A Poll, If You Please

March 19th, 2011
Hey all,

I'm in an information technology class, and one of our projects is to talk about a web 2.0 site. I thought, Hey, 365 would be great for that! So here I am. Part of project is to ask people who use the site about it. I was hoping some of you here could help me with that part. If you can, I'd really appreciate it. If you do decide to help, here's some questions. You can answer any/all/none of them, and I'll keep the answers on the project anonymous.


1. Why did you start the 365 project?

2. What do you like best about it?

3. What do you like least?

4. Is there something you would change about it?

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? - I started it as a diary sort of thing

2. What do you like best about it? - Documents my life day to day

3. What do you like least? -It can get tedious

4. Is there something you would change about it? -The site? Not really, except maybe be able to allow your photos only to be shown to "friends" (something like the dreaded Facebook, haha)

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? -Nope, I really like the format of the site honestly.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? -To me personally, it's about the photography. I wouldn't want to draw a picture a day, no one wants to see that! Hahah

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? -I don't purposely enter them, if I do it's just because I just happened to take a photo that fit the theme.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? -Not really, I'm still doing this as a diary project more than anything. Hence why I don't get really caught up on contests, themes, popular page, etc.
March 19th, 2011
Thanks so much for being the brave first to respond!
March 19th, 2011
Anything to help with class work! Good luck

1. A friend was on it and it looked a laugh.
2. The people.
3. No choice to go private.
4. Yes, go back to having the pic on a page on the center, no clutter (yep, still like it better as it was!)
5. No.
6. Photography only please
7. Just a bit of fun and handy if run out of ideas for a few days.
8. I think so. If it wasnt for a few real characters here, I'd have stopped it ages ago
March 19th, 2011
Thanks so much!
March 19th, 2011
1. Started as my 2011 New Year's Resolution. I'd taken a few photography classes, but nothing was "sticking" and I thought there's be no better way to learn than to keep doing it.

2. The community is so encouraging! I don't get this kind of feedback from my friends - they're generally not photographers. I've also gotten some amazing tips and tutorials from some generous posters.

3. Some days it feels like an obligation.

4. No, I am very happy with the way it is.

5. Again, no (sorry, I'm not being very helpful!)

6. I definitely am doing this to hone my photography as well as my processing skills. There is none of that required in my day job (aka "Mom), so I feel like this is one area of my life I am concentrating on improving.

7. Sometimes I do the themes if they are simple. I am not as creative as many here on the site, and truthfully my schedule doesn't allow for much elaborate setup for some themes.

8. Nope - I am following through on my commitment and am enjoying it immensely. One of the first Resolutions I can remember keeping for this long :)
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?

I joined as a way to improve in photography. I thought the site, since it had weekly themes, would allow me to improve on different types of photography and it has. It has also helped me to improve the area of photography I enjoy most (that is nature).

2. What do you like best about it?

I like that this community is very supportive and kind but that I've still had people make suggestions that have helped me to improve and caused me to look at photos in a different light.

3. What do you like least?

Sometimes I think people on this site can get a little too caught up in how many comments they've received, or how many favs they've gotten, or whether they've made the popular page (myself included).

I, also, wish I had more than one album!! it is so hard to pick ONE photo, for me, most nights. It'd be hard for me to pick three as well.

4. Is there something you would change about it?

I'd probably offer the ability to go private if someone wants. After all, some people work in businesses that they wouldn't want certain people to look them up. For example, teachers may not want students to be able to look them up.

I'd like to see a notification when I make the popular page. After all, even though that shouldn't be my reason for taking the photo, I find it very exciting and fun.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?

I can't think of anything.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?

The focus on photography is definitely an integral part for me. I don't do other forms of art.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?

They do because they make me think outside the box for my photos! If I participate in the theme, it forces me to try something I wouldn't have tried before.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?

No, I am still trying to improve and try new types of photography. However, I've become less disciplined in sticking to the themes.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
My aunt told me about it, so I did a little research on it. Before though I had a love for photography just nothing to do with it. So I decided to make it a project and a goal for myself, to see how my pictures changed and keep up with things I did throughout the year; everyday of the year.

2. What do you like best about it?
I love the challenge of coming up with something new everyday to take a picture of.

3. What do you like least?
When I can't seem to get a good enough picture, or one that really satisfies what I'm looking for in a picture.

4. Is there something you would change about it?
Not that I can think of.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?
Hm, again...not anything that comes to mind right off.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?
Honestly, it's all about taking a picture. I'm no artist and can definitely express things better through a photograph.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?
Little bit of both. I like to look at what the theme is and see if I can do anything to fit it...if not it won't get posted but I'll still try to take the picture. I love things that challenge me to go out of the way to take a picture.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
Nope, it's still a challenge to come up with a different picture each day. And I have gotten a lot more of my everyday life documented than ever before.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? I saw it as an opportunity to improve my skills, and interact with others who like to take pictures.

2. What do you like best about it? The ability to ask any photography question, and getting feedback from others on my photos.

3. What do you like least? That I spend so much time here! hahaha! (I'm hooked!)

4. Is there something you would change about it? I would make it easier to find others who live in my area.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? I would love to see more editing tools available directly on the

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? As much I would like to join a site about drawings and whatnot (I love to sketch!) I think it would be better to keep the two separate.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? They often will help when I am stuck for 'inspiration', but they are not a primary draw for me with the site.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Absolutely! I have found that it's not *just* about my photography - it's about others' as well... seeing their work, their passion and their progress!
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? I wanted a visual journal but also a place to take pictures to share that was all me and not focused on the photos I do normally for my online sites. I want to push the creative side of me.

2. What do you like best about it? I like the albums but more importantly I like the community which shares knowledge and encouragement for more than just the photos.

3. What do you like least? Trying to settle on one picture to represent my day.

4. Is there something you would change about it? I want to know if any of my pictures ever make the popular page just because.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? I'd like to have a way to print the monthly calandar or individual days.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? This has expanded my desire to learn about editing which has led to some of my pictures getting published locally.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? I don't do them partly because I don't set the date on one of the cameras which is part of the criteria for choosing the top 5.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? No, if anything it has reinforced my participation by paying the annual fee to support it. I support Ross and what he has done to bring people around the world together to share in their love of photography without all the drama that discourages most people from participating in things like this. Kudos to you Ross.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? Because I started to feel uncreative and so I wanted something to force me to stimulate my creative juices.

2. What do you like best about it? It's a commitment that I feel obligated to myself to keep and it's interesting seeing what other people post everyday.

3. What do you like least? Nothing!

4. Is there something you would change about it? I think it'd be nice if there was a private message function for when you have specific things you want to discuss with someone that's unrelated to a specific photo.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? I don't think so.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? Photography only... I have so many photos and so many drawings... it's simpler for me only to post my photography.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? I actually have yet to do a weekly theme! I probably will do one eventually, though.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Nope!
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
A Facebook friend was doing it and her daily photos kept popping up on FB so I asked about it and it looked like fun. Once I had found the site and read up I thought it would be great to do a "year of my life"

2. What do you like best about it?
The wonderful people I've met, looking at all the awesome photos people take and the great help and tips I get.

3. What do you like least?
The pressure to get the daily photo sometimes gets to me, the frustration of not being able to take the shot I want and the amount of time I spend on here.

4. Is there something you would change about it?
Id like a way to look up an old thread

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?
I'd like to have some sort of printing service available - to print each month or a yearly calendar.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?
For my personally the focus is on photography and I would like it to remain so but I really can see it expanding into a drawing/movie/poem/song per day and if it does I think they should all be seperate.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?
A bit of both. I don't deliberately enter any themes but if I happen to take a photo related to any theme then I do enter. I really enjoy looking at the entries which give me ideas and I do vote in all theme votes.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
Not really. I still want it to be a "year of my life" but as I'm enjoying it immensely, learning new things and making friends I will probably continue on after my year is over.
March 19th, 2011
@rogishlvr Feel free to use my name if necessary. No big secrets since almost anyone can read this.
1. Why did you start t- My friend Dana read about it on a blog and thought we should try. I was sick the first two weeks of the year, but I kept going with her.

2. like best - it is nice to follow people you like and that may inspire you to take a photo differently or see a subject from a new perspective

3. like least - on some of the discussions it seems like people are fishing for compliments on their photos or self promoting their contest entries with vote for me.

4. something you would change - I think that it is working well. I emailed the admin once and he responded within 12 hours. Some people want this to be facebook for chatting and im, but I can be on facebook for that. It would be nice to be able to send a message instead of having to post on a photo. I also think I would get rid of the popular page because participant focus on that being a status symbol almost.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? maybe have a monthly collage or book option. I am doing it myself and if I do not stay on top of the process I will get behind fast.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? - I would so hope not. Let someone else come up with that idea. Also with draw a picture a day or write a poem it could take a lot more time for the users to upload.

7. weekly themes - If the topic is interesting I will think a bit more creatively to see if I can come up with a photo. I have done two (signs and bubbles) and one happened because I passed by a sign walking and bubbles only happened because the drink was staring me in the face. So it is a side interest, but helps develop the thought process on setting up a photo.

8.Have my reasons changed - I no longer just want to post any photo, but to develop a bit more. I find many people have the worst photos in the first few weeks, but get into their own grove at the end of month two.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? - - - Saw Emma's @triptych_angel project

2. What do you like best about it? - - - It has been a great distraction for me at the moment. I love seeing the really creative shots others come up with.

3. What do you like least? - - - probably the negative posts of late about 365 Project and how others do theirs... in the end it doesn't matter, just make sure your having fun doing yours :)

4. Is there something you would change about it? - - - nope

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? - - - nope

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? - - - I would probably want the to be seperate.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? - - - love the weekly themes, they really get my brain ticking.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? - - - No, but I wish I started after my son was born, would have been nice doing a photo a day of his first year :)
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? A bookcrosser friend was doing it and when I took a look at it, it looked very interesting. I always took photos (totes full of them) but now I want to improve on my photos. Don't know that I am but it is sure fun trying. And the ideas just keep coming.

2. What do you like best about it? Looking at all the beautiful work from amazing photographers. I find myself looking at "new faces" and "latest" then I go to the 'popular' page. I like the "suggestions" page too.

3. What do you like least? Not really understanding how the "Popular" page works. After a photo makes it on there is it somehow marked? What if someone misses their photo on there? Questions, questions, questions! LOL!!

4. Is there something you would change about it? No, I go with the flow.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? Maybe from #3 more understanding.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? No, I like what happens on this site. Everyone is so helpful and friendly.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? Great for ideas but I don't feel that I have to do them.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? No except I don't want to leave after a year and I am glad noone will make me. LOL!!
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? Because I love to take pictures, and so it seemed like the best thing to do :) It keeps me from getting too busy for photography

2. What do you like best about it? Seeing how my work has been changing (for the better I hope!) and seeing how everything is becoming a photo opportunity

3. What do you like least? It's hard to get other people to see your work..like on Flickr, there's groups and stuff, but on here it's just like, if you're following someone and happen to be on within an hour of them posting their photo, or you just happen across a picture.

4. Is there something you would change about it? Just make it cheaper for an Ace Membership!

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? nope!

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? I just stick with the photography thing, it's easier to do with fewer limitations!

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? I have only entered like two of the weekly themes so far..so I would say they're just interesting side things.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Not really!
March 19th, 2011

1. Why did you start the 365 project? I think I came across the idea of a 365 project in a photography magazine I was reading, and it seemed like a neat idea to journal my daily life.

2. What do you like best about it? I enjoy looking back on my project, to see what's happened in the almost year, and also to see how my photography has evolved. The community seems really open and supportive as well, which helps when you're trying to be creative and put yourself out there for criticism.

3. What do you like least? Those that post more than 3 photos at a time. I understand life getting in the way, and it happens to me, but it just annoys me when it clogs my home page as I try to look at everyone's photos from the day.

4. Is there something you would change about it? Possibly a private message function when comments take on a private tangent, or you want to ask or respond about a certain photo in private.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? Somehow make it easier to be "noticed", in another way than posting a "look at my stuff" thread in the forums. :)

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? For me it's all photography. It's not always "BEING ARTSY"...it's more about getting a shot that speaks to that day, but more and more i feel like I'm finding a voice in my shots, which is exciting.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? Interesting side things usually. I only participate in the theme if it happens to look like fun, or if I REALLY need inspiration.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Not really. I'm not in this to be popular or have lots of followers or win a theme. I joined to journal my days. The side benefit has been confidence, developing my skills, and getting out of my comfort zone. But I started doing this for me, and that's how I am continuing.
March 19th, 2011
@rogishlvr great idea on the survey. Hope it helps you!

1. Why did you start the 365 project? - I wanted to do something for myself. Had been meaning to do a 365 project for several months, finally said, aw heck, let's go....

2. What do you like best about it? - All of the great images and ideas that folks have. Photography is easily accessible by many folks, and it's a great creative outlet.

3. What do you like least? - Someone mentioned tedious, which it can be at times. SOmetimes I feel like I let myself down for not coming up with my "best effort".

4. Is there something you would change about it? - Nope. The restriction is actually good in terms of focus. Simple, elegant.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? -

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? - Nope.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? - yes to both. I feel like I can jump in and out at any time.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? - nope. Really like having this focus as part of my daily life right now.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? I had been telling myself I needed to take more photos for months. I thought this would force me to do that and improve my skills and for the fun of it.

2. What do you like best about it? The diversity. There are photographers from all over the world and I love seeing a bit of their culture and environment through their photos.

3. What do you like least? The inevitable lack of inspiration. Some days it is more of a burden.

4. Is there something you would change about it? No

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? No

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? I think the focus on photography is the heart of it. I would hate to see it expand to other disciplines.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? Both

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? No, but the relationships you form have added to it.
March 19th, 2011
Happy to help in class assignments

1. looked for a platform to post a picture a day. Had a blog prior to it and loved the idea of an international community here.
2. The variety of people from different places of the world, different ages and photographing skills. The generosity of people encouraging and giving tips
3. Subtle grading and competition based on popularity.
4. No. I see a lot of people like it
5. No
6. No. Only photography
7. Not at all but I find it fun and play.
8. Not very much but I think about it from time to time and find myself wondering if I post photos that I like or that I guess other member will like.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
A friend was doing it and the idea of a photograph each day seemed like fun.

2. What do you like best about it?
The discipline and the challenge of taking one picture (at least) and posting it ... I then use that picture as part of a separate blog: therevandadog.blogspot.com)

3. What do you like least?
Days when someone uploads dozens of pictures to the home page and you have to scroll through them all to find the single pictures that others post. Otherwise I'm very happy with the work that Ross has done and the various developments that there have been since first I joined .... January 2010.

4. Is there something you would change about it?
I'd arrange the home page so that only the last picture of each of my followers was visible ... then if I want to see others that I've missed I can go to their profile.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?
I'm not sure what you mean by this question .... if it means "add to the site" then I'd put a "like" function as on Facebook so that you could "like" a picture without needing always to make a comment.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?
No, I don't see it expanding into that area except for a few folk who choose that route. I am quite content to stick with one photograph.... it is a good challenge to have to pick just one!

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?
Interesting side things that I do, or don't do, depending on how interested I am in the theme or sometimes I'm following my own theme for a while... I do enjoy looking at how people interpret the themes and did manage to be short-listed to the last five on a couple of occasions!!

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
No, although I've now made a number of very good friends and there is a strong "pull" to stay if ever I were tempted to abandon the project. I still want to take a picture each day and to use it in my blog - so the two projects go hand-in-hand.
March 19th, 2011
@rogishlvr PS - meant to say "Best wishes for your project" and feel free to use my name and to look at the blog if you're interested to see how I use the daily pictures. http://therevandadog.blogspot.com/
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
Basically just a daily diary of my photos every day. First dslr a few months ago and learning photography w/o just an automatic P&S. Wanted to commit myself which would improve my skills.

2. What do you like best about it?
I like the comments of others and discussions. Love being inspired by others photos, getting ideas, wondering why I didn't have the same idea.

3. What do you like least?
I have trouble keeping up with notifications and which ones I've already read. I like to thank everyone for comments.

4. Is there something you would change about it?
Make notifications easier to keep up with. Not sure how. Also would like notification of replies to comments I made when I didn't start the topic.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?
Can't think of any.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?
I'd prefer it stay with photography.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?
I don't pay much attention to those, yet.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
Yes, it's more than just a diary now as I interact with others. I enjoy looking at others shots and trying to define what it is I like or don't like about it and apply that to my own photos.
March 19th, 2011
1. Just for fun, my friends told me about it.

2. The system itself is great.

3. It's quite hard for beginners (as for example me) to get a reasonable amount of views.

4. That browse thingy doen't really deiliver specific results...

5. I had the idea of making a photo book of all 365 photos when you're done. But recently I saw that someone else already seemed to have had that idea. :)

6. I draw enough in my spare time, so i concentrate om photography here.

7. ... Weekly what? :O

8. Nope.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?

I have friends who started the project just before me and they got me into it, plus I thought it would be a great to try and better myself

2. What do you like best about it? The Community, everyone is so friendly, I feel so relaxed on here and not scared to ask advice if I need it.

3. What do you like least? There isn't much I don't like TBH. What I wold like to see is an ask question button on everyones profile so we can have chats etc rather than using the notifications as I find I reply to messages then forget who I replied to and by the time I check notifications, if they did reply back, I've missed it.

4. Is there something you would change about it? Oh, same as question 3

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? I'm sure I may have ideas in the past but forgot them now

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? I would rather it stayed as photography

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? For me they are side things. I did them when I first started but I'm doing them less and less now

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Not at all, in fact the site is encouraging me to do more and I still want to better myself al the more now.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project? I was bored on New Year's Eve 2010 and it seemed like a good idea at the time! Never thought I'd stick with it xD

2. What do you like best about it? The amazingly supportive community. I could never do it without them.

3. What do you like least? Not having any inspiration some days :(

4. Is there something you would change about it? Don't think so :]

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? No, I like the fact it's really simple.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? I don't think I'd have time to draw something every day or patience, so I'll stick with photography for now!

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? They can sometimes help the inspiration thing :]

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Yeah, I joined to take a picture a day, I still do that but now it's also about learning to use my SLR and keeping in contact with the people I talk to over photos and following their lives as they follow mine.
March 19th, 2011

1. Why did you start the 365 project? I wanted to improve my photography skills, figure out my camera & have a year-long photo diary of what I did all year.

2. What do you like best about it? The community...everyone is so willing to share what they know to help others improve.

3. What do you like least? Feeling like I let people down if I don't log on each day.

4. Is there something you would change about it? I can't think of anything.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it? I don't think so.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"? I think it's all about the photos, but it could fall into other artistic talents I suppose.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things? I have only done 2...I don't have the skills yet, but maybe some day. I love to see them.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining? Nope ... they're still the same :)
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?

I saw a friend of mine on FB posting pics to this site. Looked into it and the amazing photos encouraged me to dust of my camera bag and start shooting again.

2. What do you like best about it?

The people! It is always nice to show my pics to my friends and family, but they will always say "great shot" - even when it isn't. The people on 365 are always constructive and encouraging. It is nice to get feedback from people who know what they are talking about.

3. What do you like least?

I am actually not sure, so far I like pretty much everything about it.

4. Is there something you would change about it?

Notification for the popular page - not that I will ever get there, but just in case :)

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?

I can't think of anything.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?

Just photography!

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?

Yes they do. They inspire me to try something different, or not...depending on the theme.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?

I joined before I really understood the true focus of the site, now I am working hard to improve my photography and am taking my camera with me every where I go. I have actually set goals for myself based on the other pics I see here. I am amazed everyday when I see some of the awesome photos on here - it has become an inspiration to me!
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
I guess it seemed like an interesting thing to try. I'm a quitter; it's just how I am. I give up too easily so I wanted to try something new and not give up.

2. What do you like best about it?
The people I've met! :)

3. What do you like least?
The occasional snarkiness. Not much into such juvenile nonsense.

4. Is there something you would change about it?
Perhaps privacy controls of some kind but then that wouldn't make much sense.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?
Ummm, no.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?
I like it as it is - pictures and videos are dandy too but still.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?
I will usually try to throw in a photo or two, depending on the theme. I like to be involved :)

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
I suppose I find it more interesting now than I did back then, but idk.
March 19th, 2011
1. Because my sister-in-law told me about this site and I already took a lot of pictures.

2. The sharing in this community, the comments on my pictures and looking at other peoples pictures.

3. Commenting took al lot of time, but i figured that out.

4. Yes, make the pictures only available for views by members.

5. More privacy...

6. No, photography is my main focus at this moment.

7. They really add to my experience, they made me learn new things.

8. Yes, at first it was just a challenge for myself, now it's more a social thing too.
March 19th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
i started because my interest in photography was constantly growing and i thought that by doing something like this i would learn more about my camera and hopefully improve :)

2. What do you like best about it?
the community of this site ! its like another fb but based on photos , everyone is so supportive and helpful :)

3. What do you like least? days when ive taken a crock of sh*t yet i still feel the need to upload haha ! i kinda feel i let myself down some days :(

4. Is there something you would change about it?

possibly privacy options like others have mentioned.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?

a private messaging option maybe

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?

Nooooo photography is the whole point :)

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?

i like to get involved in the themes if its something that appeals to me

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?

as geertje has already said , originally it was just photography now its both photography and social
March 19th, 2011
Thanks so much everyone!
March 20th, 2011
1. Why did you start the 365 project?
I had gotten stuck into taking snapshots of my young children and I wanted an incentive to get creative with photography again.

2. What do you like best about it?
I function very well with deadlines so having to post a shot a day suits me very well and forces me to be creative on a daily basis.

3. What do you like least?
I love browsing the forum but am not too keen on the self-promoting non-topics that seem to pop up every day.

4. Is there something you would change about it?
I'd like the forums to be more structured. E.g. I'd love to be able to view a list of the threads on which I have commented.
It would be great as well to be able to edit comments on photos.

5. Is there something you'd like to expand about it?
No, it's fine the way it is.

6. Is the focus on photography an integral part of it or do you see it expanding into other fields of art like "draw a picture a day"?
To me it's all about the photos.

7. Do the weekly themes add to your experience or are they just interesting side things?
I entered a weekly theme twice but only because it fitted into my own plans.

8. Have your reasons for participating changed since joining?
When I joined the project I would never have guessed that the community over here is so strong. So that has become part of my project too. Besides that quite a lot of people I know IRL have joined too which is great.
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