Following the wrong people

April 12th, 2011
I think I am doing something wrong here! I follow a lot of people and comment a lot because I love pictures,I expect nothing in return....EXCEPT for the people I am following to post or at-least warn us followers they are not going to do it anymore or something.... I keep following people and they its like they stop posting! Haha I must be jinxed or something. Is there anything you look for when following people or is it just like me and you follow who you admire,like,find interesting...Etc.??
April 12th, 2011
I follow people whose shots I like - when they stop posting for a long time i usually take them off my list :D
April 12th, 2011
@ididntdoit87 i have around 300 followers but i reckon only half of them are still posting. I tend to now only comment on those who comment on me regularly and those who I enjoy following regardless on whether they comment on me. Part of my enjoyment is the banter and conversation that strike up. so i guess it starts with a good photo for me to follow, or a recognition that a certain person likes conversatino, and if someone follows me - I'll return the favour for as long as they are interesting in commenting! It's all a bit hit and miss, but part of the joys of finding your way!
April 12th, 2011
Hey you can follow me ;) .. I don't post every every day.. but I will never stop posting ! I love it here too. Not too many people get to see my pictures ( life is too busy )and it's nice to get some comments from them.
April 12th, 2011
I know this feeling. :) But it's not like it has something bad for you. It's worse if you suddenly would get spammed with photos. I always think it's sad when people give up on the project, but as long as it doesn't affect me, it doesn't bother me..
April 12th, 2011
I tend to follow people that I've befriended but then sometimes I find that when I talk to someone often enough, I assume I've already followed them and yonks later I realize I never got around to it, which is why my list is relatively short :/

April 12th, 2011
Yeah I feel like only half the people I follow ever post pictures, but if everyone I followed posted pictures everyday I probably wouldn't be able to keep up with them haha. I post almost everyday if your looking for new people to follow :).
April 12th, 2011
I was shown the useful little thing It lets you check your account for peopel who are no longer active and you can then remove them from who you follow.

If you're after new people to follow I have managed to take a photo a day since January although occasionally on weekends I'll leave posting my photo until the next day if I'm busy.
April 12th, 2011
The fact you are going to follow some people doesnt mean they have to follow you back! That's absurd!
And even if they would, why would you want to have that much followers and no one actually commenting your work? these last times I appreciate much more comments than followers.
April 12th, 2011
Hi! I signed up to follow you. Like you, I post a lot of unedited photos. I might nudge the contrast in some of the photos, but that is about it for my editing. I will try to comment on your photos. I stopped commenting on my followers pictures for about a week while I was working on a big project, but I am back to commenting again.
April 12th, 2011
@lalola616 -Now wait a minute,I never said that-Not sure if you were addressing that to me. I follow people to follow them not to have a competition of numbers. I was just stating that I tend to follow people and they stop posting pictures...I was told that sometimes following people who make the top 5 is hard because sometimes they only post one photo a week to enter into the theme and thats it. Just not sure if I am being to nice and following all these people and maybe I should tone it down and get to know people then follow... @melaniep @jessleeca Love following people, I love posting pics and I am not looking for every day I could never keep up but some people just stopped posting all together! was Crazy! @indiannie_jones I was thinking I need to friend more and then follow,Ah I just love this site. @cazink Ah yes I have done that it just seems I do it a lot! =/ @sparkle Thats really well said,Great point!
April 12th, 2011
@daisy Oh thats great, I love getting comments but I love posting them even more. Its great to learn and see everyones photos and their take on things. Thats why I want to follow people who post not who stop with no heads up or who posts once a month. I want to see as many pictures as I can!
April 12th, 2011
Hey, I'm always looking for new people to follow/new followers. I like it when I get feedback on my photos; how will I improve if I don't know what people like or don't like? I always comment back, although it may not be the same day if life gets crazy. :)
I'm going to go check you out now. ;)
April 12th, 2011
I've no intention of quitting and do silly things,,,

All the people I originally spoke to on this have died off, bar one... But I made new friends :D
April 12th, 2011
@sarabeth_photo I am a follower of yours,Love commenting on photos and just enjoying this site!
April 12th, 2011
I post EVERYDAY *big smile*
April 13th, 2011
@ididntdoit87 perhaps you are so brilliant at your craft they are merely frozen in awe...give them a few days to defrost :)
April 13th, 2011
@jennlouise Haha hint taken. I am now a follower!
April 13th, 2011
I have noticed an unusually large number of people dropping out since I started following them. I followed a lot of the new people in January.
April 13th, 2011
I post everyday, and I'm at day 101. I have many friends to follow, and love seeing everyone's photos. I do find it hard to keep up with commenting, due to other commitments though. I feel bad when I get so many comments and can't comment back. It's simply a time issue for me. Wish there were more hours in the day because there are some amazing photos on here!
April 13th, 2011
@ididntdoit87 I'm almost halfway through, and I post almost every day! *wink wink nudge nudge*
April 13th, 2011
@ididntdoit87 The folks whose pics I comment on are not always those I follow. I simply can't keep up with everyone no matter how hard I try. There are so many incredibly wonderful photogs and friends here that I enjoy and want to support! I like a few others here comment regularly with some folks only to later realize I wasn't following them at all. I, too, enjoy the bantering--such a fun group! I just do what I can and hope all the incredibly kind folks who follow ME understand and know how apppreciative I am of their support!
April 13th, 2011
@killerjackalope Love your album! Silly is your name!
April 13th, 2011
@mackena I just want too see pics if they never comment back thats okay! Theres days my feed stays the same for hours no one is uploading so I want more of a challenge you could say!
April 13th, 2011
@kelseyyx23 Got it! New follower! =D
April 13th, 2011
@aikiuser I follow you and love your photos and never expect anything in return except to keep on seeing your photos and your creativity!
April 13th, 2011
@ididntdoit87 Ha thanks, even after a shower I still smell burnt :P
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