Looking for some feedback on a personal camera project

June 6th, 2022
TL;DR: I finished a pet project to motivate me to take more pictures and am looking for feedback. It's a light-hearted mobile game where you take pictures of prompts and vote on your favorites. (It's similar to theme competitions here.) If you're interested in trying it out and have an Android phone, please let me know!

Edit: you can fill out this form if you're interested!

Several years ago, while I was in college, I made a personal goal of improving my photography skills. Of course, when learning any new skill, dedication and discipline are crucial. And it's easy to let things slip when you have classes to worry about, internships to apply for...you know how it goes.

I tried to come up with ideas to help motivate me to keep taking pictures. 365s were really helpful (for example, I spent a year or two taking pictures of the sky every day) for discipline, but I wanted something additional to help stimulate my creativity.

At the time, I was studying design and digital play, and I was really interested in positive community-building and group play. I kept trying to merge the two concepts: what would it look like to build a community focused on group motivation and competitive creativity?

I was also really interested in disposable cameras and toy cameras at the time. (Actually, I still am!) I like that you don't know exactly how the picture's going to turn out. And the fact that you have a limited number of takes means that you can't just keep shooting until you get the perfect shot.

Eventually, I came up with an app that merged all of these ideas and started working on it. I finished a prototype and tried it out with a few friends, and it was a lot of fun. But then life got in the way—I graduated, got a job, started and finished other personal projects...

Now, over a decade later, I've finally decided to finish that project. I'm looking for some volunteers to help me test it out and give feedback.

I'm specifically looking for those who:

+ Have an Android phone with a camera (sorry, nothing for iPhone yet)
+ Feel comfortable taking pictures of various themed prompts and voting on other's photos
+ Don't mind giving feedback about the game

If you fit that description, let me know! Feel free to message me for more information. Thanks in advance :)
June 7th, 2022
unfortunately i dont have a phone but sounds fun, good luck
June 7th, 2022
June 7th, 2022
Hello M!
I am willing to give this a try! My phone is a Samsung A40. Not much of a camera, but quite all right.
June 7th, 2022
Sorry, no Android here, iPhone. Good luck though, seems like a cool idea.
June 7th, 2022
I recently realized that there's not really a concept of DMs on this forum, but @monikozi I'm thankful you're willing!

Instead of DMing, I'll link to this form:

It asks for an email, but I promise I won't spam you...it will just be used to grant you access to the Android app and email you when the game is ready to start once I have a a few more people join.
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