theme for this week

April 18th, 2011
Is there any plan for a theme for this week? I am hooked on themes and don't know what to do without it, (well I am sure I could find something, but I love themes)
April 18th, 2011
I know how you feel - I keep refreshing the main page... I guess that's a sign of addiction ;)
April 18th, 2011
hahah. glad i am not the only one. ;)
April 18th, 2011
how do u send suggestions ? i like the idea of theme rainbows ! hehe ! @eyebrows
April 18th, 2011
@eyebrows I don't tweet but I want to suggest "under construction" as a theme idea.
April 18th, 2011
@sdpace I just took a photo of "under demolition" yesterday.
April 18th, 2011
I also have a suggestion: Bug me!
Or: Shadowplay.
April 18th, 2011
@geertje @brumbe @sdpace @flamez @eyebrows @minilou @jannaellen @omabluebird

its eggs!!! :) yay lots of easter shots!! x
April 18th, 2011
@Scrivna awesome theme for easter :)
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