
April 4th, 2011

Do you find that your Mood affects your photography ?

Ive had a rough week and was just looking through my shots , ok so 3 were autism awareness ones but ive actually posted 6 shots in a row with "moody" colours which really kind of suits the down mood ive been in lately !

wondered if others found the same ?
April 4th, 2011
Yes! I think you can tell from your own photography by the end result. As I've gotten to know more 365ers I can sometimes tell their moods too. It really shows through I think. Sorry to hear you've had a rough week. xx
April 4th, 2011
I actually try and post photos which lift my mood, because you're quite right - our moods tend to affect what we post. I actually have quite a good photo of a grungy old fly and I have promised someone that if they ever see it posted, they will know I'm having a shocker of a day. Hope nobody gets to see my fly. :-)
April 4th, 2011
I would tend to agree that our mood most likely would drive our choice of photograph. It is most likely on an unconscious level, because our mood will determine how much effort we are going to put into finding that object to photograph. I will need to go back a few days to see if my theory holds true for me.
April 4th, 2011
Mine are more that if I'm feeling miserable or stressed or fed up, my photos are boring and unimaginative. I don't go out and look for something to photograph if I'm "down" whereas I will if I'm feeling ok.
April 4th, 2011
@murnane ~ hmmm maybe i should try that posting something cheerful when i feel down , its the first time ive really thought about it to be honest i was just looking through shots thinking how gloomy my work has looked this week .... bright tomorrow for sure !

now im curious about your fly hehe !
April 4th, 2011
April 4th, 2011
My moods can definitely be picked up from my photos (subjects, colors, everything)...
check the thumbnails: ... have I been happy lately or what ? :-)
April 4th, 2011
OMG...just look at mine from last Wed (no don't) down, down, down. I also have to say though that when I got myself together on Thursday the photos reflected it.
April 4th, 2011

Actually, today.. I was in a pretty faul mood during lunch and took a few photos in the sidewalk noodles restaurant. Turned the photo black.

April 4th, 2011
now im finding it really quite interesting ! off to have a looksie round now :)
April 4th, 2011
For sure! When I was sick, my shots were dark. When I'm cheery, they're bright and happy.
April 4th, 2011
Absolutely! When I feel bad, my pictures tend to be more grey end when I'm happy the colours are really warm. But sometimes it's just the opposite, I think I'm trying to cheer myself up with happy pictures or I can live in a grey world, because I'm already feeling sunny... My bad-feeling pictures are more calming in composition than my happy-feeling pictures.
April 4th, 2011
absolutely for sure - and then there's the weather thing to take into consideration which I reckon is a double whammy - if it's grey and miserable generally it makes you feel a bit gloomy - if it's bright and sunny you get the ultra happy vibes on the go!! Funnily enough, looking through my album to try and make an informed decision, some of my less serious shots are actually when i am feeling grumpy (my lego man shot the other day was as a result of needing to break out of a mood!) however, i find i have to watch it or i swing the other way - a fun shot doesn't work and all you get is a pile of crap!! interesting discussion!
April 4th, 2011
Absolutely! I actually try not to express my mood in my pictures but sometimes personal mood gives the photo the certain touch. For example this one. I left the house to have 2 hours without family, without conversation just to be alone (happens from time to time ;). And knowing my mood at the time this photo is definitely reflecting my mood :)

April 4th, 2011
Yup. :) Also, I've been finding that when I'm in a bad mood, taking photographs of things helps me get through it and alleviate the stress. So pictures will either be gloomy or cheery; I usually just look at the photo itself and figure out what I want out of the photo while editing. If mood affects that decision (which I'm sure it does), it's not a conscious effort.
April 4th, 2011
Hmm I'm not sure. I do know the other week that someone commented on a photo of mine saying how they liked how bright I made it despite how tired I was etc. I'll have to go back and have a look at my photos. lol.
April 4th, 2011
I actually don't think my mood is reflected in my photography - probably more so in the blurbs I put with the photo! That said though I've only been doing this project during the bug filled summer. This could well change come the cold bugless winter months.....
April 4th, 2011
Definitely but I can't make myself stop, it has become an obsession that I'm sure all around me is starting to get sick of hearing about... lol!
April 4th, 2011
oh mine certainly affects my mood!!! I tend to do the fairytale girly photos when I'm super happy...apparently I haven't been super happy in a while because there are quite a few of mine all in a row that aren't.

lol!! Here's a happy shot recently:

here's a moody shot:

April 4th, 2011
100% yes! I can also tell weeks when my heart is not into photography either. The best shots come when I go with my moods.
April 4th, 2011
Totally. If I'm really stressed/upset, it's just not there to get totally creative at all.
April 4th, 2011
My moods definitely impact my photographs. Sometimes, I don't even want to take pictures. I do take pictures every day and my pictures reflect my moods. On my bad days, I take some of my worse quality pictures. However, I can use my moods to take what I call mood pictures and these are some of my best pictures. I have found that I can use my pictures to lift my moods too. If I find that I am posting dark, gloomy pictures, I start posting pictures that are bright, colorful and cheery. Looking at these pictures lifts my spirits. I am sorry you had a bad week. I hope this week is better for you.
April 4th, 2011
yes! I lost my father a month ago and really haven't felt any creativity in my photos since...just sticking with the day to day boring stuff for a while I guess. no matter how you think your prepared for losing a parent....there is just no way to be:(
April 4th, 2011
My mood definitely affected how I processed this shot. I'm tired of being cooped up indoors all month with an active toddler. I just want it to stop raining. I want to see some sun, touch some (dry) green grass, and breathe some fresh air!!
April 4th, 2011
Ohhh yes :p my photos explain all xD
April 4th, 2011
@flamez - Completely understand! A few people here have voiced a simliar opinion, but I find when I'm in a down mood, my photos aren't very creative, but when I'm in a great mood, they turn out really well (in my opinion) or do not take a lot of time to turn my idea into a reality! I should probably be in a better mood more often. :-) When I'm down, I tend to get stressed about my photo and that sometimes puts me in a worse mood (which it shouldn't, since this is supposed to be fun).

Interesting thread, glad I'm not the only one!
April 4th, 2011
@hockechic -- sorry to hear that, Rhonda! :-(
April 4th, 2011
@flamez I noticed the colours in your photos of late and they all flowed but i hadn't related it to mood i'd sort of thought oh shes changing fazes from bright to focusing more on one colour... but it all makes sense now that its mood related!!

April 4th, 2011
Totally relieved that I'm human after all - like many people responded here :-) ... as stated on my profile, my mood affects my ability to function (shoot) - due to goal on 365; when feeling down, I push myself to take a photo and look extra hard for a target picture, am finding that this helps lighten my load as 365 is a non-threathening distraction, typically seeking something memorable, interesting, and/or challenging to shoot in my home ... e.g. some hand-painted glasses acquired as a present (
April 5th, 2011
@poggy1818 Thanks, its been rough, just not feeling the creativity I have always had...
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