Bad Days ...

April 24th, 2011

just a question ....

If you have a bad photo day , do you post the bad photo as is ? Do you use a wappy edit to hide the fact its not good ? or do you post a filler ?

or something else ?

today was a bad photo day for me and i cant be bothered to try again as my head aint in it today :( so ive played with the rubbishy shots but i dunno if ill post that or use a filler , just curious what others do in this situation really !
April 24th, 2011
I say post it. We can't have 365 perfect days a year, so it's normal to have a couple of shots that we aren't completely satisfied with. Plus, I'm doubting any of your photos would turn out badly anyway ;)
April 24th, 2011
I think if you have a bad day you should still post that photo. No one is perfect! :) But I can't see any of your photos being catagorized as bad Flamez!!! lol.
April 24th, 2011
well if its a diary go with the bad day,, if your not happy tho go with a filler,, sometimes not happy with what i post but that can reflect the way we feel
April 24th, 2011
I know what you mean -- sometimes I just wait to post something a couple of days later to give myself a little perspective of the shots (and clear eyes for editing). Might be something there you like after all -- or a filler is always fine, too, of course -- your rules ;-)
April 24th, 2011
I edit the crap out of it to make it somewhat decent in my eyes, and if I truly hate it, I sometimes use a filler.
April 24th, 2011
@emmytheshort @slmatntwi ~ thankyou but i can assure u today was an epic fail haha ! ..... funnily enough the shot i did a wappy edit with is just a shot i took from the hip of two cars passing on the way home from the park ..... all my bubble shots are outta focus (the sunlight on the veiwing screen made it impossible to be sure until i got home but they are deffo out of focus ) and the only other thing i photographed was ermmm a random feather that i was going to rainbow- ize but it looks rubbish haha !
April 24th, 2011
@laceyjogautreau ~ edit the crap outta it is the route ive taken and i think thats what ill end up using but i so wish the cars were something more exciting haha ! cant upload properly till after little man is in bed so i might change my mind yet haha !
April 24th, 2011
I just post it. Although I get frustrated when it's a string of bad days :( but it happens, so what to do?
April 24th, 2011
Just take a quick candid of your family. It is a holiday type day anyway. :-) I usually do that if nothing else works,
April 24th, 2011
I always have bad photo days but still post, but have filler/backups just in case. I cannot imagine any of yours being bad! You have fantastic work!!

I do not really know how to edit a photo so I post as is. Funny, today I have nothing to post so far.
April 24th, 2011
Just post it. Up until today (day 96) I posted photos taken on that day, no matter how bad. Just my own silly rule to stick to the 24-hour window. Anyway, it's only a day out of 365. By the end of the week this bad day will be a distant past :-)

I posted a few pics I didn't like (always could have been better, should have gone to other places, etc), and now it doesn't really matter!!
April 24th, 2011
I generally post them anyways because I don't have the patience to take photos all day long.
April 24th, 2011
I think if you're doing the 365 project. A photo per day for a year you should post the shot, happy with it or not. Posting a filler is surely failing the challenge? If the 365 project is to take a photo per day, posting at least a bad photo taken on the day is better than NOT posting a photo taken that day?

I haven't posted a filler and never will. If I don't take a photo on a given day, that's the 365 project over for me and I'd have to start again. Perhaps it's the OCD-person inside me?
April 24th, 2011
i just edit the bad one haha :)
April 24th, 2011
Personally I post, I had one of a balloon (well actually I've had quite a few lol) that I hated but I had no other photo and to me it's about a photo a day taken on that day. But we are all different and our projects mean different things to us. But I know that you'll have a superb shot and will just be being critical of yourself woman. :P ;)
April 24th, 2011
I would post it. 365 for me is somewhat of a journal of this year, and that consist of the my greatest moments and my greatest failures!
April 24th, 2011
I post a pic-a-day, on the day, no matter what - no fillers besides the first 9 days in Jan but good or bad they go up - that's my exercise. Thinking of deleting those first 9 fillers now. But you must do what works for you. ;) It's your project.
April 24th, 2011
Personally I'd rather post what I've taken that day rather than use a filler - that's how I'm choosing to do my 365 project. The times that I've posted what I've thought is a pretty cruddy picture, it's been lovely and surprising to have a few complimentary comments from people who have seen some merit in the photo that I hadn't seen. I'm sure what you think of as a bad pic by your standards will still be a good enough pic! :o)
April 24th, 2011
thanks everyone :D interesting to see the different points of veiw :)

im going to just shove the shot im naffed off with on anyhow but i do feel like i failed today haha !
April 24th, 2011
@coolgirlsar ~ possibly :( but u know me , rarely happy haha !
April 24th, 2011
I'm with posting it - it makes you appreciate the good days maore - and you'll make the rest of us feel better!!
April 24th, 2011
Post as is, if its bad it's bad. (Maybe edit the hell out of it). I refuse to use a filler, personal preference. It kinda defeats the photo a day i think. Some of my photos i look back and just cringe with embarresment, but hey its my project!
April 24th, 2011
I'd post the best edit I could get out of the rubbish shot (my main 365 album is full of this kind of shot!)
April 24th, 2011
It is a personal decision, for myself I would post a picture taken within that day even if it was something I had to find in the house. If I was totally uninspired, I would post with the title " What would You do" and wait for the results.
April 24th, 2011
Post it as it is or edit the crap out of it lol
April 24th, 2011
Lately every day seems to be a bad day, I always post a Photo used that day but some times I edit it more to try to make it look better if I think it was bad, for example Yesterdays, I had the idea but it didnt turn out how I had hoped so there I sat til gone 1am editing, added it eventually, not happy with it but it was the best I could do, When You say You have a bad day @flamez Your photos are always brill.
April 24th, 2011
I'm bad... I usually post a filler instead. Sometimes I have off weeks where no pictures I take really please me. I prefer to then go back in my photo folders and look for a shot that speaks to me on that day and post that instead. Probably not a good thing, but sometimes I can get my emotions out a lot better in a filler than just posting a crappy picture.
April 24th, 2011
Just remember that "bad" is in the eyes of the beholder just as much as "good" is. This is your project and only you need to be happy with what you post each day or how you post.
April 24th, 2011
I tend to post the bad shot. I figure that it's a calendar of a year in photography, not a contest or a resume, and a year in my life is certainly going to have many bad days. I know that I'm not kidding myself, so I just put it out there. But, that's just me.
April 24th, 2011
Edit the hell out of it; do some insane cropping; make it unrecognisable; photoshop bits of other photos you have taken onto it; eat it.. I'm sure you haven't had a bad day anyway - you're "bad photo day" is probably still better than one of my "good photo days" so don't worry. Ain't no-one on here gonna judge you for posting a slightly-below-par photo once in a while.

April 24th, 2011
I wil always post a photo I took that day and edit it to make it someway decent. Bizarrely some of my more hideous shots that I hate have been subsequently picked in the Browse and Pick threads so you can never really tell can you! I am now intrigued to see your shot today, what's the odds of it making the PP now as we all leave comments on it, LOL!
April 24th, 2011
I always chuck 'em in even of they're rubbish - you know sometimes i think it takes the bad ones to make the good ones! One of my worst is probably the one attached; I was having a REALLY bad day in every way. I didn't bother doing anything than upload and post...I guess as skill gets better the will to post only the best ones becomes stronger, but I made a rule for myself that i wouldn't use fillers - i'm 50% through and haven't (YET!) - it just makes me try harder the next day!
April 24th, 2011
Bad days for me usually end up with quick shot pictures like & Will do them in the evening then post them up. Evening is always the time I get to upload onto here.

Just want to say too, I don't think any of your pictures look like bad pictures! Always look fab to me.
April 24th, 2011
depends. I actually started my P365 before discovering this site so my real project is hosted someplace else. My personal rule for that one is I have to take a photo and I have to post it, no matter how bad I think it is. However, I will give myself a 24 hour grace period to change it but with a new one, though I try not to abuse it (I think I've done it twice in 9 1/2 months). I haven't used any filler photos on that (filler being defined by me as having been taken in the past).
On here, I've been known to use a filler photo or two. Or three :) Just because. Or sometimes even if I have a photo posted to my other project that I am happy with I will use a current but different one on here; it just depends on my mood
April 25th, 2011
I've never posted a filler. I don't intend to ever post a filler. I take what I have for that day and work with it the best I can. I think, since I diversify my shots quite a bit and take a lot of different things through the course of the day, I can usually assure myself of getting something to post.
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