Luminar Bundle

December 16th, 2022
I'm not sure that I understand the products, but there's a hefty bundle of Luminar applications and add-ons being offered for $20 right now at Humble Bundle, if anyone is interested. I'll probably pick it up myself just to give it a whirl.
December 16th, 2022
Thanks. I never heard of this Humble Bumble before.
December 16th, 2022
@jeffjones They've been around since 2010 and have raised millions of dollars for charities from their bundle sales. I'm not affiliated with them, besides buying too many bundles over the years :p
December 16th, 2022
Humble Bundle is great! How is Luminar? Do you use their products?
December 16th, 2022
@johnmaguire Never have. I did wind up buying, downloading, and installing everything. So I'll have to give it a go and see how it all works. Not at all overwhelming, what with me trying to wrap my head around Lightroom at the same time...
December 18th, 2022
@heftler I'd be curious to hear what you think of Luminar. I'm a lightroom gal too.

I'm a little afraid to browse through Humble at fear I'll find too many interesting things.
December 18th, 2022
@kuva It's mostly computer games, so if that's not your thing you probably don't have too much to worry about.

The Luminar ecosystem is perplexing - I suspect (without doing much research) that the three applications that are part of the bundle were largely rolled into Skylum's latest, Luminar Neo (which probably helps explain and justify the excellent deal), which they have a subscription for similar to LR. I suppose you could use Luminar AI akin to LR, but I think that would be difficult. Instead, I suspect the main use case is using LR for importing/managing/basics, and using Luminar AI for fun stuff. Neo may be a fuller replacement.
December 18th, 2022
@heftler luckily for me, I already own the games that popped up on the home screen of Humble for me. But otherwise, yes, dangerous!

Fun editing stuff is fun! Now that you describe it that way, I think I have used a luminar product once before, for fun stuff.
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