How many pictures do you take?

April 5th, 2010
I've noticed a HUGE increase in the number of pictures I'm taking since switching from a point & shoot to DSLR. Over Easter weekend I took over 500 pictures. I think part of it is that I'm so in love with how much better the pics are. Also, I can take more faster. : )

I can't decide if this because it's new or if I should get worried. I don't know what to do about all these pictures. I can't make myself delete them and I have a TON! I don't know how many more my computer can handle without completely dying. : )
April 5th, 2010
I take a lot then get a little selective about the ones I keep, anything out of focus or which didn't work gets recycled. The difficult thing I find is organising them so they can be found again!
April 5th, 2010
I take 120 pictures a day on average, and I end up deleting a lot of them.
But I usually take that many because I sometimes don't want to trust the portrait setting or the landscape setting on my camera and I just start at 1/4000 of a second and go up in exposure time until it looks perfect or just right. I'm a bit picky x.x
April 5th, 2010
I take 40-60 pictures a day (or more) and delete all but two or three of the same subject. I work through them in twos and decide which of the pair is the better shot and then delete the other one quickly! If a day has been a tour of different places then I try to keep just two or three of each venue. And yes, since starting 365 my snapping has increased!
April 5th, 2010
I took about 250 Easter day at brunch, down at the ocean and with a friend & her grandkids. After I upload them in a file for the day, I go through the ones I'm considering using for my photo-of-the-day & mark with "I like"... When thru, I make another folder and put all the "I like"s together. It makes it easier then to pick out the best of the lot for my 365 day.
April 5th, 2010
hehe ... enough to have completely filled up my laptop from Feb 2009 to Mar 2010. I've been deleting every one that was out of focus or exposed badly. It was worth it to me to buy an external drive to store them. It was kind of tough to give myself permission to delete a bunch of pics, but I'm glad I did, and glad I moved a bunch of them over and now my laptop can breathe again.

To specifically answer though - some days I take as few as 10, other days several hundred.
April 5th, 2010
most days I take around 80. I delete 75%, store 25%, and post one or two. I suggest investing in an external hard drive :p
April 6th, 2010
Some days, loads... (By which I mean, like, thirty, or something!)

Other days, it gets to half-past eleven at night, and I think "oh, I haven't taken a single photograph today! Better go and take one quickly!"
April 6th, 2010
Generally I take loads and delete loads, other times I take only about 10or so. I have an external hard drive of 250 gb which I use for storing. I certainly take more pictures since doing this project.
April 6th, 2010
Sometimes I take just a few, sometimes 200 or so but then end up deleting out of focus or 'with a random tuktuk/person/appendange in the way' or crooked (when they aren't meant to be) pics. I tend to take so many because I use a point and shoot and its hard to see if the focus is okay on the tiny screen. Ive learnt the hard way to shoot 3/4/5 when I see something I think is worth shooting.
April 6th, 2010
most days i'm happy to sit at taking about 10. When i'm doing a studio session i'm finding that I take abotu 200 or so. On holidays like easter just been, I found I went through around 500 and because i shoot on RAW, thats like 8GB!!!

Like Chris, I have started to aggressively delete these to save space and usually do this in a few passes. The first is to kill anything thats out of focus. Second and third passes I leave the best shot from any duplicate photos I have and last pass, I blow anything else away that I just dont like. But yes, even then, there's a lot of photos. I recently had my external hard disk pack it in on me so i need to start looking for a new one
April 6th, 2010
Some days I end up taking 5-10 photos. Some days I end up in the hundreds. It really depends. Like the others have said. I recommend getting a external hard drive. :)
April 6th, 2010
If I'm taking a picture of an event, I'll take a lot...who's counting., but I'm sure I have thousands of photos of my family and things we've done. I'll choose the one I like the most, but I don't delete them. If I have an idea for a still life subject, I may take up to 25 pictures of one thing to get what I want, practice different things (I'm still learning a ton), etc. I'll choose what I like the most and delete the rest.
April 6th, 2010
heh.. get used to it.. my theory is shoot as many as you'd like.. and invest in a back up hard drive!! For prof. shoots I shoot anywhere between 100-250 for a family or what not.. up to 1500 or so if it's a wedding.. depending on the situation.. after all.. practice makes perfect !!
April 6th, 2010
On an average outing (like around town, nothing spectacular) I'll take about 10-20 photos, but only one or two of the same subject. I hate having to choose between a dozen of essentially the same photo...
April 6th, 2010
If I go out with my dSLR, I'll probably end up with around 150 photos but only keep around 20 of them.
April 6th, 2010
i have filled up 2 hard drives on my desktop computer and the hard drive on my laptop and thats with deleting the bad ones .. A few months ago i brought myself a external drive with 1TB and put all my photos on it to free up my pc's ..

so yeh in a average day i can take a average of 20 shots for 365 but get me out with lots of ppl i will take up too 600 shots .. depends on the subjects and locations
April 7th, 2010
Okay I must be doing something wrong. Unless it is a family event, a holiday, or a vacation I don't take that many pics in a day. On Easter I took over a hundred, but for yesterday and today I took four each day to get my shot. It is true when I go for a hike in the park or a walk along the bay I will take numerous pics and then have a hard time choosing one for the day, but when I know what I want to photograph or I am running out of time at the end of the day, then I usually take no more than ten.
April 7th, 2010
It depends on the day. I take about 2-10 shots on a school day and roughly 10-20 during an off day. I also take much more pictures depending on holidays or what not.
April 7th, 2010
In an average photo shoot for me,...I fill my memory card (so about 500 or so photos). I take so many to insure that I have at least one decent shot of each pose or scene. But the trouble with that is that I end up having to go through all of those pics to decide which one's to edit and keep. I try to go through them and rename them using the letter's of the alphabet so that I know which one's I am going to edit. After that I choose a few of the "left-over" shots to include on a CD of out-takes for the client. Then delete the rest.
April 8th, 2010
It depends on the day. If it is a clear day I could take 10-20. On a gray day 1-5. It all depends on how I feel that day.
April 8th, 2010
ummm husband says I am obsessed. I took a 1 week trip to my moms and filled a 2 gig card and use up another 1 and a half of a 4 gig that I had to go buy to finish out the trip. I think it was 2000 photos in all. That is a pretty good average. Then I delete the ones I don't want, edit the best and keep some just in case I need a certain shot for later. I think I probably keep about 500 shots for any given week. that is maybe 25% of what I take. I just love photos. The more the better. lol
April 8th, 2010
Some days I take two or three. Other days I take 500. Depends on how the day goes!
April 8th, 2010
On an ordinary day I only take a handful, but if I'm on holidays or if there's something specific, I can take 300 or more a day. I can easily take 4000 during a 2 week holiday!
April 8th, 2010
I can fill a 2 Gb card, twice easily each day :)

It just with the digital slr, I think some of them, like the d90 have awesomely fast frame rate, so you take heaps without realizing it.
I usually delete half of these cause they re useless, but i love being able to have them.
Im so glad it doesn't cost anything to develop my photos now
April 8th, 2010
Oh, my god! I have ALOT to learn, thats soooo many, gulp! I need more time in my day, I NEED MORE TIME!!!!!
April 8th, 2010
Depends on the subject. If it is good subject and giving me a buzz I will take more, if I don't think it is too good I might not take any at all. Some days for 365 I might take 5 shots. I consider those a bad day. A great day I might take 100-150 but that has only been on a few occasions (6 days) for the project. A good day might be 50-100.
April 8th, 2010
Depends what day it is and what I'm taking a photo of. If it's a portrait, I try to limit the number I take because my subjects tend to get fed up. If it's a landscape of macro, I'll keep going until I think I'm happy with what I can see on my LCD, or until I get fed up with it if it doesn't work. Other than that, it all depends on what I see to take photos of.
April 8th, 2010
depends on where i am and what i'm shooting - i have been known to take over 500 in a day or as few as 50 to get my pic of the day
April 8th, 2010
Wow, I can't believe you guys take so many! I've come from film SLR so I guess I'm still mentally restricting the number of shots I take. I think the most I've ever taken of a single subject is about ten, and the most in a day is probably about twenty. I would just get so fed up of processing them through Photoshop and copying them onto my HDD if I took more! Don't you guys get fed up of post-processing all of those? :O
April 8th, 2010
I went for a walk this morning and took 206 pictures on my walk. I am addicted to this sight after 10 days. I certainly could not have done this with a film cameral.
April 9th, 2010
A DSLR camera is just so much more fun than a point and shoot. You just have way more control. When I used a DSLR camera for the first time, the difference to me was like night and day.
April 9th, 2010
@marianne-I prefer my SLR so I think the same way as you!
I guess I work the opposite of everyone else here. I take less shots with my DSLR. I tend to take the time to compose and get the exposure perfect before I shoot. An hour portrait session I usually take about 100 shots, and thats a lot just to make sure I get the right shot, and keep about 40. My P&S I mess around with exposures and settings and can take hundreds just messing around for a few hours.
A role in my SLR can last for weeks. =)
April 10th, 2010
A better question for me is how many do I delete a day. I'm trying to keep my library at 10,000 so have been going through old photos to get rid of the bad ones. Bear in mind not very many of them have people in them, so it's sort of like housework.
April 10th, 2010
Between 4 and 70. But mostly around 35-50.
Most of them I keep. Some are blury and out og focus, those I delete. The rest I keep. I belive I will later go through the collection and delete some more
April 10th, 2010
some days, 2-5, last Saturday's wedding 3500.

Does that help? lol
April 10th, 2010
Some times i take loads a.k.a around 100-200+ today was 111 and then some days only around 30-40. I always keep all of my photos so i was very glad when my mum brought a 1tb hard drive for us both (well her really, but she has had it almost 3 months and still hasn't used it, i have used it pretty much everyday however!)
April 10th, 2010
It all depends for me. On a normal day it could be as little as 10 or up to 100+ :P
April 11th, 2010
Um, I'm with Ray - I might take just one for the 365 - or maybe 3 or 4 in an ordinary day.
But on a family gathering like last Thursday I took 254 an all day shoot - funeral, graveside, reception and then the family wild time. I ended up keeping 210 of them for the family.
If I am doing a wedding it is closer to 2000. :)
April 11th, 2010
I usually take anywhere from 200-600 pictures a week with most of those being on the weekend when I have more time and yeah you have to have an external. I am about to get a second external because my first is almost full and all it has on it is music and pictures (232 GB).
April 11th, 2010
Just home from the LA Meet in Descanso Gardens...400+ Let the culling begin!
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