Have you ever...

March 30th, 2011
Put your amateur photographs into a contest? How did you decide which ones? How did you register? And how did you do?
March 30th, 2011
I wish I could help you but I dont know how either. I know how to do theme week and that is about it. maybe someone else who has been on here a lot longer knows how to explain and we all can learn....good luck Terry
March 30th, 2011
i have entered some of my photos into local fairs and arts council juried shows...usually they have a theme which helps me narrow down my photos...one was a cotton festival and all photos had to be related to cotton. the other was "fur, fins and feathers" and therefore had to be related to one of those categories :) i chose photos of my cats. lots of fun, even if you don't win!
March 30th, 2011
I entered a local contest last year and received two honorable mentions. It's a city park and their rules dictate that all photos must be taken in the boundaries of the park, so narrowing it down was easy for me. I'm planning on entering again this year and thanks to this project I've got several shots in that park. Everytime I get one I think might be worthy of entering, I have it enlarged then show them all to everyone to get their opinion. People at work who don't know a thing about good photography are still great for getting a "public" opinion. I also ask photo-friendly friends that know a thing or two. Funny that last year, I entered four photos. The ONE that I thought was a sure winner didn't even get an honorable mention! Shows what I know, hunh? But yeah, I feel better for having had the experience and feel tons more confident for my next contest!
March 30th, 2011
i entered a few pictures into my cities photography contest. i entered 10 photos i think..
3 pitures of mine in different catagories won 3rd place, and 2 of my pictures in different catagories won 2nd place(:
March 30th, 2011
I have only ever entered one and that was a portrait I did of Kenzie... didn't come anywhere but got a good buzz out of it though
March 30th, 2011
I entered a National Trust competition last year and got to the finalist stage (didnt win unfortunately). There is also a group of FB - Up and Coming Photographers - that does little comps (no prizes other than kudos). I won the first one they did, and am currntly in the final for the latest one. Other than that I havent had the guts to enter anything else! Having said that I think I might go for other comps now I have a bit more confidence. I post on Ephotozine, and they have LOADS of comps with great prizes....
March 30th, 2011
Thanks everyone!! I just entered one and there's a bunch of others coming up this summer (local fairs)...I thought why not? :)
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