A day in Oxford

May 28th, 2011
Hi there! I know that there are at least a few of 365-ers in Oxford and probably many of you have visited it before. Are there any unmissable photo sights there? The city is so beautiful (and rather big for a day trip) and I am afraid to miss something special. We are planning to get on top of Carfax Tower for a good aerial view. The rest is still kind of open :) Thanks in advance for all your suggestions!
May 28th, 2011
@naladka The tower of St Mary the Virgin in Radcliffe Square will give you a better view - it's higher.

Oxford is probably one of the most photographed places in Britain, and a lot of the city centre is very photogenic, almost to the point of being a visual cliche. If you are new to the place and want the iconic images, then the Radcliffe Camera, the Bodleian Quadrangle, the Bridge of Sighs at Hertford College and New College Lane, a shot of Magdalen Bridge taken from the Botanic Garden (preferably with someone punting in the foreground) are some of the most popular. You might also look round Christ Church, to get some pictures there, and the Covered Market.

Hope this helps - enjoy your day!
May 28th, 2011
All the above plus:
You can get some fantastic views of the city if you go inside the Sheldonian Theatre - that's the one with the big stone heads. Erm yeah, actually that's it, Ariel has covered everything I was going to say.

Have a great day!
May 28th, 2011
I thinjk the Ashmolean Museum has a pretty nice building...
May 28th, 2011
Thank you so much for your advice - we will try to cover all your suggestions. I know what you mean about cliches. London is photographed from pretty much every corner and angle as well :) I hope to take some good photos and just soak in the city.
May 28th, 2011
Thank you for your tip! Now we just hope it doesn't rain tomorrow!

Thanks for your suggestion! I was looking into it as well.
May 28th, 2011
Oh yeah the Ashmolean is good. The new one that is, the old one isn't anything special. Anyway, the new one is the one with all the flags outside, that would be awesome - I'm coming up with loads of ideas myself! Will have to take a trip :)
May 28th, 2011
Go to the Pit Rivers Museum (in & behind the Natural History Museum)...lots of weird things in there, and the NH museum has a fantastic ceiling. And def the Covered Market......I'm from Oxford and rarely get a good photo, I think I know it TOO well, if that makes sense! Have a fab day :)
May 31st, 2011
Thank you! We did see the Covered Market and the Pit Rivers museum (from outside though). 1 day was so not enough! Sunday was not the best day to do it either - many colleges were open from 2 to 5.30. But we saw all the main things, I think.
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