getting addicted to this 365project

March 30th, 2010
i'm getting addicted to this 365project..
sharing my picture, seeing friends, get inspired by others, upgrading technique...

..almost everyday i grab my camera (gear) with me...

is it just me, or you guys feel it to?
March 30th, 2010
I am DEFINITELY addicted :)
March 30th, 2010
I am right there with you! Love the progress I am seeing in my own work, love watching others grow around me, love the new friends I am making and meeting... Love this project!
March 30th, 2010
so addicted, I'm always on browsing through pictures...My daughter said just yesterday, you're too addicted Mom! But then she sat next to me to look as well!
March 30th, 2010
haha it's also contagious then..
March 30th, 2010
Me too! I love seeing what everyone is up to and how each photographer progresses. There is such growth in this community.
March 30th, 2010
Lately, I'm getting up two hours earlier than normal & going to bed two hours later. I always refused to joing Face Book because I didn't imagine you could really make friends in that fashion... I had no idea that here I'd watch people's stories evolve through their photos and writing, and though exchanged comments we'd come to know one another.

Why do I write comments on so many sites? If I chose to follow, I respect that you've let me in, and seeing your work as I scroll down my home page, I'm compelled to share my thoughts when I know the lengths you've gone to to make a photo representative of the day...and often to great artistic lengths beyond that. I Immensely appreciate that some of you have chosen to follow me, and I try to go through that list with some regularity and see your photography, too. By now you all realize I like to chat & have an opinion about everything :-) Dropping into the Browse page, I'll leave comments for a few people I might not meet otherwise, as I know the delight, myself, in receiving feedback. And on the Popular page, I love seeing the selected works and adding my congratulations to some very outstanding photographers.

I'm retired, so I have the time to indulge this addiction, but see periods ahead when I'll be quite busy with summer house-guests and travels. I plan & hope to post a photo daily, but (addiction), I'll feel badly that I may have to cut back on writing everyone when that time comes.

As a community, you inspire me, cheer me & give me a reason to improve (as I'm no longer working in a vaccuum). I love the teasing and the banter, though being "The Squirrel Lady" was never on my resume prior to my *daily* quest for a photo. The pleasure in it now, is that I found a way to be good at something until I can improve on the next thing to come my way. It's my place to keep a journal in the form that suits me best **this spoken to my daughter who encourages me to write & create some art**.

Addiction? I'm known for never doing things half-way, so here I am with my photos, my writing, my opinion & my enthusiasm, and I'm around here about 4 extra hours a day beyond my norm. At this rate, I should have the opportunity to add a "Sunrise" picture as it's becoming a part of my day!
March 30th, 2010
oh yes, camera lives in my purse now.
March 30th, 2010
*YIKES* If I'm not "the most addicted", I'm certainly the most verbose! Sorry about that!
March 30th, 2010
haha... i think whoever the "camera" inventor should responsible for this..and win the nobel prize.

i wish have more spare time to hunt some good capture..
March 30th, 2010
So so so much worse (in addiction terms) than Facebook and way old addiction eBay ...
March 30th, 2010
Ha! Louise! Don't stop doin' what you're doin' - we love it!

Yes, I must say that I'm addicted, too, and am already worried that I might not have the time to devote to pics or perusals once summertime activities kick-in. I am definitely spending much more time on board than when I first began throwing up some quick snaps. However, I have learned a great deal since then and have so enjoyed the comradrie of the community, that it has been well worth it. :-)
March 30th, 2010
Yea way too much quite bad actaully, finding myself on it most nights. I spend way more time on this then facebook, although that dropped off radar ages ago anyway. Not good either, as I should be studying really. Opps.
March 30th, 2010
Yes I'm addicted too, doesn't the time fly by when you are looking at other peoples' pics? Between this site and the web cam of the barn owl nestbox, I'm hardly off the computer!!
March 30th, 2010
yep, me, too --- addicted, that is! Whenever I'm sitting in my overstuffed chair with the laptop on my lap, my husband no longer asks, "Looking at pictures again?" He knows! And, he is also amazed at how long it takes me to select, edit, etc a picture to post! (There are people out there watching - it has to be the best I can make it!!!) LOL!
March 30th, 2010
the addiction comes from the fact that we are learning new things everyday, from our own shots, from other 365 addicts, and from people around us who see us having fun and grow with the project...loving every bit of this, especially now that i am seeing so much beauty wherever i go! a sudden trip to the shop to buy what's not in the fridge is no longer an errand, because instantly i would think of it as an opportunity to take photos...etc.etc.etc.
March 30th, 2010
Everyone loves Louise! She's a kick!

Well, one thing for certain this site is keeping me sane right now.
March 30th, 2010's the fun we have together...thank you...
March 30th, 2010
... yes i love louise too , i love to read all her comments not just on my shots but everyones i can find , its one of my highlights !!!

but yep im very addictive , always thinking of the next shot , dont go anywhere without my camera and i even dream about the dam thing .I wake up for that 3am toilet run and think about good ideas lol
so yep im addictive ... also love the ppl on here :)
March 30th, 2010
Yes I'm quite addicted...... I like this site / community much better than the others out there. I started 365 on my own to improve and learn photography. I was posting them on Flickr but I didn't know about this site till I saw one of my friends facebook post I browsed and I was hooked right away. and the best part is that it's not a blocked site at work.... :-)

PS. Louise You're the best. You could write a book and I'd read it.... Everyone keep up the great work We still have 277? Days left.
March 30th, 2010
Definitely addictive! I love nosing into everyone's worlds. I love all the friendly comments and I love looking at the world in terms of potential pictures (something that is very new to me as I'm a writer and have always dealt in words not images before). I'm seriously considering whether I need to put a time-limit on how long I can use this site per day though, like we do with the kids' x-box time!
March 30th, 2010
aha... a time limiter, really good idea. I'll try this one.
March 30th, 2010
Oh yes I'm addicted..! I often sign on during lunch and will spend many hours in the evening flicking through if allowed. My g/friend use to complain I didn't do much in my spare time... I'm awaiting her moaning she has lost me to the 365 project... haha.

I think Louise sums it up nicely about this site and many congrats must go to Ross for setting it up and those that help him whilst he's been galivanting around the world enjoying himself...

Not sure I've improved but think I have, so 'All Is Good' (as they say in Three Idiots)... Check out the Hindi movie for the saying... v funny film
March 30th, 2010
lol glad to hear im not the only one im obsessed and i gotta get that perfect pic everyday right now i wake up knowing what my pic is gonna be that day but i know its gonna get interesting here soon after i have done all my family and branch out into other subjects.
March 30th, 2010
Yes, it is addictive. I'm on Facebook as well and use that mainly to chat to friends whom I've known already. This forum has opened up a whole new set of friends who have a common interest. I like the way that it is global. When I get up the East Asian and Australian folk have already posted and then I can't wait until the US and Canada people rise and begin to post and comment...all day...all night.... there are photographers who never leave home without a camera. My smallest is always in my pocket and once I've decided on today's picture my mind begins to explore the possibilities for tomorrow. This sounds very like an addiction.
March 30th, 2010
Definitely addicted. I check this almost as much as I check facebook and it's always more interesting. I just love how much we are a community and when important things happen they are shared with people. I also like that there are all these people who I'm following and who are following me that I feel like I'm getting to know, almost to the point where some could be called friends. Which seems odd given that I've never met any of the people I follow, but what we share are details of us that maybe not everyone sees. Does that make sense to anyone else?
March 31st, 2010
Hello, I'm Allison and I'm a 365 Project addict.There are only 24 hours in your day, no matter who you are, so as my time spent on 365 increases I seem to have lost my interest in twitter or FB. I've never had such an immediate affinity with a group as I have with this project. It's good to know I'm not the only one.
March 31st, 2010
Oh I am so addicted. It's great to see so many talented photographers & also to catch a little glimpse into the lives of others. I love seeing photos from people all around the world. I am so inspired by the more talented and find myself trying to figure out how they did that..
I actually wish I could spend more time on here so I could comment more...and I am started to feel work is intruding on my photo time!
March 31st, 2010
I'd say so. :)
March 31st, 2010
TOTALLY Addicted. I wish I had more time to read posts and post comments. I am seeing improvement in my photography and really enjoy meeting so many new friends on-line. You are all so inspiring. I have so many photos I want to try now, after seeing so many great shots!
March 31st, 2010
My name is Wes and I am addicted to 365project. Soemtimes there are not enough free hours in the day to view all the pictures that I want to view and comment on all the pictures that I do view.
March 31st, 2010
My name's Ed and I'm addicted to

*Waits for the numerous "Hi Ed"'s*
March 31st, 2010
I'm game...Hi Ed!
March 31st, 2010
Louise, I just loved what you wrote up further. I'm definitely addicted. I really get angry with myself when I haven't got the shot I want for the day. Too much of a perfectionist I guess. It's great to have people comment and leave lovely messages on our pages.
March 31st, 2010
right there with you.
March 31st, 2010
I'm game too... Hi Ed! I have to say, this site is very addictive. I love it. We need a fourm of trade secrets (hint hint all you great photogs!)
March 31st, 2010
I'm addicted too, but I figure that since it's not bad for me, it's a good addiction. It's actually helping me to get through the day, so...then I think I'll keep on with this addiction.
March 31st, 2010
Hi Ed! It is addictive. I feel somewhat naked if I leave the house without my camera.
April 1st, 2010
Very addicted! I spend my breaks at work taking photos and often my evenings, too. I become more addicted the more great people I meet on here and the more great photography I see! I now take my camera everywhere, I feel strange without it.
April 1st, 2010
absolutely :)
i am going to take a brief hiatus from commenting as i try to finish my MPH thesis in the next 3 weeks, but i will still be posting, following and loving every minute.
April 1st, 2010
I def am! I actually just got a new Canon EOS for my birthday. I've fallen in love with photography because of 365!
April 1st, 2010
Ditto...I can say that this site has definitely made me more observant to the world around me.. Now everything I see is a possible photo op and everyone's photos serve as great inspiration. Love this project, its both challenging and satisfying!
April 1st, 2010
Hi everybody!

I take my camera to work with me and go out for walks at lunchtime in search of the elusive photo op ... My family often suggest ideas for a photo if I haven't got anything, though that may just be an excuse to get me out of the house!

Agree with JennyLee - I see everything now as a photo, and often find myself thinking to myself about how the light strikes something or a particular sunset.

Still ... it gets me out!
April 1st, 2010
I whole heartedly agree with Louise I too get up earlier and spend a lot of time on this project during the day as well as the evening hours. there are too many comments to read and way too many pictures to admire. take a picture a day post it and finished boy was I mistaken I also find that facebook is getting a little boring since I joined our project and maybe also because most of my friends my age and older have no computer their saying alway is "why should I still learn all of that when I can watch it on TV" mainly news husband says I spendto much time on the computer he does'nt get a chance to use it anymore.good thing he has a laptop or I would be in trouble. Used to watch TV quite a bit but no more now this project is a lot more interesting especially because you get to know other peole from all over i find that very interesting to see how they live and where they are from it shows in their pictures and their comments. Thank you everyone for sharing. and yes I am addicted.
April 2nd, 2010
Yes I'm an addict too! I can totally relate to Rachael's comments about it being more interesting than Facebook. I love my friends and family but... this connects people that share similar interests. Very strange but so happy to have this experience. I love this community but also share the same thoughts that with summer approaching things might get a little busy. We'll see!
April 2nd, 2010
I know I am hooked when I am thinking about my picture to post everyday. When I am traveling I feel sad when I cannot get a picture online. This project has made me aware of the gift of photography and has allowed me to meet so many encouraging people.
Yup I am addicted and I can't wait to get home so I can catch up with the pictures I took while on vacation.
April 2nd, 2010
Here's another great thing about this addiction: it doesn't have to cost you a cent. With a digital camera there is no film or processing charge and once you have your camera, you don't have to upgrade unless you want to. Most hobbies begin to get expensive as you get more deeply involved, but 365 is the exception.
April 2nd, 2010
Hi Ed! And I just love your comments Louise!!! There are some days I post a photo and find myself waiting for comments from a couple of you in particular. I do this for myself but the banter with each of you is what makes it so enjoyable!
April 3rd, 2010
I'm totally addicted and trying to stay true to taking pictures every day! My daughter may be sick of it soon, but for now, she humors me - and is making me a better photographer! ;)
April 3rd, 2010
hahah yepp... you're not alone!
April 3rd, 2010
Hi Ed!!.. I'm addicted as well.
April 3rd, 2010
Yes ... it is an addiction.

I am actually into my second year on another (my own) blog and only recently discovered this vehicle.

Yes. Year Two. If there was any question of it being an addiction, that question has long since been erased .....
April 3rd, 2010
By Christmas we're all going to be trying to figure out how we can keep the group together! ...addiction...
April 3rd, 2010
Definitely addicted! I love that I am seeing new ideas in my own work as well as being challenged by others amazing talents. It's so enjoyable to interact with others on here. I am always thinking of what my next picture could be. Enjoying every moment and am so glad I joined the group.
April 3rd, 2010
If you are reading this, you too are addicted to
April 3rd, 2010
Hello, my name is Michael and I am addicted to project365.
April 3rd, 2010
In unison..."Hi, Michael."
April 3rd, 2010
I'm a full time working mom and i can't tell you how much i am addicted to this project, it totally surprised me. I'm usually a very "cool headed" person, I might like doing something but I have never been addicted to anything. But with this project, let me just tell you this: I turn on the computer first thing when i get home from work, even before i make dinner for my family, and it is the last thing i see before i got to bed. At weekend i will be on the site ALL DAY if i'm not going out. even my husband said that i'm a little too addicted to this project. But truthfully, who wouldn't?! you meet so many friendly, nice, cool people, they let you have a peek of their lives through their daily photos, they encourage you, support you, give you suggestion... they are there when you are sick, when you have a bad day or when you have a great day! i can honestly say that life is better with 365 project! When i had some uploading problem a few weeks ago and couldn't post my photos for a week, i totally felt that i lost something dear to my heart, i was so frustrated, and my 365 friends kept supporting me, encouraging me even without seeing my photos! when i finally got that problem solved, everybody was cheering for me and welcoming me back, it really warmed my heart. i try to make comments to everybody that i follow but sometimes i just don't have enough time, so i apologize to those who i haven't been writing comments so much. I will try do better :)
April 3rd, 2010

Yes,I'm addicted too,and I've questioned myself if I should not care about this as I always post at the end of the day,when I can find the best picture for the best thing that's happened to the day.I go to bed late because I need to post and write for this project,but participating on 365 is definitely rewarding.I'm also happy to be back in touch with an old friend almost on a daily basis now,and have met some nice people to support me when I'm down/ill,and I've got two lovely postcards from one of the friends on the list who I've just met here!

Now when I do come home late on a train,I'll just write on the train and type it when I come home,it saves time!

April 3rd, 2010
So addicted I wake in the night to think where I might find a great picture. Camera is ever present.
April 3rd, 2010
Since starting this I've deleted my Facebook account plus my Twitter one, and have stopped writing an almost daily blog.

There's more to life sitting in front of a computer, I do that 8 hours a day due to my job so coming home and spending even more hours doesn't make sense. I love the weekends when I can take my camera and go ... I love my lunch hours when I can walk the streets of London near where I work and almost always find something of interest.

Oh ... and "Hi Michael!"
April 4th, 2010
I must be more than an addict. I think I'm a dealer. I'm luring other people into this project. When meeting up with friends we had a lively discussion about the project. Although I hang out with these friends sporadically we are connected through facebook. They haven't commented upon the pictures in my profile but they had been avidly following along. Two of them decided that they would start their own project on their birthdays. Mady and Barb are well-entrenched and are feeding their own addictions here.

April 4th, 2010
Im totally getting addicted.
Its great! my main focus has always been animal photography, but since I started this site I have actually been taking the time to set up shots I could be bothered setting up before :)

April 4th, 2010
Oh yes, totally addicted and loving the sense of community....we're getting to know so many people through their pictures and the little windows that each of us opens every time we post a picture.
April 4th, 2010
Definitely addicted. Never knew I could get so involved in anything. I have always loved taking pics and always had my camera with me even before 365 but now as many have said...I am framing shots every time I walk out the door, drive in my car, or even just walking around the house. I have learned so much about so many things and about so many people all over the world through this project and I am only on Day 94. As Louise said, we are all going to go into panic mode come the end of Dec (for those of us who began Jan 1.) You are all important to me. I love following your life stories as much as I do your photos. I really wish there was a way for all of us to meet up one day, but I think we may just have to stay on the 365 project forever so as not to lose touch ;-)
April 4th, 2010
defently addicted im always waiting for coments
April 5th, 2010
Yes...I'm an addict! I confess! I love this project and I love this great group of new friends. Thus far it has been a very pleasant experience!
April 5th, 2010
Suddenly on Jan 1, 2011 Ross is going to be deluged with Ace memberships so we can stay on! I don't want to lose any of you!
April 5th, 2010
woah. this is a LONG discussion :) I LIKE it :) so we're ALL addicted!! how wondeful...we'll all be addicted and grow closer and increase our love for photography together ;)

and may be verbose....but that's you, and that's awesome :) we all love you.
April 5th, 2010
I started this 4 days ago, and already I can't wait for tomorrow, to see what I can find to photograph. I am using a HP point and shoot, and would like to get a Nikon CoolPix a bit later. Obviously already addicted, I should be getting things ready for work tomorrow, and here I sit looking at pictures. LOL.. Nice to meet you all.
April 5th, 2010
i joined the 1-10 challenge and the last few nights i haven't been able to sleep properly because i keep thinking of what i can take photos of. i don't know if i can keep this up, i'm so tired!
April 5th, 2010
Found out today what a lovely community this is!
But yes, I think I am addicted....
April 5th, 2010
I am totally addicted. I don't feel complete without my camera now! And it's a good fun, challenge!
April 6th, 2010
"I'm a junkie... I like the lifestyle"
April 6th, 2010
Yup me too. Sitting here in my pj's before my shower, then when I do my daily business I carry the camera around with me so as not to miss an opportunity. Then at the end of the afternoon I upload to the computer, do some editing, choose a shot and post. I then spend time browsing and scrolling down the home page. I gave up fags and gained 365! A much healthier addiction i might add.
April 6th, 2010
I am totally addicted. Though, I think people were more interested in me before my grandson was born. Now all I do is take pictures with him. I have a point and shoot camera but I find I love taking photos with my iPhone. It is great just to have it with me and snap a photo when I see something that interests me. This is such a learning experience. I see what influences me every day.
April 6th, 2010
As one who used to sleep until 9 AM pre-365, I must share that it's 6:45 AM, I've already been up for 45 minutes, and I just took my first "Sunrise" photo...several in fact...from my bedroom window. Prior to this, I'd only seen this phemonum in photos ;-)
April 6th, 2010
we should keep this running for us addicts. lol.. I too am addicted.. it is really opening up my mind and my eye for what to shoot.. and how.. getting ideas from others wonderful photos and talent as well as having an outlet for critique etc for my own work.. yup.. addicted!
April 7th, 2010
A total Addict. All i need now is a lens which i don' t have to hold on by prayer and sellotape, then i'll be away!
April 7th, 2010
I started to write out about a vivid dream I had the other night about trying to round up a group of six clowns for my numbers theme challenge, but seeing it in writing was too weird even for me!

But this "dream" thing...has that happened to anyone else? It's time I take a break and go on vacation I think!
April 7th, 2010
'it' become a dream (or nightmare to fulfill theme challenge)..
.... WOW, i think you (Louise) stepping into another level of addiction!!!

April 7th, 2010
Well, here I am reading this thread instead of packing up my laptop to go catch my train. Curse you all! XD Just as well my friends and family are vaguely interested in my project or I'd bore them all to death talking about photography all the time
April 7th, 2010
My problem is becoming that i'm so addicted to seeing everyone elses work that i don't have time left for my own shots. Ahhhhhh!
April 7th, 2010
I'm not alone! Elizabeth Hanna in Belfast wrote me that she'd been having a 365 dream, too! I felt compelled to share :-)
April 8th, 2010 Look what I just came across! I hope she won't mind that I share!
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