'Trash the dress' Ideas/inspiration/join in

May 24th, 2011
I have this idea to do a 'Trash the dress' selfie series with my wedding dress, I have seen a few photo shoots and they are just stunning images.

I was thinking of doing it maybe in the month of our 12th anniversary which is September so plenty of time to source locations/ideas. I think I could do a whole month (one pic everyday) if I prepared some ideas/found locations but I'm thinking practically and maybe one a week ongoing might be better but I suppose if I want the money shots of a filthy/wet/burnt dress (don't worry I'm not thinking of setting myself on fire!) it will need an end date to aim for.

We live in such a stunning place I think some of our local areas would make great 'trash the dress' shots and I can work up to the dirtier/wetter shots as we go along LOL!

Anyone got any tips for shooting, ideas, shots to share or anyone brave enough that wants to play with me? ; )
May 24th, 2011
Have you seen this guys website?

He does amazing shoots...i was thinking of booking him as I LOVE the trash the dress idea. Might give you some ideas..... (my 1 year anniversary is September as well! 25th. What dates yours?)
May 24th, 2011
Now I've looked at his website again I've noticed he's taken a lot of his photos off :( He is amazing tho!
May 24th, 2011
This is such a great idea...however, and here's the problem for me, I have probably put on about 3 stone since I got married!! I haven't tried the dress on but I have a sneaky feeling that I wouldn't be able to get into it any more. If I could the buttons won't do up. So I'll leave it to all you skinny ladies and enjoy seeing all your wonderful photos xx
May 24th, 2011
@looseimages Isn't that the guy who plays for Liverpool? :p
May 24th, 2011
junkyard! What a cool idea! I wish I still had my dress to do this with. Even if I did, though it probably wouldn't fit 21 years later.
May 24th, 2011
@looseimages actually checked this guy when booking a wedding photographer myself.. settled on someone else but do agree, he is good... Check out the WPJA site for a list of good photo-journ wedding photographers if you like this sort of thing
@indiannie_jones he does p/t work to top up his meagre salary...lol
May 24th, 2011
@andycoleborn Times are tough :)
May 24th, 2011
@andycoleborn Have you got in @rich57 to do it??? lol!!
I couldn't bear to 'trash my dress' and i'm not even married to the guy any more!! lol
May 24th, 2011
@psychographer I think it is okay if you do not wear the dress. what could be cool is to have the trashed dress dragging behind you. Or you can go to a thrift store and get another dress
May 24th, 2011
@Cherrill LOL yeah... we're all going to squeeze onto the bench :-)
May 24th, 2011
@andycoleborn now that would be different lol Not sure what Sangeeta would say!!
May 24th, 2011
sounds like a project runway to me ... nice idea!
May 24th, 2011
One of the locations when the dress is dirtier (or not!) might be a cemetary. I have had an idea in my head for a while along the same lines but not to trash it, just as a small part of a larger photo shoot. I can't get the people I want right now or the locations I have in my head for my shoot but I would love to see your series. Junkyard has been mentioned, maybe beach, forest, urban (like outside a coffee shop with steaming cup in hand, walking down the street window shopping), dirty urban (run down building type area), industrial area. This has actually given me some ideas if I ever get to do my shoot that I want to! I have had this idea in my head for 4 or 5 years but can never get everything together in one place...inspired by the Wallflowers "One Headlight" song. Guy in a suit, girl in a fluffy wedding type dress and most of the areas I mentioned. If I can't do it, someone should.

****I just looked at the website and he pretty much mentioned these types of areas! LOL, well great minds think alike I guess****
May 24th, 2011
@Cherrill @andycoleborn I'm available most weekends for a small fee!
May 24th, 2011
This photographer is great! Check out her Rock the Dress shoot https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150094690365337.291329.221733680336
May 24th, 2011
We LOVE doing trash the dress shoots!! Here: go to our website and look at some of them we've done:


go to both the weddings section and also in the blog to see some!

I'm actually getting Jenny to shoot my trash the dress shoot- 10 years after the wedding haha!- and we're going to get me going off the block and into the pool to actually do a race in my dress. I love it. :D so excited. I'll probably do something in Galveston too, since that's where we got married. We're waiting on an underwater housing system so that we can get some under water shots.
May 24th, 2011
@amyhughes Wow what a great site you have, bookmarking to sit with a cup of tea with soon, I wish I had thought about it for our 10th, it will have to be my 12th as I can't wait for another big anniversary!
@jsbp Wow thanks for the link!
@shadesofgrey Oh we have a wonderful graveyard in my village, I fear I'm going to get a name for myself along the lines of 'that crazy lady in the wedding dress!'
@brumbe Ooh good idea I can see me scouring charity shops now for more dresses!
@psychographer Luckily I was 6m pregnant else I would have the same problem!
@looseimages Oh nice link! We got married on 9/9/99!

Thanks for all the replys everyone, I soooo need to do this now, just have to try and wait til september if I can!
May 24th, 2011
@araminta ~ i said in a thread a while back that id love to do a trash the dress shoot , but firmly bhind the camera lol .... and i have no one to model for me :( gutted !
May 24th, 2011
@araminta I actually went to a zombie party and bought a brides maids dress for $15 (in the U.S. that is like 4 fancy starbucks coffees) and took shears, mud, wine, food to the dress.
May 24th, 2011
@araminta I'm so glad you like it!! My biggest recommendation for the brides is to think of something really personal for the trash the dress. This is your opportunity to do anything at all that matches both of your personalities. For me, it's swimming and the beach. We may do some football stuff for my hubbs too. The people on the weddings link actually got married right by that lake, which is at their parents house, so we did theirs there in that lake doing things they do together, like jumping in the water, tubing, etc.
Make it super personal and it always ends up better! (even if that means a whole month of personal shots!! it could be SO good, and so emotive to have that many that mean so much to you guys, honestly!)
May 24th, 2011
@flamez Fancy a trip to Wales? LOL!
@brumbe That sounds amazing!
@amyhughes Cor the possibilities are endless, I really like the idea of going to a swimming pool to trash it!
May 24th, 2011
@rich57 @Cherrill shame.. wedding's on a week day :-)
May 25th, 2011
did this one on the banks of the Thames. We had a bit of an audience from the local yacht club!


I tried one in a swimming pool but the water was too cloudy. The sea is actually a lot clearer. The dress wasn't trashed at all so it probably doesn't count as a TTD ... She also had a bridesmaid dress and shredded the skirt so it floated in streamers. It was a pity about the clarity of the water.
May 25th, 2011
@madseavets Wow you have some great shots and some are in similar landscapes to what I have here to play with, thank you for sharing
May 26th, 2011
@araminta It's definitely fun and it gets a bit addictive! I never would have tried anything like that before digital came along!

The reactions we got from bystanders were funny. We were at the yacht club and a bloke came along and said he was a toastmaster and if he'd had more notice he would have done a speech! Then, we were taking some shots next to a boat on a cradle and a woman came over and said "ooh, what a lovely dress! be careful, or you'll ruin it...." . We didn't get any negative comments though, but maybe they were just being polite!
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