Filler or No Filler????

May 20th, 2011
Ok so I know that is truely a personal decision, but I am interested to see how others feel about this.

I am new to the 365 and so far I am noticing that I am going about my day to day life with no camera in sight. I spend most of my time in the same area of my city (the same 2 miles day in and day out) because I help my husband run a family owned business and this takes up much of our time. I do use the camera at work almost daily. But to be honest I did not decide to do the 365 project as an adverstiment for our business. I feel that sharing the pictures I take at work are not my best creative work and I really want to expand my knowledge of my camera, Later in the project I will more than likely work on post editing but for now my concern is SOOC.

So the question is...Are fillers ok for those days that you just don't take that perfect shot? And if you use a filler what are the rules??

Thanks for looking!
May 20th, 2011
I used a filler today:) I just wasn't feelin it and I took no shots at all because of that. But it's your project - do what makes you happy. Myself, I can't stand looking at the empty spots on the calendar, so if need be, I post a filler.
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis Those empty spots get to me too. But I kinda feel that if I am adding fillers than thats cheating just a little.
May 20th, 2011
I did too at first, but I got over it, lol. I have a 20 month old little girl, it's not feasible to carry my camera around at all times and I only want to post shots that I'm happy with. So if I don't get a decent shot, or any at all, that particular day - then filler it is.
May 20th, 2011
There are no rules. This is your project, and you decide what you make of it. I have and will continue to use fillers when I can't shoot. This happened today due to a sick child. Have you thought about doing street shots, some candids of the city life around you? That might help fill in some of your days. But again, your project, your rules. I think the main thing is that you should enjoy it!
May 20th, 2011
Everybody can do their project however they want to. You could post one photo a month or a week if that's what works for you. Personally, I don't like fillers. I don't care if other people use them, but I take a photo every day. It may be crappy, but I'll take one. Do whatever makes you comfortable and happy.
May 20th, 2011
I'm doing the may selfie challenge and did not take any photos of myself today. So I edited a photo of something I took on a different day for my picture of the day. I guess I'd consider this a filler since I didn't post a photo I had taken today. I'm becoming a little more relaxed in terms of the rules I've given myself for a project. Simply because I see others do it, and I don't want to stress over it. I still took pictures today and have taken pictures every day, however, I don't always want to post in my album photos I don't have a feeling for. I feel that my pictures during the winter were a little more creative, and I took more time with them because I had the time, and right now I do not. So I say, fillers are OK!
May 20th, 2011
I've got fillers all over the place and especially since April 4th. My goal was to be better than that but to use a filler on days when I had zero time for photos. Unfortunately the past month and a half were big examples of life getting in the way of my plans! :)
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis makes sense. My family looks at me werid when I grab the camera for an outing.

@aj1268 Yes I have thought about doing those kinds of shots my problem is I don't live in an interesting area. My husband and I run a used car lot and the most thing that I see all day is the used car lot. There is very little public transportation in my city and the car lot is in the middle of the block so there is never any action around. I think I should just move to a new area and maybe I'll be more inspired. :)
May 20th, 2011
For those that use Fillers Do you ID the photo as a filler or just keep people guessing? After hearing the responses I don't feel so bad about using fillers although I would like to say that I did the 365 Project by taking a photo a day.
May 20th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle I follow you and I have not seen one crappy photo yet :) But I am not expert YET!
May 20th, 2011
I always say when it's a filler. Plus, the date shows up on the side of the photo.
May 20th, 2011
As long as I have taken the photograph since I've started my 365 Project, it is NOT a "filler." If I were to post a photograph, from the photographs I took prior to my starting my Project, as a daily photogragh, for me, it would be a "filler."

Decide what you want your project to be and "share a photo a day" that you have taken since you started your project. Peace & Photographs
May 20th, 2011
@breeding_photos Just wait. I've yet to get my shot for today and it's 10:30 pm. It's most likely going to be stupid, since I STILL can't think what would be worth photographing. Well, I would like to take a picture of Dazzling's new monkey toy that I gave her today [it was a big hit], but it's in her room :(
May 20th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle oh I don't know - I'm sure you'll pull something wonderful out of your hat. All your shots are great!
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis Any ideas? I'm still drawing a blank.
May 20th, 2011
I don't use fillers. My take on it is I signed up to 365 pictures in a year but that become obvious it wasn't happening. So, now I'm just after 365 pictures. Sometimes I skip days but I will eventually get 365 pictures. I've been doing this since August 2010 and I've just now entered the 100's. Hah!
May 20th, 2011
So far I have not used a filler (start in mid Jan) but I do not rule out the possibility if I have no pics at all. But I'd rather post a crappy photo I take on that day than a beautiful filler...just personal choice really.
May 20th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle spotlight self portrait? The moon? A cup? A fork? Water?
May 20th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Do you have a macro lens? That always works in a pinch for abstract shiny things around the house. Or listen to a song you really like, and then see if you can shoot something around the house that portrays the song? (I'm always inspired by music)
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis I only have a point and shoot :( I wish I had a nicer camera, but I work with what I have.
May 20th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle well your shots still rock, so point and shoot's working for you!
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis With the cool PP of the old photo you did for the photo today, I don't call it a filler, not IMO anyway :-).
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis @meggageg Ok, I'm uploading now. I inspired myself with my own reply up there ^
May 20th, 2011
@triciaanddazzle Why don't you photograph fruit for the theme?
May 20th, 2011
Ok, I'm late on that comment
May 20th, 2011
@kerristephens We're actually out of all fruits. Seriously. I need to go grocery shopping, big time.
May 20th, 2011
Like has been said, it's YOUR project, do what YOU want to. Don't worry about anyone else.

Some people on here treat their followers as if those individuals had a paid subscription to their photo feed. Not that there's anything wrong with that per se, but the half dozen or so people that follow me don't get any advance notice or apologies when I miss a few days (or upload several days at once)

When I started the project, my goal was to take a photo every day whenever possible, and allow myself a one day buffer -- I could take a photo a day early or a day late. Did really good with it, too - made it into the second month before I hit a "burp". But I volunteer with a national non-profit, am heavily involved at church, and my job has gotten crazy busy the last couple months, so I've gone an entire week without even picking my camera up, let alone finding something worth photographing. It's just the way life is.
May 20th, 2011
@viranod What? It's on the pp? I didn't see it! Now I have to go look:)
May 20th, 2011
@pwallis I mean Post Processing :-) and it will definitely be on the PP
May 20th, 2011
@viranod Haha - you got me all excited there Nod! And now I know that pp also means post processing:)
May 20th, 2011
filler! :)
May 20th, 2011
some days I get five excellent shots that I love and on some days I get shots that just do not impress me in the least, so on occasion I will put in a recent filler. Other days I may be sick or overhwhelmed by personal issues and just grab something. But these are not the norm for me, but I have no hesitation.
May 20th, 2011
I dislike the blank squares too, but for me, I don't do fillers. I only post a pic for the day if I actually took it on that day. But that's just me. And if I have more than one shot on a given day that I like, I post that in my secondary album. HTH
May 20th, 2011
Everyone's got their reasons for doing this project and using this site; it's up to you whether you want to use fillers or not. There's no right answer, as illustrated by the answers given here so far.

As for me, my challenge to myself was to take at least one picture every day of 2011. I'm not doing this necessarily to document a year in my life and I'm not doing this to showcase my work and say "look at how good I am" ('cause I'm not). It's just an exercise in getting to know my camera and completing a project, start to finish, "as agreed" (with myself).

If you look through my album, you'll see shots with a lot of planning, spontaneous shots that "worked", spontaneous shots that didn't... and then what my personal take on a "filler" is: point the camera at something -anything-, snap and post... quality and/or photographic value be damned! But it is a shot from that day.
May 20th, 2011
I personally don't do filler (and i have some really bad last minute shots to prove it) but I have found that those days when i am crunched for time (see today its after 11pm and i haven't shot yet) are sometimes the days i learn the most. Its dark and you need a shot? Try some star trails, moonlight photos or light trails of nearby traffic. Don't want to go outside? turn out the lights and try water drips or light painting or get a little flashlight and an interestingly shaped object and work on shadows. If i am stuck i just web search "digital photography projects" and pick something at random to try. (thats how i found 365 lol) Just my take on it =) Now to go take some pictures... I found a package of glowsticks in a drawer after dinner i think a little light painting practice is in order...
May 20th, 2011
I wont do a filler. My goal on here is to 'take' a picture a day and learn from it. I feel im not learning anything from a filler. I have nothing against those that do it, but I rather post a bad picture than a filler.
May 20th, 2011
i do them all the time when i got nothing else . I enjoy going through what i though was my crappy photos of the day and to edit them to make them something worth looking at. Its my very own challenge .
May 20th, 2011
@breeding_photos I try not to use fillers, but some days I just don't have the time to go out and shoot. As for your limited shooting area... I'm at work for around 11 hrs/day. That limits my shooting area to the building I'm in or the adjoining parking lot. It's amazing what you can find to photograph in such a restricted space. I've got some of my (personal) fave shots while scoping out the parking lot. Who knew...
My point is, adapt your "vision" to the area you are in. Try out shooting from angles you don't normally use. Try out new perspectives - i.e. get up close to your subjects, shoot from low angles, look at life as though you are looking through a camera's viewfinder, and even think in black and white.
May 20th, 2011
I have no problem with fillers. However, I choose not to use them in my project. I made it a goal when I started to take a picture everyday (no matter how good or bad) and post it. I am happy to say I haven't missed a day yet! It's also pretty easy for me to do this becuase I don't have a life lol. I am a student and stay at home mom so I've got more than enough free time at the moment. What's great though is that this is your project and you make it exactly what you want it to be :) Also, welcome to 365!
May 20th, 2011
ive used a few fillers hey and there , but im ok with that because realistically im a mum first and foremost and sometimes i just dont have enough hours in the day :(
May 20th, 2011
Certainly don't think there's anything wrong with them, but in my project, which I wrapped up two weeks ago, I didn't use any fillers at all. Granted, some days the photo was taken after midnight, but as mentioned, we make our own rules :) if I'd not slept yet, then it's still the same day. The one I'm on now, which I started in January also has no fillers (but it does have post-midnight photos).

May 20th, 2011
I have a blank space on my calendar - i did take photos's that day, but I had to download my camera onto my husband's computer cos both my computer and camera were too full of photos......Had to start deleting and moving on to back up storage! I am now learning to delete photos as I go!
Personally I don't do fillers. For me, it is about taking the best photo I can on that day.
It's a snapshot of my life. This discipline has forced me to be more creative, to look far more closely at my mainly humdrum life, and then it is surprising what can be seen. For me this project is not about posting my 365 best photos, it's about sharing with others a small snapshot of my life, each day. (or 2 snapshots if you count Mystery Monk!)
However, if I was ill, or tied up doing things, then I may have to use a filler, but then maybe I would think it was time to play with post processing......
But, as others have said, it is YOUR project, enjoy it, but don't feel burdened by it! ;)
May 20th, 2011
I DO FILLERS!!!!! hahahhaha fillers are ok unless you're a bum who has all the time to think and create something creative... but since you do work as well... FILLERS ARE OK!! hahahah =)
May 20th, 2011
This month has been INSANE for me. I try to do it all in one day , but here I am slacking in month 5. I try to do my fillers either from the day before or day after, but I do have 3 pics from the same day this month...oh wait that still works. I say do what is best for you. Most of all have FUN!
May 20th, 2011
I started my project before finding this site so my "real" P365 album is hosted elsewhere. I'm a lot more strict with myself over there..I have to take at least a photo a day AND I have to post it. However, if I am really, really unhappy with it I give myself a 24-hr grace period to replace it with something new. I've done this 3 times now (since July 01, 2010)...twice it was basically recreating the photo but improving on it; and one time it was a totally different subject altogether.

Here, it's more of a "best of my 365 photos". Normally it will be that day's photo but I have no problem at all with posting a filler either. And occasionally it will be a photo I took that day but a different one than my main P365 album.

But as everyone else has said...your project, your rules :-)
May 20th, 2011
I've absolutely used fillers. I have small children and a military husband and as much as I try to get a shot every day, sometimes it just doesn't happen so I'll squeeze an older one in to fill it.
May 20th, 2011
Your project, your rules. I have taken a photo everyday since I started. On day 52 I posted a shot that I edited that day. It kinda bothers me since it's the only one so far that was NOT taken on the day, but I took a photo that day. I can be a little OCD so I am leaving it up there to be less OCD. ;) My husband pointed it out to me that if I wanted to, I could easily post 365 pictures in a weekend, but that is not what my project is about. Personal decision, do what you want. :)
May 20th, 2011
I just finished my first 365 project and tried not to use fillers. I did use them occasionally, but not too often. Now onto my second year, I have no issues using them if I want to. I'm finding it really nice to be able to not take a photo if I don't want to/use older photos that I'm proud of. I'm all about the your project, your rules philosophy :).
May 20th, 2011
@beteljooz I have tried to look at my limited area in different lights, but to be honest I find it just a boring. :( Summer is coming and I'll be expanding my area of motion so maybe I'll be a little more inspired.

@suzk would love to take a look at your more sturctured P365. Will you post a link here so we can share in it?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts on this matter. I think most poeple feel that Fillers are ok so maybe I won't be so hard on my self about wanting to use them on days that I just can't get inspired.
May 20th, 2011
Well, if there are rules, then I better leave right now! Life happens, and unless this is how you make your living, you are certainly allowed and it is understood that we/you/I use fillers. Now, I do really try hard not use fillers, as the way I understand this project for me, is to document a day in my life, and sometimes, lets be honest, our lives are not always perfect, and sometimes the shot that best represents that shot, is the sooc shot. I follow a lot of people that actually just take random pictures that depict their daily life, as do I. occasionally I will have a really good shot where everything comes together, but for the most part, its just what or where I was for the day.
May 20th, 2011
@breeding_photos So, is your problem that you just don't have any ideas outside of the work space? There are plenty of themes you can do! A-Z, Rainbow, Numbers, Selfie etc etc etc.
May 20th, 2011
I lead a pretty routine life so I understand how you feel limited in your photography options if you're in the same places day after day. Yet somehow I've managed to fill over 250 days with photos, most of them taken around my home or workplace. The trick is to look for unique ways to photograph something ordinary, and bear in mind that something that seems ordinary to you because you see it every day might be interesting to someone else. That said, I have used fillers a handful of times either due to illness or because nothing I took that day was any good but I'd taken a dozen wonderful shots the week before and didn't want to miss out on sharing them. I always make sure to take a photo so I can feel like I've done the project as I promised myself but that's not always the shot I post.
May 20th, 2011
Filler! I wouldn't say I'd completed a 365 project unless I actually had a picture for every day by the end of the year :)
May 20th, 2011
I beleive that 365 is YOUR project!! When I decided to start this project I thought I would take pictures of what makes me happy/what caught my eye that day etc... When I am done with 365 ( for this year) I will look at all the pics and know the stories behind them and that they make me happy... But I also use 365 as a has made me look at things around me in a whole different light... I seem to be finding beauty all around me!!
May 20th, 2011
I have used them on days when I took nothing else I liked but not always. It's your project. As long as the photo was taken by you it shares your vision with the community here. But do what you like.
May 20th, 2011
last year i did fillers ~ this year i am not. soooo, i say who the hell cares!! its YOUR project ! there are no rules !! LOL do what you want :)
May 20th, 2011
I think it's a personal choice and there are no rules. I try not to use them but just have to every once in a while. The rule I've given myself is that it has to be a photo that I shot within this project (started January 1st). I try not to judge others and to each their own, but I have no desire to see photos that were taken years ago (or even last summer).
May 20th, 2011
I have used filler but I try to use ones taken the same week. Only once I used one from a month before. I feel sometimes life gets in the way and it gives you the chance to showcase a photo that you took and love but hadn't used another day!
May 21st, 2011
I use fillers quite often. I too do not often travel out of my 2-mile radius and I feel my town is quite boring. If I do go on a mini photo expedition I usually have so many that I cannot decide which to post that day, and then I keep the others for that filler day! I felt guilty at first but not anymore. Some times I just cannot leave that old good photo out just because it wasn't taken that day....not to mention I went 7 weeks without my camera because I broke it!
May 21st, 2011
I don't mind fillers,and really feel there is no rules for them. But I have done my project with only a few. And the filler was from the day before,I never use anything from a month prior or year... Just my preference =)
May 21st, 2011
I wanted a daily photo journal of my year so I won’t use fillers, but it’s a completely personal choice as our goals are all different. You’ll notice most of my pictures are not exactly masterpiece material.
May 21st, 2011
@meggageg I think you may have hit the nail on the head. Also there are some days such as the last few that the camera seems to be this really BAD thing to me and I don't want to go near it (mostly for lack of creativity)
May 21st, 2011
@arrayofblues I have to be honest I feel the same way some days. This to be honest is my second try at 365 this year alone. My first attempt started Jan 1, 2011 because I was SO excited that I had gotten my DLSR for Christmas and wanted to master it quickly. To my surprise the 2nd week into Jan it was stolen. :((( so back to my fiji finepix I went. and I stopped the 365 project due to disappointment. When I found this site I wanted to do it again. Just to see if I could finish it. (I have a hard time with that)
May 21st, 2011
@breeding_photos Well, I think for me right now I am having no problem in the creativity department. I owe this all to @triciaanddazzle for doing challenges with me. We pick something for each other to do every day. And now that we almost have a week behind us we are going to switch and everything I challenged her to do I have to do it myself and vice versa. So, I say find a partner to get those creative juices flowin'.
May 21st, 2011
@meggageg Woo! It helps, for real. It makes me think of things I wouldn't have thought of or tried because it's too hard. Plus, I usually end up getting more shots for my other albums in the process.
May 21st, 2011
@breeding_photos I do both. I have my 365 album which is photos either that day, or within the week. My Alternatives album is old photos that I have been working on and re-processed again either that day or within the week.
May 21st, 2011
@davidchrtrans ditto! - this is me exactly.
May 21st, 2011
@meggageg @triciaanddazzle I have watched the challenges that the two of you give each other and I think that it is a wonderful idea.

I agree that this is my project, I think that I will use fillers but I will only use filler from the current month. and Thanks again for all the input!!!!! I must admit my creativie juices aren't flowing all the way yet, but they are getting there.
May 21st, 2011
I personally enjoy fillers, because I have alot of older photos I think are "great" and I'd like to share those on days I take mediocre / horrible photos, or days I don't manage to get one at all. I just like to share. :) I think fillers are a yes!
May 21st, 2011
I'm only 40 or so days in and I've used older favorite photos twice though I prefer to come up with something new for every day. It is SO your own project and you should do whatever makes you happy. Often I take my photo the day before because my main goal is to put up something I feel is aesthetically appealing every day - I want it to be something I can feel good about having people look at (though not many do actually). So, it's more an artistic than a journaling goal for me. That said - I do want it to be something from the last 24 hours. I'm loving this so much - others people's work, my own and the discipline. I hope you love your project too.
May 21st, 2011
I try not to use them... but I hate the empty spaces... so when I have got no time to take the shot on that day I will use a filler (so far have used very few... and I even uploaded very crappy shots of one day just to stick to the program). But so far I´ve only used the ones that I took after I started the project.

What I personaly find brilliant about the 365 Project is the idea of everyday uploading just that one shot of that day.

When I chose who I will follow I always pay attetion on the dates. It makes so much more interesting if they play the game.
May 21st, 2011
It is always a buzz to get that great photo each day, but when life is busy it just aint gonna happen. I take photos when I get the chance and then use them as I go. I have taken so many photos over the years and I have to admit that it is finally such a buzz to share some of my old time favourites with other enthusiasts. I use 365 as a confidence booster and absolutely love the feedback no matter how old the photo is. I also use it to learn by looking at every one elses photos so I don't care how old they are. I soooo admire the people who can make an amazing photo out of every day events, but I am not that clever yet so for now I will keep practising and hopefully one day will be able to get that perfect shot on a daily basis. I think the main thing is to enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy.
May 21st, 2011
I use fillers if I have nothing else to publish. Some days you take several upload-worthy photos, so why not use them in the days you couldn't come up with anything you'd dare to show publicly? :)

Also, I've found that the obsessive need to have a new photo every day can sometimes take the fun out of photographing. I rather use some older photo every now and then than let that happen to me.

That being said, I do try to pick fillers that have been taken recently, preferably during the same week.
May 21st, 2011
i use fillers, but sparingly. i try to take a photo everyday, but sometimes, life just gets in the way...or i get two must-share shots on the same day! so, i like to really try and stick to the photo every single day because it is challenging. but if you don't make it, you don't! know one's superman! :)
May 21st, 2011
I'm up to 51 photos and have had to use 2 fillers. This has annoyed me because it made me feel I was cheating. I'm sure this didn't bother anyone else, and if it did, I don't care(!)...but it bothered me. I didn't take a photo for yesterday, so instead of uploading another filler I pushed myself to take another today.

Technically it's still a filler, but I feel less of a cheat having taken it today (for yesterday) rather than looking back to see what I took months ago I could use instead. That way, I feel I've still made an effort for my project :)
May 21st, 2011
I've used quite a few fillers for this project due to various camera issues and occasionally simple laziness. I generally try to use a fairly recent filler, but I've also used ones from a few years ago, especially around Christmas when I had a lot of empty spaces and was scanning in quite a few older photos anyway.

I prefer not to use fillers, and hope that I won't have to use them nearly as often next year; but I'd much rather have a filler than nothing at all, and I think it's perfectly okay to use them and to make the rules be whatever you're comfortable with.
May 21st, 2011
I don't use fillers and have the same problem many people here do. I live in a rather boring suburban town and work only a few miles away in a less then photographic office. But to me that is part of the come up with something different to shoot every day. Some shots are better then other simply because I have more time on those days to travel somewhere or to set up a photo. Other days, I have 4-5 really bad shots that I have to work with in order to have something to post which has really forced me to learn some of the editing programs.

As others have said, it is a personal choice but I would rather have a bad photo I took on that specific day then use something I know is good that I didn't. My goal is to truly post a photo I've taken that day.
May 22nd, 2011
I think this is a very interesting and thought provoking subject. I think it depends on your goal. If your goal is to be disciplined and take and post a picture every day, then fillers are bad.

My goal is to become better at photography (not saying you can't do both). With that being said, I think it's easy to get burned out when you do something every day. At the end of March, I was burned out. I took 5 days off and posted some fillers. It gave me a break and also got some positive feedback. I came back refreshed and had a strong April. So I think using fillers helps me get better.

I don't want to take a bad picture just for the sake of taking a picture. Just not for me. But I have the utmost respect for those who do take and post a picture every day.
May 22nd, 2011
My first year on 365...I hardly ever used fillers... only when I was running short on time. It's hard not to being a student in high school. and this year... I definitely add more fillers. Just dont want to leave any gaps in my calendar. Wish I had more time, but I graduate so soon and I need to set my priorities straight!! I still take pictures all the time though :)

so nope, I have no issue with fillers.
May 22nd, 2011
Here's my solution to this problem-

May 22nd, 2011
I have used a filler once - when so ill i could not possibly take a pic that day.

365 is a journal of my yera and a filler makes no sense whatsoever. Some days I have a hard choice to pick one of maybe 5 good snaps - others I scrape the barrel to even get one pic thats barely acceptable.

But that bad pic was taken that day ....
And I don't want a better one from the previous day!

I tend to only follow people who post a pic a day taken on that day, for me that's what this is all about.

But it's up to each of us how we use our space - and if you want fillers - have them - but to me that's no longer 365, more just a photo album.

May 22nd, 2011
@tolpol Brill :)
May 23rd, 2011
Lol paul. I use fillers sometimes because I don't have the time or oppurtunity to get that days shot - or because I had so many great shots from the day before that I couldn't choose one. Always feel like I am cheating tho....
May 23rd, 2011
I try so hard not to use fillers, but it happens. Life is what it is...and sometimes it can't be avoided. As for the small location and choice of photos you have.....
I have a friend who did the same shot, everyday for a year.....Just a thought. Depending on what you're shooting, it's amazing how much changes.
May 23rd, 2011
@tolpol send that tube my way so I can fill in the cracks! Love IT!!!!! :)

@nonni - as intersting as taking the same photo everyday sounds it also sounds boring. BUT I do agree that things change more than we realize. My limited area includes my house, my job (family owned used car lot) which I don't want to advertise with my personal stuff. :) Not that I mind, but the shots of the cars have to follow certian needs and well they are already on a website and even though I take the photos I feel they belong to the office and not my personal stuff, and my daugher's school and I hardly pull the camera out on the drive to here and there. :)
May 23rd, 2011
I used fillers for the first part of May. I just started this yesterday, and I felt really wierd starting in the middle of a month!
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