Do you really read or listen ?:)

April 3rd, 2011
I'm gonna make this short!!.Do you really read those very-very long-loooong caption
with each pictures?Then if so,what the hell is your secret? How do you find time?
Which is better,Just add a title on the photo , a brief words to desribe it
or to write down the whole ingredients and recipes of a hard boiled eggs ?
It is impossible for me(or perhaps to you) to catch up and make comments and thanks all followers but to read
the whole entree'...come on,we are not in the library..Don't fried me for this but, it is just my curiousity.
p.s.Do you also go to YouTube,listen to the requested background music then come back again to 365 to make remarks?
April 3rd, 2011
@jodimuli Sorry, way too many words for me to read ... Is there an edited version available?
April 3rd, 2011
There are some people that write novels under their pictures, and while I should take the time to read them, I can't!! I don't have the time. I think people should really keep it sweet unless there is something really important someone wants to share. That's just my opinion though
April 3rd, 2011
Honestly, rarely. I seldom follow the YouTube link if I already have something playing (usually from YouTube anyway) and I only read REALLY long captions if they're someone I talk to often. Otherwise, I skim, get in key words and that's that.
April 3rd, 2011
I never follow the youtube links. As for the long captions, it depends on if I'm interested in that person's life...and a sense of humour in the writing helps.

Also, I only comment of pics that interest me. Never comment just for the sake of commenting. Have to have some sort of life outside of 365. I do try to recriprocate comments on my pics first though, then on the ones in the home feed.
April 3rd, 2011
i usually read the caption and an occasional explanation, but not the "blogs" i have seen....i think personally, the picture should tell the story with little explanation, if any, needed. I will say that there are some talented photo-bloggers here and i am sure they have followers who love that about their work, but i don't have the time to read or write them, lol.
April 3rd, 2011
Oh Joe, of course I do! But I don't expect it of everyone else. I have a few select people I follow that I will click links, listen to music, watch video's etc and then comment. Others it will only be if the picture speaks to me. I think it's what makes this community special you take and leave as much or as little as you like!
April 3rd, 2011
I guess I'm one of those that sometimes writes a few too many lines - but I'm keeping this as a journal of my year and it's nice to remember what went on that day. I don't read everyone's (i confess if it's more than 6-8 lines I switch off) but for those people I follow closely it's kind of nice to picture their lives.Sometimes the words make the picture fit. I guess you have a choice - jsut look at the picture at face value or find out about the sentiments behind it - it's your call!
April 3rd, 2011
Depends who it is. If I've a rapport with them and "know" them then yes
April 3rd, 2011
@edpartridge LOL!!!!!

@jodimuli Joe, it changes daily for me, but for the most part, for the peeps I've developed relationships with on here, yes, I read it all. If I have time I check out the tunes but not always. I get stressed sometimes if I can't reciprocate with commenting back to the kind folks who leave me comments (I no longer leave generic group thank you's
April 3rd, 2011
@edpartridge Ed, the abridged version to the above is "Yes, most of the time." ;-)
April 3rd, 2011
@pixelchix Thanks - I skim-read it and only saw "check out stressed folks"
April 3rd, 2011
I tend to write a lot with my photo, but I don't really expect that anyone has to read it. I write to sort out my thoughts about the photo and chronicle my day, not really expecting others to read. If they do, that's great. If not, okay.
April 3rd, 2011
I read it only if I want to know more about the photo. After much do I really need to read of a photo of a sunrise or sunset?

My captions are usually very brief, but that's because I learned photography as a NCAA photographer and photojournalist. Who, what, when, where, and a byline is all that is needed, so that's all I'll often read of a photo.
April 3rd, 2011
I almost never go to a You Tube link. I read captions and stories from people to whom I feel connected and, of course, depending on what time allows on a day to day basis. I have also tried to get away from the "group" thank yous, and to make the effort to show my appreciation and gratitude by commenting back on peoples' work - -
April 3rd, 2011
I do, yes. I've built a rapport with the people who tell stories, so it gives me something to talk to them about. Sometimes it's more than just the photo to me. I like to know a little about the day, why you took that one, and any other details you want to put forth. Sometimes I don't just comment on the photo, but what a person has to say. It's social for me. As I'm not a professional, I'm here for the social aspects. I always have something to say on mine, but it's OK if not everyone has the time to read it. If you do, then that's great. It will not change. Also, I'm a fast typist, so I can say what I need to say pretty quickly. Benefits of typing 100+ words a minute. ;)

And my curiosity will usually have me peeking at the YouTube video, and as soon as I see what it is, I go back. Unless it's a GREAT song I haven't heard or something I'm really curious about, I don't stick around. Plus my internet is slow and it takes FOREVER to download the song sometimes.

So, is this enough reading for ya? ;)
April 3rd, 2011
@stepheesue I totally agree with you Stephanie. I don't usually go to people's Youtube links on Facebook either anymore, but that's off-topic. I also try to reciprocate from looking at other people's work, Soon it'll be nice out too, so I won't be online as much, so then I will have less time to read lots of text.
April 3rd, 2011
@edpartridge LOLZ! ;)
April 3rd, 2011
@jodimuli Sorry, not short enough, not got the time!
April 3rd, 2011
@edpartridge ha ha, that was my thought! I try to read but when they are really long, I either just skim them or try to come back when I have more time.
April 3rd, 2011
I prefer short captions, but I do like a little bit of context. A couple of lines is perfect for me. I never click on YouTube links, unless I know in advance what it is. Taste in music can vary immensely and I wouldn't want a good shot ruined by horrible music.

For my own shots I usually write 4 or 5 line captions: two lines on the context of the photo and two lines either on my day or on the particular camera settings of the shot.
April 3rd, 2011
If the photo really pulls me in, I will try to read the whole thing, otherwise I skim and get the overall thought. I have only included one youtube link in my photo's so far. I don't expect everyone to click on it, but I wanted to put it in there for two reasons. 1. To give credit to the creative spark and 2. if someone is interested in #1 then they can see/hear it first hand. I try to keep my captions to 3 or 4 sentences at the most, I agree that the picture should tell the story.
April 3rd, 2011
I generally prefer a photo to have some title at least and also if there is a comment i'll read it but then I read very fast so it does noty take too much time, but if it was my husband I know he would skim the comment at the most. It s just down to personal choice really I suppose.
My comments tend to be not very long and usually are just a little explanation of what I did to the photo when i edited it.
April 3rd, 2011
Sorry didn't have time to read but posted anyway ;-0

Well some read comments I write, some don't, but I love reading them if they are there, but I never follow You Tube links ;-)
April 3rd, 2011
Thanks -4 all ur time & comments!Hugs & Kisses,PEACE !
April 3rd, 2011
I write essays.. sorry everyone! Nobody has to read them, but they're there if you want to :) I enjoy writing about my photos because it is an opportunity to improve my creative writing as well as my photography, and I have had a lot of comments on the writing as well as the photos. Having said that, I have become rather lax recently because I haven't had the time to think up good story-lines for everything.. but as far as I can see most people who comment on my photos have read the whole story.. and they seem to like it. :/

I like reading about it, I like the little glimpses into someone's life and culture, and I like building up the picture *around* the photo. Although I do tend to turn off a bit if I see numbers and things - don't get me wrong, I'm not maths-phobic, I just don't really care much what aperture or exposure you used.. if I want to know, I'll ask. :)
April 3rd, 2011
@edpartridge ha ha ha.

I love writing and sometimes add words about the day or the subject of the photograph or something that's on my mind for that day. It's a free world. I have the freedom to write and the freedom not to always read stuff when I am busy and I expect it is like that for others. I occasionally listen to the links, but the same applies, it depends on time.
April 3rd, 2011
well i cant honestly say i read everything because i dont .... however i read a lot of the ones i follow and speak with a lot. . . . . a sense of humour does help if the writing is long as it makes it fun to read , i personally try not to write too much and if i do i write from my head , i laugh at myself but i doubt others laugh at me :( haha !

as for you tube links simply NO i dont listen as nice and simply my main pc has no sound and when on the laptop im generally using that for a quick catch up so wont spend ages listening.
April 3rd, 2011
I do try to read, and I do with lots, but if it is really too too long then no. Very rarely follow the youtube links. I do try to keep up with the picture uploads, getting harder with the amount of people I'm following haha, but I'm still going ;o)
April 3rd, 2011
Think I agree with the general sentiment. I usually try to write a description telling either why I took a particular photo or what is the subject's significance. I figure, viewers can view photo, description or both. No biggie. I DON'T however, like photos titled "#99 of 365", "IMG_5543", or some other automated/default name. I figure if the photographer didn't care enough to at least offer some title/description, then why should I care enough to view or comment on it. But that's just me.

Also, sometimes the descriptions really give extra insight into the photographers world. I really love reading those descriptions!
April 3rd, 2011
I have several people I follow who put very interesting historical or cultural information on their photos. I read everyone of them as often as I can. I love learning about other places and people and that is one of the things I get from this site.

Only rarely do I go to the YouTube, if something really catches my interest.
April 3rd, 2011
I'm totally guilty of writing some short novellas to accompany my photos, which is why I generally return the favour and read others lengthy captions. Actually, I shouldn't phrase it like that; it's not just returning the favour - I enjoy doing it. I usually learn something I didn't know before, and 9 out of 10 times, it'll teach me a trick or two about that particular shot, which I appreciate. I made the mistake of following the YouTube link once, and had It's a Small World stuck in my head all day, lol.
My question is; how are you going to find the time to read all the responses to your discussion ;)
April 3rd, 2011
My project is MINE... so bug off if you don't want to read, that's how I feel about it... I often put song lyrics with my photos, which makes stuff feel longer than it really is. And I always write a description of the photo, and equipment used. Which is mostly for my reference. I do this as a diary for myself in all honesty. Not here to please others...
April 3rd, 2011
@sparkle I 100% agree. Don't read it is you don't want to. I often add some thoughts because I am using this project as a journal of the year as well. Some of my followers read the captions...others don't. As a full time working mom of three kids, I know about the lack of time. But, I still find it to read some people's captions because I enjoy doing it.
April 3rd, 2011
I try to keep captions pretty short...

Whether I will read all of a long caption on a picture or not depends very much on whose picture it is!

I don't follow YouTube links, because the idea of using YouTube as a music player irks me no end...
April 3rd, 2011
I actually look forward to the narratives from several of the folks I follow.
April 3rd, 2011
I like the stories people have behind their choice of photos, but I also rely on people to find their own stories and meaning depending on their own journey...I use very short captions on my photos. When I have time, I read the lengthy captions, but sometimes pass them up and then find myself going back to read them based on the comments the narrative generated. Thanks for the chat, Joey!
April 3rd, 2011
I never write anything... 1. My english sucks a little bit . 2. I am better with pictures than with words
April 4th, 2011
I usually read what people write; I like the human interest that is added to the photo. I don't follow too many people though, and many are family or friends. YouTube doesn't interest me that much, so I've never followed a link to there.
April 4th, 2011
@edpartridge LOOOOL :D
@jodimuli Usually I'm reading the really long description when I have a lot of time, and the people has to be someone I follow and that interess me.
Or it has to be a work that capture my eye, and that I want to know what's behind the picture.

I'm really glad people are so open in their works. I prefer works with description, because you know, you can learn more about the picture with words.
April 4th, 2011
LOL I nearly didn't get to the end of your rant!! LOL
Mostly I don't read them, bit like books if the first chapter doesn't grab me it will never be read, so the first line has to "get me" and then I read.
I do however like a little description not just a title. I also like to see something on peoples profiles, I rarely follow someone if they have no information, it feels secretive and for me there is a barrier.
As for music.... please, there is enough noise in my head without having to add more for this project!!
April 4th, 2011
I do read most of them, but not always. I tend to have small essays on mine, but that’s really just for myself since this project is a diary of my year. Believe it or not, it’s my Facebook friends that tend to read and comment on it.
April 4th, 2011
I don't write my captions for others to read, if they do sweet! but I write them for myself, because this is a visual photo diary of my life each day as I live it, and I want to look back and read what I was thinking about when I took the photo.

I have no problem if people skip the dialog, it's not integral for them to enjoy my photo, however if my image does capture them and they want to know more, then it is there. I have many people I follow and I love reading some of them quite a lot. I would feel a loss if @Marinate Spatula for example,stopped writing commentary with their photos.
April 4th, 2011
@hmgphotos I agree. Here here!! I think I like you.
April 4th, 2011
Honestly, depends on the photo and the person. I feel more "connections" to some more then others.
April 4th, 2011
no utube music links for me...actually i have done it one time. the video photos...only with my followers that i have a ongoing rapport with , but most people don't do the video photos that much. honestly, i try to comment on all my followers as much a possible so i don't read all the info past the first paragraph on the photo unless it is a close friend who has commentary that i enjoy (terry...Nickers...Miranda)...i try to keep it to no more than one sentence cause i know how busy and crazy everyone is. And...the most important thing for me is to build relationships with my followers and comment on their photos. this is more than i have ever wrote. glad you brought this up though...
April 4th, 2011
I try to read, but honestly can't say I pour over all of it. Most of the people I follow are pretty short writers anyway. I do like the insight into others' lives, especially those who live in places I long to visit. I tend to write a lot, but since this project is for me, I don't care if anyone actually reads what I write. I never do the music, who has time?
April 4th, 2011
I start reading, if it is long winded and boring, I skip it. It is very well known these days that short and to the point is what works. With photos, less is more. I have spoken :) @jodimuli
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