What makes a Fav a Fav

May 7th, 2011
For me it is if it stands out to me or if i havent seen any thing like that!
what makes a fave? for you i wanna know!
May 7th, 2011
If I say "Whoa!" out loud they're generally fav'd.
May 7th, 2011
It's usually something I want to remember -- to look back at again if I have the time. Or just something that moves me and has that special, magical element that should be acknowledged/congratulated.
May 7th, 2011
Something that I just find utterly beautiful, something that makes me smile, something that takes my breath away, or something I'd love to be able to do.
May 7th, 2011
Something I really like for any reason, maybe it is just really cute or clever. Sometimes I fav something I would like to try so I can find it again, but obviously I like it a lot to want to try it out!!
May 7th, 2011
Lots of things for me - it's a guaranteed fave if it makes me laugh. But I also fave shots that I can't even figure out how they did it, if their editing process blows my mind, or if it's an extraordinarily beautiful nature shot. Adorable kids are a pretty safe bet too, lol
May 7th, 2011
It could be a few different things. Would I hang it on my wall, do I wish that I had even thought to take the photo, something that is memorable, and would I want to try to do a similar photo in the future.
May 7th, 2011
A photo I would want to keep coming back to, to see again and again and again.
May 7th, 2011
I'm with Kate, a picture that you just go back to and look at over and over again...
May 7th, 2011
Me three. Something you'd want to go back to because of a beautiful scene or outstanding technique. I always think I'll remember a particular shot, but then I never do. Just FAV it!
May 7th, 2011
I honestly don't know anymore. I never used to "fav" photos. Then I started to "fav" shots that I thought the technique was really interesting, then I started to "fav" photos of places that were near and dear to me. I've "faved" six photos today and I'm not really sure what they all have in connection.
May 7th, 2011
If I fav it - it's special. Could be because the photo just speaks to me - to my heart, soul, emotions, whatever. Could be be because it's artistic and creative and it's something I aspire to follow. It might be a place I'd love to see. I don't fav easily - didn't at all at first. Now I realize that it's important to the person who posted the picture to show that you appreciate their good work.
May 7th, 2011
- pics I think are really beautiful as a photo
- pics that are really artistic
- pics that are so so funny
- pics that so much work has been put into it which I admire
- pics that I want to know how to do it

these are all I can think of now.
May 7th, 2011
something i know I'll want to go back and look at....
and sometimes pics just speak to me... LOL
May 7th, 2011
Most of my fav's are pictures of cats, birds, bunnies, flowers, dogs, or beautiful places. Pics that just warm my heart when I see them.
May 7th, 2011

Agree with Nod absolutely plus:

- pics that take my breath away
- pics that are unique/original and out-the-box
- pics I wish I had taken
- pics that inspire me!

these are all I can think of now
May 7th, 2011
For me it's an instant thing. I know immediately whether the photo is a fav or not. It's if a picture speaks to me in a particular way. I've fav'd pics which are technically beautiful, I've fav'd pics which have actually made me cry, I've fav'd pics that make me laugh out loud but they all have one thing in common, they grab me instantly!!
May 7th, 2011
Anything that makes me smile.
May 7th, 2011
For me it's a personal thing, anything that I find attractive or a picture that is ordinary but somehow strikes a chord with me.

I find it interesting to compare my Favs with the popular page - they have a similar feel but sometimes the popular page are slightly better technically but with less of an emotional response (for me)

Also it can depend on my mood to be honest, sometimes I am more receptive and sometimes less :)
May 7th, 2011
Pics that I think 'I wish I'd took that', but then (maybe the teacher in me) if someone takes a pic which is a real stretch from their usual stuff, it's turned out really well, or they worked really hard to get it and went out on a limb I'll also fav to encourage them. i defo do it more now than I used to, it's good to have a collection for reference, it shows me what i really like.
May 7th, 2011
Something that makes me laugh or look at it twice
May 7th, 2011
It's that WOW factor! If my first reaction is WOW, then it's a fav.
May 7th, 2011
ive always wondered, and wonder if i do it too when i fav an image, whether people fav because they love an image in the context of their other stuff in that persons project or just love it flat out.

but otherwise, its really quite random for me. Couldnt narrow it down to a particular reason or anything.
May 7th, 2011
I only have 8 favs ! And they're photos that made me go '' ooh my gosh '' (in a good way !) . But thats not to say that only 8 photos have made me do that , I don't always remember the fav button !
May 7th, 2011
for me it is something that moves me, or tells a story...i also love a photo if it has bright colors/fun subjects...something that puts a smile on my face. sometimes a certain edit/process will catch my eye and i will fav for that reason too.
May 7th, 2011
I want to be able to see it again.
May 7th, 2011
If I saw "wow" and empty my pants at the same time
May 7th, 2011
For me ot has to fit my 'style' if you can say so, if you look at my fav page most of the photos are in the same colour tones. I love backlighting, lens flare, bokeh, and subjects like vintage cameras - uh and also ttv really makes me hit that fav buttom :)
I can easily see a really great shot, clear and crisp, sharp colours and spot on composition - and know that it'll probably end up on Top 20, but it just doesn't fit in my fav gallery... Everthing in my fav gallery I would hang on my wall!
May 7th, 2011
Also I love to check out other people's favs, you can sometime see that persons own style through their favs - I like that :)
I have a few 'special' people whose fav pages I check out now and then and often find amazing stuff that I've otherwise missed here on 365 :)
May 7th, 2011
for me, a picture becomes a fav when it immediately makes me say wow, but also usually it makes me "feel" something
May 7th, 2011
@viranod @thebluegnu I agree with both of you.

I also will fav a picture that gives me that WOW factor and particularly if the person has given you the " how I did this" in their explanation so that I can return to it and try the same technique.
The picture may not always be the best technically but the creative effort is.
Also I will fav a picture if it is something totally unique to a person that I follow, (their style), ie "out of the box" for them...
May 7th, 2011
Something that takes my breath away, or that is really unique. For me there are a lot of crisp macros that are in my Fav's and colorful landscapes.
May 7th, 2011
For me it's photos that make my mouth drop open in amazement.
May 7th, 2011
For me it's something I think I never can achieve and is just stunning or something I want to achieve and think I'ms capable of. So: just beautiful or really interesting.
May 7th, 2011
Sometimes, photos literally take my breath away...those are instantly favd. Others just speak to me personally or make me smile. Sometimes I will see a photo and then later keep thinking about how great it was. I then go back and try to find it again so I can fav it :)
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