Sorry :(

March 4th, 2011
I have noticed recently that I have been losing a few followers - although I am not on here to get large numbers of people following me but to take photos, it still makes me a bit sad when I see that number go down.

I don't know if it is for this reason or not, but I still feel I should say this so here goes:

I don't comment on other people's work nearly as much as I should/would like to. I simply don't have the time. For this I am really really really really really sorry and I hope that you don't all stop leaving lovely comments on my photos because it really makes my day to read them all. I know that you get out of this what you put into it.. if I don't comment why should I expect comments? Fair enough, and if you feel that way then I understand. But I thought I should explain because I do feel quite bad about this.

Here is my reason:
I am a college student, but not a particularly good one. I am not rude or disruptive or bad in any way, except that I am unbelievably disorganised. I am late for everything and I never hand in homework.. there is a list longer than my arm of things that I haven't done but should do, and the amount of late time I have accumulated is something of a record at college. So a few weeks ago I was given a dismissal warning.. basically I have to be the perfect student from now on, or else they kick me out.

I love 365 project and I am just getting started.. I have already got to know some amazing people and I feel like I am just scratching the surface. I love looking at all the incredible photography on here and participating in the discussions that go on and generally being a part of the community, but recently I have only had time to take my photo, upload it and write about it, before having to start work on homework or coursework or my job, or even just going to bed! (at the moment it is half past 3 in the morning.. I have to get up at 6 to go to college!)

I really want to get good grades in my A levels and go to university and get a degree.. but at the moment my college would not write me a good reference, and without that I wouldn't get a place at university. So I am working hard to change it and, although I am absolutely not going to stop taking photos and posting them every day, it does mean that I might not be as much of a part of the community as I would like, at least for a short while.

That turned into a bit of a whinge to be honest.. and I am sorry about that too! I hope you understand, and I do appreciate the fantastic feedback on my photos: even if I am not as active on here as I should be I still read every comment and I try my hardest to reply to them all.

So thank you everyone for being so lovely.. and I am sorry for not reciprocating!!! I hope this will improve soon and I will certainly try my best! In the meantime, Greg will continue to post his adventures and he hopes you enjoy them. :)
March 4th, 2011
Kate, I just signed up to follow you. I have seen your cute duck photos before. However, I did not know if I could help you or not. I will try to make helpful comments, but "duck still life" shots are a bit out of my comfort zone. I have been concentrating mostly on bird (live birds) shots and flower shots. I think your duck idea is very creative! I agree that there are some very talented photographers in this project! I like your creativity so I will enjoy following you.

I understand about not having the time to comment on every photo. I try to comment on the photos, but I know I am doing this hit and miss lately. I have some things going on in my life that are restricting the amount of time I have for the 365 project. With you going to school, I fully understand why you cannot comment often. I wish you the best with your studies!
March 4th, 2011
I'm still following! Love you photos of Gregs adventures! They crack me up to see what he is up to! Try not to get discouraged Kate! I understand how difficult it is to write on peoples photos. It can take me hours sometimes! Chin up. We love Greg and you! xx
March 4th, 2011
I have 1 follower :( So I'll follow you if you follow me :)
March 4th, 2011
Don't get down on yourself about it. You still have a ton of followers... and people stop following for many reasons. Some could have left the site, closed their accounts, or others may have just lost interest in rubber duck shots. It's nothing to beat your self up over, especially seeing how you still have a ton of followers, I think loosing a few isn't the end of the world.
March 4th, 2011
I don't think it's you Kate. I have noticed that I have just been out of whack with keeping up with commenting too. I will always follow Greg. Put your nose to the grind and get those good grades. You are a brilliant girl, and are capable of tons!!
March 4th, 2011
Kate please don't get down on yourself about it we all have things that come up in life that makes it hard to reply or comment on peoples photos. The way I see it even if you view without posting its still something. Collage and getting good grades should come 1st thats your life this is just a project in it. I love your Greg the Duck and always look forward to seeing his adventures... even if I don't post I still view them as I too have had a hiccup in posting as of late with having to share a PC with my husband while mine is in the shop. (hugs about losing followers)
March 4th, 2011
Don't be so hard on yourself. I have two points.
First, this idea of including Greg is one I had thought of doing before I got rolling. You are absolutely one I look forward to seeing because you are creative in the locations and in your comments.
Second, I am amazed that you are keeping up a college schedule and still keeping up with Greg. You have your priorities in the right place so keep up the school work.
You could lose 300 followers and you would still be way ahead of me. Lucky you. It is just reaffirmation that your project is so successful and that your talents are plentiful.
March 4th, 2011
Hang in there, Kate. It sounds like you're going through some rough times, but hopefully it will get better soon. I know you're busy and college is your #1 priority, but I hope you will still have a little bit of time each day to take a photo of Greg and post it. I look forward to seeing your photos and don't mind a bit if you're not able to reply or comment. Good luck and I hope things start going better for you soon!
March 4th, 2011
No worries Kate! It is all good. Good for you for putting school and getting good grades first! I am amazed you can do all the things you are trying to accomplish, a job, college, and dear Greg! I love Greg and his adventures. I love your sense of humor that shows with your project and your wit. You are very talented as a writer, a storyweaver, and a photographer. One day, perhaps, Greg will publish his own book of adventures and perhaps you may publish your book too! ; ). This project is fun and we learn from each other but the way I see it, it doesn't need to stress you out. Just enjoy your life, and do well in school so you can accomplish all the things you are capable of! I love what you have done with your project, it shows intelligence, creativity and humor. Enjoy life!
March 4th, 2011
P.S. I understand about the comments. You have to take care of your life and that comes first! No worries! Take care and I hope school and everything gets better for you!
March 4th, 2011
I don't think it's you. Maybe your other followers just finished their project that's why they're not here anymore. You still have a lot of us following you. Keep up the good work. Anyway, school should come first! I admire you for doing that! Don't stress too much about losing followers. You will get more with Greg and his wacky adventures. :))
March 4th, 2011
aaaaah it is just the way it is..... do not be discouraged - we are loving Greg's adventures.....

i have noticed this as well.. I actually have many followers who added me up but never ever, not even once, commented on anything I do... *SCRATCHES HEAD*.... I just SHUCKS iIT ALL to 365 life.... hahahahahaha....

I FOLLOW those I FOLLOW because I enjoy their posts.... just like yours.... sometimes life gets too busy so am lagging but I do make an effort to comment... :))

DON't BE DISCOURAGED.... Keep on Keeping on.... :))
March 4th, 2011
@katiegc24 Katie I am still with you... Keep up the good works, I do love your Greg's Adventures... keep it flowing. Life is like that. People in our lives come and go. Cheers!
March 4th, 2011
I will be following you til the end. I don't follow people just so they will comment on my photos, I follow because something has captured my interest in what they do. Chin up and keep smiling, your project is a lot of fun. I have been so busy lately it has been hard to keep up with my comments but I do what I can when I get the chance - that is how life is, so don't worry about it and just take your photos because you enjoy doing it!!
March 4th, 2011
Totaly agree with @jo365 . Dont beat yourself up about not commenting....good luck with all your work! I'm still following you, but also havent had a lot of time to comment. Your photos are brilliant. x
March 4th, 2011
@daisy - Thank you very much :) some constructive criticism would be great (all though not compulsory if you don't feel up to it!) because I am trying to improve my photography skills by doing this just like everyone else on here.. except involving a duck. I don't get many comments on how to improve composition/lighting etc etc so if you would like to help that was be awesome!

@shutterbunny - It makes me really happy to know that people enjoy looking at my photos, so thank you :D Yeah, it can take simply ages and I just don't have that time! But I will still try to look, even if I don't comment :) xx

@cmc1031 - Seems to me you have 7 followers now.. :P as a general rule I don't follow people purely because they followed me first.. I have to like their photographs too! Just had a look at yours and I especially like the one from 3rd March, fab shot! :D so I'm now following you. :)

@jessleeca - I suppose they do, yeah. I know it isn't the end of the world or anything, losing a few followers.. but it's nice to have lots of followers (I think photos are taken to be seen.. by the more people the better!) and if I thought "Ah well, it's just a couple, I've still got loads left." then I don't think it would be worth anyone following me. If you get to a stage when you have so many followers that you just don't care if a couple of them drop off the edge of the map I think that is quite sad.. I really value everyone who views, comments or fav's my photos, and it really makes me happy when I see I have even one new follower! I'm just grateful to everyone on here for being so nice :)

@petersonsheri - You're flattering me.. *blushes* thank you very much. I think quite a few people haven't been commenting as much recently, not sure if it is just that time of year or something.. I haven't noticed you not doing it though! You always say such lovely things on my photos :) thank you. I am hoping that if I work hard enough I can do *all* the crazy things I am trying to cram into my life at the moment!!

@relicsong - *hugs back* thank you :D the annoying part about losing followers is that there is no way to tell if they have just finished their project and deleted their account, or if they are really fed up with me and never want to see my photos again!! Never mind, eh? I do really enjoy just browsing everyone else's work, and it takes up a lot less time than commenting.. I spend a lot of time doing that at college! My grades are coming first.. but enjoying myself is coming a close second and I really enjoy the 365 project, so I will try my utmost to keep doing it to the best of my abilities :)

@tobe - If you already thought of it, maybe you should give it a go? Pick one of your Winnies perhaps :) I love taking Greg everywhere with me, and getting weird looks from people when I take photos, and I love giving him a mind of his own, with thoughts and feelings and emotions. Its great fun :) I am glad you enjoy looking at my photos.. I try very hard to come up with good ideas for shots; more often than not my ideas don't work, once I've tried them, so I have to come up with others! Very frustrating.. but fun too :) trying to do all my college work and fit in everything else I do can be tough.. but Greg is number 1 priority (after college, and my job) because I love photography so much! I don't think the number of followers you have is an indication of how successful your project is: how happy you are with it is all that matters (although it is nice to have lots of people to look at your photos it's your project after all!) but thank you very much, I do try very hard with this.. even though it is a bit silly!

@dawnie - I hope it will get better soon too!! Thank you for your support and kind words, it means so much to me :) college is my top priority, but I would never neglect Greg.. which is why sometimes at 5 to midnight I am running around my house with Greg going "WHERE CAN I PUT HIM?? WHAT WOULD BE A GOOD SHOT?? I HAVEN'T GOT ONE YET! AAAARRGH!!!!" It drives me crazy when the date stamp is wrong! :P thank you very much for being so understanding, I really really appreciate it :)
March 4th, 2011
@potsbypam - Wow, I don't know what to say to all those incredible compliments!!! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! It has been said by quite a few people that I am trying to fit too much into my life at the moment (not only do I have college and Greg, but my job as a music teacher is very time consuming as I am currently preparing a couple of my students for exams at the end of this term.. and I am a Scout Leader and a sailing instructor and I do a bit of competitive sailing myself, in competitions around the country. Add in that I am *expected* to get A grades in everything..!!!) Thank you so much for your support and kindness, I am so grateful to you and everyone else who has said such lovely things on this discussion and also in comments on my photos. The community on here is truly awesome :D

@carrieoakey - I would like to think it isn't my fault! Thank you.. :) I couldn't believe the initial response to Greg's project idea.. after just 2 months nearly 300 followers, I never thought it would be so popular! I just thought it was a silly bit of fun :P college does come first: I can get into my career without photos of a duck every day for a year.. but not without A levels! So unfortunately it has to go that way round. But Greg will be filling up your newsfeed for another 203 days yet!

@rudit - I am very sorry but I'm afraid I may be one of those people.. but I do love looking at your work, getting a glimpse into somebody else's life, a bit of different culture.. it's all fascinating! (I just looked and it turns out I wasn't actually following you.. which is weird because actually I look at your project quite a lot.. I think that is because you comment on my photos so I click on you and have a look.. but I forgot to click on 'follow'. My bad.. following now!) I only follow people whose photography I like, I just wish I had more time to tell them about it!!! Thank you for being so supportive :)

@ddantic - Thank you very much :) I am glad you are enjoying Greg's project! Life is indeed like that.. I suppose I have just been feeling guilty that you all write such lovely things on my photos, but I don't have the time to reciprocate. Thank you for being so nice to me :D

@jo365 - That is why I follow people too. I don't see the point in following people whose work I don't like looking at, and I certainly don't expect tons of comments! I understand completely where you're coming from.. It is tough to fit everything in sometimes, and there is so much fantastic work on here that I couldn't possibly comment on all of it.. I wish I could just say to some people "I love *ALL* your photos!!!" this project is definitely one of the best things I have ever done and I am loving every minute of it.. just gotta see if I can make it to the end now :P

@looseimages - Thank you very much :D it means a lot to me that you are following me, and if you just have a look that is still great, commenting is definitely not compulsory! Again, thank you :) x
March 4th, 2011
I guess you know I follow you cos I love seeing what you and Greg have got up to, I also guess that you didn't join with the sole purpose being to get a thousand followers!

So don't worry about it, If you Follow me (or not) fine :-) If you comment (or not) also fine. I needed to spend less time on here too, so I now limit how many photo's I comment on or I would be on here all day :-(

I've since noticed that I am missing loads of photo's that people are posting and I have been backtracking through peoples albums to catch up!

Hope no one minds as you all inspire me so much! :-)
March 4th, 2011
@pete21 - Thank you :) I am glad you enjoy reading about Greg's adventures, and you are right, I didn't think I would get *any* followers when I started.. in fact when I set up my account and posted my first photo I didn't even know there was a 'follow' button!! Thank you for being so laid back about it all.. some people on here get really stressed out, which I don't think is the point of this at all. However I do think I should say that I love following you and seeing your photos, I don't comment as much as I should but I think your shots are often some of my favourites on here :) especially the ones with the teddys, they just make me go all soppy because they are so cute.. and the shots are always really well put together as well :)

I am sure no-one minds.. :) I think you comment on my photos fairly regularly and it's really nice to know that you are interested enough in them to look! So thank you :)
March 4th, 2011
Shouldn't you be doing your school work???? lol!
March 4th, 2011
@petersonsheri - LOL.. I wasn't very well today so I had a day off college. Also, the type of courses I do requires that the majority of my work is done at college.. so I spend a lot of extra time there, but when I am not there there isn't as much to do! That said I do have some homework I should be getting on with.... :P
March 4th, 2011
I follow you because I liek the duck photos! I have very few followers but I came here to make a picture blog of my year so I can look back & remember what we did (some days not very much!) Everyone is here for different reasons, I don't think you shoudl worry about the num,ber of followers, keep up your work on here & at college and take care of you & Greg!

March 4th, 2011
im stil following your creativity but again I dont seem to find the time to comment on lots of photos!!!! keep up the hard work hun
March 4th, 2011
I don't know how you do all of that and follow all the people you do, bravo to you. I enjoy your posts, keep them coming. I follow a third of the people you do and I have trouble with that with all that is my life.

Bottom line is don't stress, this isn't some sort of competition and as long as you can pop on and upload, that should be enough. Comment when you have time and also this discussion is a good way to let your followers know why you haven't been able to comment. I have time most days because I am at work and I can look back and forth every so often. Most people don't have that luxury. I can't upload or edit from work though, so I have to find time at home (usually late at night like you) to do that.
March 4th, 2011
@Kate Marsden! I agree don't stress! Greg is awesome! Keep it up! I've started a new story with mine about coconut the Ty Beanie baby. It's going to be interesting. You inspried the idea! I hope that you keep it up. I understand about having a busy schedual, just about everybody does. I'm not very good at critiques sometimes. I'll do better about saying something too. Sometimes I look but not sure how to say something more than "amazing" or "Cute". But you do have to get sleep & prioritise your scedual. Take Care! :)
March 4th, 2011
I follow You :) Ok I dont always comment on everyones photos but I dont get time to, Ive lost Followers too but I do try to follow everyone that follows Me but can't always get on here. I love Gregs Adventures they are great.
March 4th, 2011
Kate, I almost never write a comment, becaus - like you- I'm a very busy girl. But this is a way of letting you know that I really love your photo's!
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