Negative Feedback?

March 25th, 2011
How common is it to get negative feedback in this community? :/
March 25th, 2011
Not very common.... although at times it happens. for the most part, it is a very supportive, very positive community. Sometimes, people will ask for constructive criticism in order to improve their skills, but I imagine thats not what you're talking about...
March 25th, 2011
Not common. There is no need unles specific critiquing is requested otherwise each project is personal and therefore not up for our critiquing unless it crosses the decency boundries.
March 25th, 2011
Sometimes you get the odd troll leaving bad comments, but mostly people are constructive rather than abusive.
March 25th, 2011
@nicolekos I've just seen the feedback you're talking about (at least I presume it is) It was uncalled for - she should have realised what the photo was from the small image on her home page, no need at all for her to keep on and on on your comments.
March 25th, 2011
If we type "pregnancy" "belly" into the search box we will find pages and pages of those before you who have posted pictures on this subject. It's as common a subject as the sky.
March 25th, 2011
Don't let it discourage you :( you can't please everyone - I'm sure some of the fellas have grown bored of all the flowers and hearts and nonsense that I upload but you have to do what makes YOU happy. That's what the project is about. That sort of thing is not very common here at all; in fact, it's actually quite frowned upon.

Just know that for every one person who says something not so nice, there will be hundreds more telling you otherwise! :)
March 25th, 2011
I think it's not very common, because when people just dont like it, they are not going to look at the picture and comment it.
March 25th, 2011
I just had a look and that was completely out of line!! I have never seen anything negative on here, unless someone was specifically asking for a critique and even then it's never negative! Don't let this person get you down, not worth your time or energy !! I think it is a fabulous shot btw!! :o)
March 25th, 2011
@nicolekos - - - just ignore it, it's a beautiful shot!
I don't understand people who go to the effort of making comments like that....if you don't like it then don't look at it... that was not constructive criticism, it was just whinging!
March 25th, 2011
in my opinion, that is a beautiful photo. it's definitely HER issue, not your's!
March 25th, 2011
While I do not find it as exciting to look at pregnant bellies as other things, I think your photo was tasteful and fun for the mother who seems excited by the prospect. In no way was it offensive and warranted needing to be removed.

I would like to think that your photo must have triggered a bad memory or body image issues for her and she is just overreacting. So hopefully will this not discourage you in the future to post the photos that you think the rest of us will enjoy seeing and that you enjoy shooting.
March 25th, 2011
loved the photo, its beautiful just ignore her she hasnt got a clue what she's talking about
March 25th, 2011
I too have seen the photo in question and I think it is a great shot! Done very tastefully and thoughtfully. It is always unfortunate when someone feels the need to put down others work so blatantly, but please don't be discouraged, your photos are wonderful!
March 25th, 2011
don't let this get you down your photo is beautiful.

on a side note unless people don't have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all. (I'm not talking about constructive criticism I'm talking about being out right mean)
March 25th, 2011
I totally love belly shots! She looks so happy and content. You captured the "glow" well!

And the negative commenter....don't let her get to you.
March 25th, 2011
I'd rather look at a still from SWAP.avi than a pregnancy photo, really, I don't get the point at all; but I'd not go commenting such on folks photos. Not because "if you've not got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" but just because it's more effort than it's worth. I know other people like those shots so, mehh, leave them to it. Doesn't harm me. :)

And more generally yes, as most have said, this tends to be a very welcoming place. There's not many cynics around.
March 25th, 2011
I haven't read the comment in question .. but the conversation has made me think of a quote I read recently .. from "The 4 Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz "The 2nd Agreement: 'Don't take it personally.'..Nothing other people do is about you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream,in their own mind; they are in a completely different world than the one we live in. When we take something personally,we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, & we try to impose our world on their world." :o)
March 25th, 2011
Looking at your photo it has been done in a beautiful way and A looks very happy and peaceful.
The negative comemnts made are out of lien and as other people have said reflect more about the commenter than your picture.

Personally I don't like full term pregnancy bellies (there is something about them that makes me feel a bit "urgh!" and I've been pregnant twice!), so I would never have had a picture like that taken but that is MY opinion about what I would do and not at all a criticism about your image.
March 25th, 2011
This discussion makes me sad. Not because of the photo, but because this project is supposed to be one where people with a common interest can find encouragement through the kindness, help, and support of other photographers. Too often I've gone through life feeling like I am all alone in the things I love to do. Here I find a camaraderie with people I've never met before, but with whom I trust one of my deepest passions - photography. There is no room for "drama" on this site...let's leave that to Facebook (or the junior high locker room). Let's all show one another the beautiful side of those who stand behind the camera.

Nicole, I do not find your photo at all offensive. Bringing new life into this world is beautiful, and it is the greatest honor ever bestowed upon human beings. A pregnant woman is carrying God's gift to her and to all of mankind. Be encouraged young lady!
March 26th, 2011
The beauty of this project is that is about YOU and only YOU! You post want you find beautiful, what you see, what you feel…"beauty is in the eye of the beholder…" With that said, even if I viewed a photo that I totally did not like or did not connect with or even found offensive, I would never in a million years offer a negative comment. I would just hit NEXT!

Now, if someone asked me to critique their photo, I would be honest but in a very kind way. There are ways to be constructive and professional.

All styles of photography differ. Some people on here use photoshop, some use cell phones, some natural light, some use color, some only do black and white, some do objects, some do people…I don't LIKE all the photos I see but I DO learn something from all the photos I see.

The thing about photos is that are still, no sound, no movement, no voice - if you connect, you connect BIG, if you don't, like I said, you should just hit NEXT!

Keep up your work, it is YOURS and don't ever let anyone discourage you or take away the emotion you felt when you hit CLICK!

March 26th, 2011
@nicolekos I had a look the photograph, nosey really as to what the fuss was about, and OMG , i would love to have a pic like this from my pregnancy, but years ago I was not into photography and so wish I had been. I have ever seen negative responses on 365 , my followers ( sounds like a cult LOL ) have been very supportive and I would be upset if I did get what you got but somhow I dont think I ever will!! That was only one persons opionion so please dont dwell on it and dwell on all the others 99.9% that loved it.
March 26th, 2011
I feel for you @nicolekos in the way in which the negative made you feel, I've been there. And it brought me down for several weeks to be honest with you. I hope the same doesn't happen to you. I hope you can let it roll off your back because @sarahhorsfall is SO right. When people make ugly comments that are just downright mean it is because of THEM, not because of YOU. Really, it's something going on with them, some issue that has nothing to do at all with your photo or you.
You keep posting what you want to, what makes you smile! (and that's awesome that you are a dula btw!!! I should've gone with one of those for my pregnancy it was such a mess!! LOL!!!)

No worries. This community is really a positive one, super supportive and friendly. There are a few bad eggs but as Ross once told me: those are the people that get so angry at the positive they end up leaving, so don't worry about them. He's right. :D

Sending hugs and photo love your way!!!
March 26th, 2011
This is a positive community and the only person who has ever been rude to me, was also rude to you. I could tell that my story was not read, because I explained what was wrong with the shot vs caption in the story. I just let it go, I figure I don't know this person, and that's probably for the best. Take care! It's a beautiful shot!
March 26th, 2011
Beautiful shot. I think pregnant women are so beautiful. And, no, I don't find this community to be negative at all. Just the few exceptions every now and then, but that happens everywhere. :)
March 26th, 2011
I keep trying to hit reply to all of you and losing track... ha... so I hope you all see this. THANK YOU so much for the encouragement and support. It is clear to me that this was a fluke and not the norm on this site. I had just recently started to reach out and add people to follow, favs, etc, and I was nervous that comments like that were just par for the course when you begin to be more active. I am so glad this is not the case. I have so much more to say, but a squirmy baby is on my lap... I wanted to at least post my thanks ASAP so you all knew I was reading what you wrote and that you know I appreciate each and every response. :) Amazing community. Thank you for showing me that!
March 26th, 2011
@nicolekos I was really sad to read this whole thread. First, because you posted a beautiful, affirming photo showing your real dedication to support women through their pregnancies - and someone took the time to give you negative feedback on it. And two, because I hope you will have the experience I've had on 365 so far, which has been incredibly encouraging and supportive. Glad to see so many people have stepped up already to encourage you!
March 26th, 2011
On occasion I will tell someone how I would have done the shot which doesn't necessarily make there shot wrong or needing correction. It is just suggestions as to what I would have done.
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