Personal Information... yay or nay?

May 9th, 2011
I was just wondering how many of you read the personal information about the 365 members you follow and do you like to see it? Does it influence your decision to follow them? Would a member leaving no information at all discourage you from pressing that 'follow' button?

Personally I like information, I like to know a little about where the person I am following is coming from, not reams and reams of information, I don't need a shoe size but just a little, you know, where in the world they are and their experience.

In short I am less inclined to follow if there is no information at all, I have to see some really nice shots to press the 'follow' button without an introduction!

What do you like?
May 9th, 2011
I like to know who I'm following, but don't care if it's not there.
May 9th, 2011
I'm the same! I read it and if theres none its like following a stranger! We're all friends here its nice to let people in on who you are :) xx
May 9th, 2011
Like you I'm less inclined to follow if there is no information. I also don't need a biography but do like to know a bit about the person to help to get to know them.
May 9th, 2011
Lack of information doesn't bother me so much. I do love knowing something about the backstory of the person/photos, though.

May 9th, 2011
I like to know where they are from, and a little about them but not too much. I actually don't think I am following anyone with no info.
May 9th, 2011
Im exactly the same as you Michelle especially what part of the world
May 9th, 2011
I like to know a little bit, but it won't keep me from following if the work is awesome.
May 9th, 2011
I follow people who's photos I like.

I would love to read what people write about themselves but it doesnt influence my decision to follow or not to follow (that is the question). It's a 'nice to have' I guess. I mean I dont really say anything about myself in my info. I just give some links.
May 9th, 2011
I ditto exactly your comment. I'm very inclined to not follow if there is absolutely nothing there unless the persons work is extremely stellar.
May 9th, 2011
Same as you, I am less incline to follow people who say absolutely nothing about them, although I have have done it. It's not an absolute condition for me to decide to follow someone, but it has an influence I guess :-)
May 9th, 2011
I read their profile after I follow them:-)

I am quite interested in their styles, subjects that they like to capture related to their age and, apologies if this is politically incorrect, their genders (if I can guess).
May 9th, 2011
I've never thought about it....although I find it interesting to know what they do, and where they are from. Prob wouldn't influence me NOT to follow them.
Thanx Michelle!
May 9th, 2011
I like the info, too. It makes for more of a connection and their photos mean more.
May 9th, 2011
I follow the pics, not necessarily the info. But I read the info later...
May 9th, 2011
I also like the info... but it doesn't make me NOT follow someone... Hmmm, off to read my info because I forget what wrote and may need to reassess :)
May 9th, 2011
I read it if it’s there, but it doesn’t matter to me if it isn’t. Though I seldom follow people *just* for their pictures anyway – there’s usually a friendship of some kind (at least I think so, haha) which comes from getting to know them, without it all being slapped across their profile. I personally don’t have very much on mine; I’ve had info in the past but I prefer to let my photos give one an idea of who I am and what I’m about; I think they speak volumes. Besides, I’m more than open for conversation on here and my FB url is on there too, so I have maybe 100 or so 365ers as friends outside of this site :)
May 9th, 2011
I also like the personal info...and not too much, but a tid-bit. It also helps to feel the art of that photographer. EX: parents capturing something specific in their children, or someone like Bill-D sitting patiently for that BRilliant nature shot...or you...capturing something totally cool! I read the personal info, but it does not influence my decision to follow, I am usually reading it after I have decided to follow!
May 9th, 2011
Really, it is the frequency of having my breath taken away, favving a particular person and generally just being drawn to to their pictures. As any 'relationship' evolves from the exchanged comments, I might then want to know more about the person. I guess I get round to it with everyone I'm following, as its interesting to know where they are coming from.
May 9th, 2011
I also prefer to follow people who give information about themselves. If there is someone with no information and no captions whatsoever I usually don't follow, because it's too anonymous. I want to know where the shots are taken and why. I don't need a novel about it but just some tidbits :). It makes the feeling of this site as a community stronger I think and it makes me less self-conscious about sharing information about myself.
May 9th, 2011
i generally look at their photos as this tells a lot about how they see the world..:) i do like it if there is some information too- it makes it seem more is nice to develop a "friendship" over the common love of photography:)
May 9th, 2011
Like most of you, I like to know at least in what country the people are living, it makes the pictures more interesting!
May 9th, 2011
It doent really effect whether or not i follow them as to be honest if i like their photos i will follow reguardless ..... however that said it is nice to know if they are male/female (not always obvious by the screen name) and where they are from....i do like reading how people see theirselves and often wonder if i should change my own blurb lol
May 9th, 2011
I like to know a little bit about those I follow, but it isn't a requirement. It is especially nice to know where they live since this is a world-wide project. I love the diversity this project has to offer.
May 9th, 2011
doesnt bother me if its there or not - its the images you like not the person
May 9th, 2011
I like to know a bit about who I'm following, especially what country. It wouldn't stop me from following someone because of a lack of info. I follow simply because I like someone's photos.
May 9th, 2011
If I see a photo I like I lick on it and find out who's it is. usually I then look at quite a few pictures in their calendar and comment on them and often enough I start following them. I do like some information as to where they live and the gender if possible. for the longest time I followed somone that I thought it was a guy and later it turned out is was a lady... I do like a bit of personal contact with my followers or friends I find it makes it a little more pleasurable when commenting or reading their comments. I have followed some that have no info as far as who they are or from and also no caption with their pictures. these I find a bit difficult to follow.
May 9th, 2011
I definitely like some information. Part of the fun of this website is interacting with others from all over the world so I like to know where they are located. I also like to know gender. (I'm following someone I thought was a woman for a long time, until he posted an updated selfie.) I will follow someone for their photography, but I tend to follow those with information.
May 9th, 2011
I like a little information if I'm going to follow. I just want to know where they are from and a tidbit or two. If there's nothing, then how can I put their work into some perspective? Are these amazing pictures coming from a stay at home mom snapping shots in between diaper changes or are they from someone that is nearly professional?
May 9th, 2011
It doesn't have to be a long piece but I do love to read and get behind the person behind the pics...I love to know where they are from - gives me an idea of where their pics are taken ... a rough idea of what inspires them ... gives their pics a little soul ... some info about their life and what they do gives a little understanding ... a little humour goes a long way - and YES - I follow mostly those I can get to know ... otherwise they are just pics and if that is the case - I could browse a magazine instead. Nice to get to know my followers too as it gives me insight into their comments.
May 9th, 2011
If there's no information, I don't follow. I don't follow many though. If I followed many more, I wouldn't be able to keep up with all the photos.
May 9th, 2011
Well, I follow people whose photos I like, so I wouldn't not follow someone who took awesome pictures, just because they didn't write any personal information on their profile...

But yes, on the whole, I do prefer to know a bit about the people I talk to on here - those whom I follow, and those who follow me - because it makes the whole experience a bit more personal, and therefore more enjoyable.
May 9th, 2011
I am far less likely to follow people who don't have anything written there.

I do follow people who don't.. because I like their photos.. but I usually don't follow people who have no personal info because I think it is lame that they couldn't even be bothered to write "Hi, I'm [insert name here] and I started this because I like photography." or similar.
May 9th, 2011
I very much enjoy learning about the people I follow, but in the end it's about the photos. I am following a couple of people with nothing about them at all... and that's OK, too.
May 9th, 2011
I am less likely to follow someone who has not posted any personal information. I love to know a little about folk ... where they come from, what inspires them, maybe what they do or something about their family ....
May 9th, 2011
I like to read it but if there was someone I was going to follow with no info I'd still follow them
May 10th, 2011
I like to read information. I especially like to see geographical information, because I wanted to follow people from a variety of areas around the world.
May 10th, 2011
If I see photos I like I'll follow them, if they have information I'll read it. But if it's not there it really doesn't bother me, I generally need to like a few photos from one person before I follow though whether there is info or not.
May 10th, 2011
I like to know where people are and their first name and don't need to know much more. I know I myself only have my first name on here and what state I live in. I share pictures of my kids, but not their names. I guess I just don't know anyone on here enough to trust them with too much information.
May 10th, 2011
@marinda way to go, sneaking in some shakespeare!
May 11th, 2011
I honestly don't care. When I choose to follow someone it's because their pictures are breathtaking and inspiring to me. I admit, I get curious sometimes, but I don't lose sleep over it. I'm a pretty private person myself and my bio consists of one sentence. I figure, if people want to know things about me, they'll ask. =)
May 11th, 2011
Sorry, I just re-read my bio. Two sentences. =P
May 11th, 2011
It would not make my decision to follow or not to follow, but I like to read about where people are from, what their goals are for the project, and what type of photos they think they like to take.

I will admit, I also appreciate it when the photo has a proper title instead of Day 139 or 287/365, along with a BRIEF description of the combination of where, why, and/or why.
May 11th, 2011
@webfoot I agree on knowing where they are from. I love to plan trips and have been known to follow people because they live somewhere I would like to travel to in the future.
May 11th, 2011
Reading these inspired me to add a little statement - before I just said where I live. I'm finding this to be a really fun little discipline - just passed my first month.
May 11th, 2011
Okay, I broke down and added a few more sentences. Just a few. ;-)
May 11th, 2011
@shadesofgrey HAHAHA :D whoohoo
May 11th, 2011
I like to know a little about people too. I'm a bit of an amateur sleuth, so when people post pics of birds or plants or insects of unknown type I can use the info to help track down IDs for them. And sometimes their location or background info can add an extra perspective to the pics, whether it is seeing something from the other side of the world, a different culture, or just some local wildlife that I've never spotted before.
May 11th, 2011
I love to know where we are all from, different walks of life, etc. Does it discourage me when I do not know, not really, as I really only follow people that post photographs that interest me.
May 11th, 2011
A yay for me!!
May 12th, 2011
I like to know a bit about the people I am following, though if I like their photos I'll follow them whether they share much about themselves or not.

The thing I miss the most, when it's not included in member profiles, is information about where people are from. I really like to know whereabouts photos are being taken, because chances are it's a place I'll want to visit one day.
May 12th, 2011
@allegresse I just read your updated bio - what a beautiful snapshot of you. I feel like we have a lot in common. :)
May 12th, 2011
@appaloosa05 I agree with you about the location thing. I wonder that a lot when people don't include it in their caption or profile. I get the "minimal words" thing on the photos, because I do it myself sometimes. It seems more artistic to me, to let the photo speak for itself. But, I admit, I do get curious when it isn't specified. The grass is always greener!

p.s. Thanks for the compliment on my bio. I really had to talk myself into it, because I am usually a pretty private person. My former bio literally said: "Self-learning the Nikon D90. A year ought to do it."

I don't seem to be able to grasp the ability to write a moderate amount. It's all or nothing for some reason! Lol. =)
May 12th, 2011
i'm more interested 'bout their works than whom they're sleeping with :)
May 12th, 2011
The picture catches my eye first. Then I usually check the personal info but if there isn't anything there it doesn't make a difference. If the photos are interesting then I'm hooked.
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