. Learn to accept it.

Giant (((hugs))) to you Sarah Jane!! This picture is for you!
March 1st, 2011
@sj --- Thanks for checking in even if it's only briefly. There are plenty of people who often think about you and want to send hugs to you. We all do what we can do and no matter what you believe we do not judge on the quality of photographs but the character behind them. Doing this 365 project will bring a change and distraction during your day and we support whatever works for you. (((( hugs to you )))
March 1st, 2011
@sj There is nothing I can say that everyone here has not already said ,but I am thinking of you regularly. I also don't care if you ever post a photo on here just so I get to see your name every once in a while! I'll continue to pray for you. I've even gotten my son saying your name in our prayers with him at night. :) :) Lots of hugs and love from here in Texas.
March 1st, 2011
@sj When I logged on, and seen that you had posted, I literally jumped in my seat and clapped my hands (lol - believe me its true, ask my coworker who is looking at me like I am some sort of idiot) ahh, it is so great to see you here! Thank you for checking in.

I dont think that any of us could ask you to dedicate precious time that should be spent with your family, or healing, to uploading, processing or taking photos. Although, I assume that is some sort of medicine to you :-) So, I a agree with Sheri, if you cant post, we get it. But, as you can see, lol, we cant just let you slip away :-) A little note on the forums here is enough. Enough to know that although you are struggling with your health at the moment, your strength continues to help you through. I wish I could bottle some energy, or good health and send it along to you. I really do. You are such a beautiful person, and, well, some days, 365 isnt the same without you........

So, thanks again, for checking in with us :-) Continued prayers are being sent your way!
March 1st, 2011
I believe from your posts that you're Christian. Something has struck me throughout your posts including this one. You are being robbed - spiritual attack. You are worthy. You are in His image. Don't let any evil tell you different.

I am in awe of your pictures - you capture God's beauty so wonderfully.

Post when you can and after that if you have energy you could comment - but mostly just post if you are up to it - or have someone upload for you once in a while - make this a 52 instead of 365 (once a week). If you don't then someone on here will miss you and worry about you - YOU ARE SO LOVED.
March 1st, 2011
((SJ)) It is good to see you posting here. We all miss you very much, and your beautiful pictures, but your health and your family must come first. Take care of yourself and stick your head in the door to say Hi whenever you feel able to. Sending healing and prayers to you, wishing you well. xxx
March 1st, 2011
@sj I was JUST thinking about you today and wondering how you were doing. Keep focused on getting stronger--don't feel like you're letting anyone down because you're not. Sending my best. best wishes to you.
March 1st, 2011
@sj Definitely don't feel the pressure to post photos, it is just lovely to hear from you as you have touched our lives. Always thinking of you xxx
March 1st, 2011
So good to hear from you
March 2nd, 2011
Sarah Jane, Just take care of your life, and enjoy the time with your family. Please, do not feel as though you need to post photos. That is not why we were wondering. You do not need that pressure. Just reserve your strength for you and your family. You have impacted all our lives, and we were concerned. We all understand. Lord Bless You.
March 2nd, 2011
It's good to hear from you SJ. I'd love to see any photos you post- don't worry that they are not good enough. The best thing about photos are what they say about the photographer, not their technical perfection (and what does that mean anyway?) But as others have said, don't feel pressured to post photos, and CERTAINLY don't feel pressured to view and comment on our photos. You are in my prayers.
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