What makes people comment on pictures?

April 8th, 2010
I would like to ask a general question for no particular reason. I have noticed that some people get a lot more comments on their pictures than other people. A lot of the comments are social in nature as if they know the photographer personally. Is this because they were part of this project longer?
April 8th, 2010
Some people share their personal story so generously that you want to know them better or respond with a story of your own. Also the more people you follow and whose pictures you comment on consistently, the more followers you will gradually get who in turn are likely to comment on your pictures. This is a real "cast your bread upon the waters" place.
April 8th, 2010
At first I commented because I liked the picture, but now I feel that some of the people on this site are my friends. I look forward to seeing their pictures for the day and to hearing from them. If I didn't hear from them, I'd worry about them. Also, for me though this project is a way to cope and survive my days. I need the structure that this project provides for me. I just added you, Joe, so hopefully, you will see what I mean!
April 8th, 2010
If I open up a photo and look at it for more than 4 seconds, I recognize an affinity that affects me in some way...and then when I realize that I'm relating in some way to this image...in any way...to this image...I just feel like I want to react in some positive way to the person who took the photo because in some weird-o way we can ... relate ...
April 8th, 2010
It's an interesting question, Joe! I started my project on January 1st. I only "physically" know one other 365er - she joined on my recommendation. But, I now have a whole circle of friends that I have gotten to know little-by-little though their photos and commentaries. They have let me into their lives and I have let them into mine. Allison Williams made a comment about peeling back the layers of an onion. It reminds me of a really well-written story. You gradually get to know the characters and what makes them who they are. So, if that's the kind of experience you are looking for (and I have to say, I wasn't, but it has been a most unexpected surprise and pleasure, adding a whole other dimension to my life online), then jump in, share your stories both through your daily pictures with comments AND in your responses to others. I bet you'll be surprised how many friends you'll make! (Be careful, it becomes addictive ...)
April 8th, 2010
I am in full agreement with Mrs. Smith....also I didn't used to get a lot of commenrts...but I am a very expressive person. I don't just add pictures to add them. Most of the time there is a story behind them, or I talk a little about my day or myself. There are a ton of super nice people on here who actually care what you have to say, and those are the ones that comment on my pictures. Also I like to respond to them, to show my appreciation and I usually have something to say back. I do feel as though they are my friends....but it just takes time to develope those relationships on here. Allison is right too...about the followers and stuff. Good luck with everything! just enjoy the site and have a great time :)
April 8th, 2010
When I look at a photo, it's the expression of that individual's one choice of the day, and I'm more often than not, moved to let them know I appreciate their time & talent. I tend to be a gabby gal with some extra time to look at photos & share thoughts, but it's garnered me a lovely circle who respond in kind. I've been aware of your photos here (origianlly through the alphabet) and have stopped by your site several times. Drop by and see me, too sometime :-) Visitors welcome!
April 8th, 2010
Personally I tend to comment on photos that impress the hell out of me. I'll also comment on photos that show improvement.

I'm not much about the story... the project isn't a journal of any sort to me. For me its work. A test. A challenge. You wont find me going into great detail about how i came across my subjects. The circumstances just aren't too important to me. For me its all about how the image looks.

An impressive shot is an impressive shot. If I'm impressed... i'll likely comment.

(take into account that I am, by no means, the majority here. There are many wonderful stories told here every day. If thats your thing more power to you!)
April 8th, 2010
1. i give credit where credit is due , if i like something i comment on it .
2. if i get comments from ppl i always try and re-do the fav and by doing this ive meet some great ppl on here.
3. i enjoy watching everyone's day in what ever part of the world and love seeing what i cant see .

getting involved with others is my biggest tip , i started a month or more late and live , breath and dream about this site now lol
enjoy xx
April 8th, 2010
Most of my comments come from people who are following me and equally I am more likely to comment on their photos. After a short while I do feel that I know these people even though we have not met and are never likely to meet.
I follow people whose photos regularly appeal to me, who take similar photos to me or who live in interesting places (It's a very easy way to see the world!)
It is a bit of a thrill when I get comments, particularly from new people, but my basic motivation is to put up photos that are meaningful to me.
April 8th, 2010
I comment for different reasons, just like people post photos for different reasons.
If I see a photo that is captivating because it's beautiful , I will compliment/comment.
If I see a photo that is captivating because it is interesting, I comment.

If I see a photo that purely captures a person's day, and the caption/commentary captures my attention more, I may comment more-so on the commentary than the actual photo.

April 8th, 2010
I comment on a picture that has caught my eye either on the page of the day or the popular page. Then I comment if the story or title of the picture has connected with me in some way, caught my imagination or been particularly moving. And since January it feels as if you're beginning to get to know people through their art and their self-revelation and these comments are relationship building.
So my comments are a mixture of all three: I like the picture, I am moved by your comment and I want to get to know you a little better.
April 9th, 2010
I go to browse and then day and if i see a picture that catches my eye i will look at it and usually comment on it. So for me its all about if your picture catches my eye or not
April 9th, 2010
I began with this project in March and I slowly began to understand how this worked. Eventually, I started following more people and commented on their pictures and they in turn started commenting on mine and sharing ideas and thoughts. It has been a lot of fun, learning more and more about photography. A very nice experience.
April 9th, 2010
I think I asked a similar question. I have found that those who follow and have a lot of followers get comments quite often like SarahB and sweet Lauren. But then again thier pictures are outstanding. I have been going to the Theme pages and the Popular pages and have started to RANDOMLY comment on the images that catch my eye. Only issue with the DAY (I don't see all the images due to time) and POPULAR (the MONKEY's, I don't understand the selections half the time) But when I start looking at my random pics if someones gallery catches my eye in the thumbnails I start to follow them. I then look at who they are following and find other images the I eventually comment on. I also peek at the FAVs from people to find those hidden artist out there. So you better watch yourself, I might random speak on your images. muuuahahahahahahaha
April 9th, 2010
One thing I notice is a lot of people look, but don't say anything. I hope they don't go by the old adage (if you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all)
But, I guess I am guilty of the same at times, If I commented on every one I looked at I would be on here much longer. There are some exceptional actually quite a few. Even if I am not a follower of that person I comment.
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