Sentimental Pics

March 12th, 2011
I took this picture last night and it was so heartwarming to work with my son but also so sad to see him have to cope at such a young age. This is my most sentimental picture and I thought it would be great to see some of your pictures that you keep closest to your heart and also read the stories behind them.♥


This is my son, Skyler, holding his Nana Nora's urn. Nora is my girlfriend's mother. Skyler and Nora had a special bond. She always treated him as her own. At the time, she was the only grandma he had ever known because my mom wasn't around much.

Nora was taken from us unexpectedly when she was just 43 years old because of a life long struggle with addiction. The bracelet my son is wearing says, 'Remember N.O.R.A.' On the other side it says, 'CHOOSE LIFE'. N.O.R.A. stands for 'Network Of Recovery Angels," which is a non-profit organization ran by her two daughters, Elizabeth and Kristina. It supports recovering addicts. If you are interested in a bracelet visit:!/pages/NORA/132144266852824.

Nora passed away June 24, 2009. Her headstone has recently been finished, so we are now ready to bury her ashes. She was a feisty, Irish red-head who loved St. Patrick's Day, so it seemed only obvious to do it on the 17th.

Skyler's birthday is also St. Patrick's Day, he will be 10 this year. We weren't sure how he was going to react to laying her to rest on his birthday, but he knows that it only brings them closer. This year, St. Patrick's Day is going to be extra special as it is a day to celebrate both Skyler's life and Nora's.
March 12th, 2011
Thats one hell of a beautiful Urn. and a heart touching story.. So glad that Skyler has this connection with Nora... :)
March 12th, 2011
I recently took a trip to where my 91 year old grandmother lives to deal with her diagnosis of Alzheimers and issues of [boarder-line] hoarding. It was good for her and the rest of the family that I went and dealt with these issues, but it was also a blessing for me to spend time with her and have her share stories. Her long-term memory is still pretty good but deteriorating. There's a lot of living and loving behind those eyes.
March 12th, 2011
@kole what a touching story and connection. happy st. patricks day to you all.
March 12th, 2011
I have quite a few that are sentimental, but I chose this one because it's sentimental for a happy reason.

These are the happiest days
"These are the happiest days," is something that Ana has been saying the past two days. I couldn't agree more! My children amaze me every single day...
March 12th, 2011
That is one touching story, with a wonderful photo. and that urn is also fantastic!
March 12th, 2011
@kole Fabulous picture and beautiful story. Sorry for your loss.
March 12th, 2011

This is not only one of the only pictures we have of the 5 of them, it is the ONLY one we have of all of them... GETTING ALONG.

Lol.. "They" are my partner (@Kole) and I's 2 kids (#23 and the smallest boy) and her 3 siblings (two white shirts and smallest girl) that live with us.
March 12th, 2011

This is my father. He has stage four, metastatic prostate cancer. He has had numerous treatments, including radiation and 3 different chemos. This past fall, after having the longest series of treatments his doctor has heard of, the treatment stopped working.This week, we found out his PSA jumped from around 300, to 1400. (300 is already a bad number, ideally, it should be under 3)
His sisu (finnish for perseverance) has kept him here with us, and in good spirits, considering the odds. 10 years ago my parents bought a two-family house, so 'their granddaughter could live with them without living with them'. All in all it, has worked out, for the last few years all that extra time spent together.
March 12th, 2011
I have shared this picture before, but it is truly my favorite. This is my son at his last high school football game. He was just disgusted with how the game was going, and they did lose. He, however, had a great year and made all-conference for running back, tailback.
March 12th, 2011
My friend Bobbie Lynn. She was battling ALL at the time, which is a form of childhood leukemia that doesn't have a very good success rate in adults. We had gone to lunch that day and I had my little point and shoot camera with me and asked her if we could go down the road to the Henry Ford Mansion so I could take her picture really quickly. She had just gone through a chemo treatment an hour before lunch that day. She has a wig on, which she was SO happy to find since it looked a lot like her real hair.

Unfortunately, she passed away not long after she had a bone marrow transplant. I used one of the photos from that day to create a memorial card for her. Her family used the card to give out at her funeral. It's been a rough time for her family since they buried two toddlers (her grandchildren) just one year before, after they died in a house fire.

March 12th, 2011
@chevymom @cdford @myla @kdutson @cfitzgerald @dvarey Thank you guys for posting your stories. It is eye opening to go back and look through photos that after time turn in to so much more because of life and what happens in it.

@chevymom I am very sorry for your loss... and how precious of a picture to have!
@cdford Great picture.. I like that your photo is light hearted yet dramatic and has a great story and congrats to your baby!!
@myla How blessed to have that cherished time with him!! It always surprises me when people fight the odds over and over again.
@kdutson I love that you were able to capture them together and having a good time... it isn't that they don't get along, it just seems impossible to capture it... also congratulations Coach Dutson on your championship this year and to all the kiddos they each won their Divisions Championship!!
@cfitzgerald Thank you for your thoughts.
@myla Thank you for your thoughts. Nora's husband Rhett who is also the kids' Papa Rhett bought one for Kristina and Elizabeth. Such a wonderful man!
@cfitzgerald What a beautiful little girl.. I ♥ it!!!!!
@dvarey Thank you.. and to you as well! What an amazing picture. My grandma suffered from Alzheimers as well.. it is a terrible illness...I am glad you got to spend some much appreciated time with her.
@nikkers Thank you.. I am too... he is quite the little boy and I am very glad he is growing into such an amazing child.
March 12th, 2011
@kole thank you for starting this thread. it's heart-warming (and heart-breaking) to read these stories and be able to see the photos that go with them. I hope many more share theirs personal memories here.
March 12th, 2011
@myla thank you for sharing your story and photo. it was very heart-warming.
March 12th, 2011
@chevymom thanks for sharing your story and photos. I, too, wore a wig for awhile and know how comforting they can be. my heart goes out to all those who suffer from cancer and their friends and family who never leave their side.
March 12th, 2011
This is one of my favorite pictures. It is one of my mother. She was always stirring something up. 75% of the time it was something to eat. The other 25% was something for fun, or a way to show her genuine love. She went to be with her Lord, joining my dad on June 4th 2008. This picture is on my fridge. where I am certain she would want it to be. It stirs me up with many fond memories when I looked at it.
This was taken 2006, she was 83 at the time. Saying I miss her is an understatement.
March 12th, 2011
I don't actually know any of these people, but they maybe old, they may need assistance, but they're proud. And 60 years ago, when England needed them, they and countless others (Some of whom remain forever young) were there.

March 12th, 2011

This is my most sentimental shot.. maybe. There's a longish story behind it.. suffice it to say that it is for someone very special (who isn't dead!) but who I won't see again for a while. Let's just say that it is meaningful to the people involved :)
March 12th, 2011

These are all the letters that my husband has written me during deployments, and some pictures of him in his uniform during various things. He means the world to me, and though I hate being apart from him, I'm very proud of what he does for a living.

This was a total accident shot, but I totally love it. My daughter is wearing one of my husband's old boat hats. The look on her face and focus on the hat just made the picture for me. She's missed him a TON lately, and is a total Daddy's girl. She thinks her dad has the coolest job in the world, even if it takes him away.
March 12th, 2011
Grandma. Still in the Hospital well over a week , she is fretting and wants to come home,, She is unable to as yet... Dementia has taken her mind.. But she knows she is not home and that's hurting her even more..
March 13th, 2011
@edpartridge ,Awesome Collage.. Have been to the Anzac parades in Oz over the years, and to see these hero's waking(wheeling ) proudly, is a great feeling..
March 13th, 2011
for now i'd have to say this one

it's louie playing with a bead kit with my niece....i find it sweet, and i love to see him playing with my niece and nephew.....makes me anxious for the day we have our own
March 13th, 2011

Just posted this, my boys always make me sentimental- especiallyat times like this
March 13th, 2011
Here's mine...just a few days after we brought Hudson home from the hospital we started a tradition...we put the Xmas tree up the weekend after Hudson's birthday (Nov 18) and we take it down the weekend before Corbin's birthday (Jan 11). This was a picture of the boys in front of the tree right after we got it up :-)

March 13th, 2011
Today's pic is a good one for me. My grandmother turned 75 recently, and the family threw her a big party this afternoon. This is one of the bouquets from that party.

March 13th, 2011
Here's mine: My son and my niece, holding hands of their own accord. Love the innocence of children...

These stories are heartbreaking, uplifting, and beautiful. Thanks all, for sharing.
March 13th, 2011
this is probably my favorite picture i've EVER taken. and it was taken with my phone camera. i love it because it shows a tender moment with me and my baby. i have very few pictures of the two of us as i'm usually behind the camera.

March 13th, 2011
@myla . Dont know your feelings on alternative treatments etc, but may I be so bold as to suggest you look into Low Dose Naltrexone
not saying its a cure but there have been some good results on halting some progression of some cancers...
I take it for an autoimmune disease and it has helped me so much. A lot of doctors freak out when this drug is mentioned. but I feel that at stage 4 you have nothing to loose and as long if you approach the doc with as much info as possible he/ she may be open to it.
Again, I hope I havent overstepped the line in giving you this info. and if I have I apologize and wish your father and your family well.
March 13th, 2011
@andiejaye @aj1268 @emeree @aes981 @aes981 @bluebell @dkg

What beautiful pictures.. I love the softer side of sentiment...
@nikkers Great collage... my prayers are with your family.
@lolanae @katiegc24 To be without someone you love in death or for other reasons is the hardest pain to deal with..
@edpartridge beautiful shot!
@rrt The loss of a mother is unbearable. I wish I could say it gets easier with time but it doesn't. Just know she is always with you.

@andiejaye @aj1268 @emeree @aes981 @bluebell @dkg @nikkers @lolanae @katiegc24 @edpartridge @rrt @dvarey @chevymom @cdford @myla @myla @kdutson @cfitzgerald @dvarey

Thank you guys for participating on this thread.. I was so scared to open up and share our story and then for you all to share yours as well.. this is very therapeutic... I hope more continue to post.
March 13th, 2011

I'm fairly certain this is the only shot out of the 300 I've added so far that can be considered sentimental :P
March 13th, 2011

My 3-year old son's friend visiting preschool for the first time after being diagnosed with leukemia. He's with his mom, who is a teacher at the preschool but is taking time off to care for her son while he undergoes treatment.
March 13th, 2011
@sarethephotos That is a very sentimental picture.. very sweet.

@wenmei Touching story.. very nice portrait.. My prayers are with the little guy.
March 13th, 2011
@kole Beautiful thread, I have no 365 photo to share, but I do have a picture of my mum. She died last year following a very short battle with pancreatic cancer. I work in a cancer hospital and was able to care for her in the last week of her life. heartbreaking, but so special to be able to provide the dignity and love that everyone deserves at such times. Here is a photo of my mum with me when I was born (36 years ago!)

And here is a picture of her from more recent times with a dear family friend;

Thank you for letting us share these most intimate photo's, it really helps with the healing, particularly during such sad global times.
March 14th, 2011
@charli321 Every time I check my notifications and see someone's story it gives me the goosebumps. We have all been through extreme loss and happiness and to be able to share with each other our stories is so moving. Thank you for participating in my thread. I'm so happy that you were able to be there for your mother.. she was a beautiful woman whom I am sure you miss dearly.♥
March 14th, 2011

this project was very close to my heart :) I have two children with autism
March 14th, 2011
@brandywalker365 Wow.. bless your heart... Your strength is unmatchable.. beautiful collage.. My friend has a son with autism and her daily struggle seems too much to bare at times .. and then you see him flourish and it is all worth while. Good for you mama.
March 15th, 2011

This is my sentimental photo. The girl was one of my mom's dolls. My mom only had one doll as a kid and the neighbor broke it, leaving my mom devastated. So, as an adult she collected a few. The squirrel was a gift I had bought my mom when she was in the hospital. And the bear, well I bought it in memory of her. You see, it will be 6 years ago (at the end of this month) that my mom lost her battle with diabetes. Proceeds from the purchase of the bear went to JDRF. His shirt says "Beating diabetes with hugs and love."
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