What actually is Urban???

April 2nd, 2011
Evening all

I'm a member of a car owners club and each month we are having a photo competition with a set theme. The main rules are the photo must include the car, be related to the theme and not be photoshopped.

This months theme is Urban. Now my first thought was grafitti, then I thought of derelict buildings. Then I thought I'd look up urban and it implied city related.

So I guess my question to you all is, how would you define urban / what does urban mean to you?

Many thanks in advance for your replies :o) x
April 2nd, 2011
LOL.I have been wondering the same thing!!!I was just about to post a picture so you decide if it is urban or not on the OC:D
April 2nd, 2011
to me, urban is city, densely populated, highly developed areas. could be all those things you mentioned, derelict buildings, graffiti, skyscrapers, and/or interesting juxtapositions relating to those types of things. sounds like fun!
April 2nd, 2011
a dumpy area ?? what it means where i live...somewhere you dont go unless have to lol....thats what iv been told im not gonna argue
April 2nd, 2011
1. of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town.
2. living in a city.
3. characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified: He is an urban type.

When you think Paris, Berlin, Rome what do you imagine; that is all part of an urban environment. There is more than just the negative images that have been mentioned. Think large pubic spaces, tall buildings, outdoor cafes, large outdoor markets, piazzas, town homes, statues, public art, public squares, rows of bicycles, historic buildings and multi-cultrual.

Hopefully I have given you some positive ideas of what an urban area an be and not negative connotations that have been listed. I live in a city and walk to work everyday and pass such beautiful things that make it vibrant and not like every other community that seems to pop up.
April 2nd, 2011
Everything has a positive and a negative, even in suburbia. It's definately having to do with the city. Sounds fun.
April 2nd, 2011
Don't confuse urban with urban decay. Urban itself does refer to city life, sleek and shiny. Urban decay is more the broken down, dumpy.
April 3rd, 2011
it's not suburban either! ;)
April 3rd, 2011
Urban = city. Rural = country. That's how I was taught. Really old school. :)
April 3rd, 2011
Totally agree with @mrsharkleroad on this, urban and urban decay are two different things.

This is how my thought process goes:
Urban->city+car->(if modern car,+new buildings)(if classic car,+older building)->shine+reflection(wet roads)+lens flare(night)

Urban decay->(duller background->focus on car->brighter car color)(brighter background->focus on the background?->monochrome color->possibly motion blur past graffiti)

I'm sure it makes no sense, that's what going decaffeinated will do to you *lol*!

For either I'd say you'd want the smallest aperture you can go with on your camera for the greatest DOF, both the subject (car) and background (city) would be important.
April 3rd, 2011
not rural.
April 3rd, 2011
I'm urbane, hope that helps :0)
April 3rd, 2011
@wheezy @stepheesue @shenay @brumbe @dmortega @mrsharkleroad @daffodill @pfmandeville @neda @bobfoto @tolpol

Thank you all so much for your replies, you've certainly given me plenty more ideas to think about :o) x
April 3rd, 2011
@brumbe I don't think photos of ' large pubic spaces ' would be acceptable ... lol
April 3rd, 2011
@tolpol Lol I spat my drink out @ that
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