How do you do it?

June 10th, 2011
Or do you? I'm sitting in my motel room 300+ miles from home. I was on last night briefly, but wasn't able to check my feed. I'm now going through these photos, but I don't see how anyone who has hundreds of followers does it.

I mean, the feed is incredibly long and I've only been gone a day and a half. What do the people do who follow 250 people do on a daily basis, let alone if they miss a couple of days?

Inquiring minds want to know. And, now I know, just by posting this, I'm going to get notifications for all of these too. And to follow up, I've been really enjoying my time up here in Santa Cruz. Too bad it's such a whirlwind trip, but I think I got some really decent shots. Hopefully, something will be worth posting when I get home this evening.
June 10th, 2011
I check randomly through the day. I also hop around. Like I'll post on someone pics, see someone I follow has posted as well, and go to their profile from there. Sometimes I find new folks to follow that way as well. Also if folks comment on my pictures, I do my best to comment on theirs in return.
June 10th, 2011
@lolanae But I'm talking about just keeping up, especially if you're absent for awhile. I don't know how some people do it.
June 10th, 2011
@webfoot I used to comment on every photo posted from people I follow, some on the pop page, new faces, and suggestions, I just can't do that anymore.
Now I hardly check the pop page, suggestions takes too long to load, new faces I still check it out.
It is hard do keep up and I am over my guilty on not being able to comment like I used to do.
Now I do what I can, try do to my best, I just go with the flow and just enjoy the 365 with more freedom to post, browse and just have fun and not more work.
June 10th, 2011
i try to do the best i can....i feel guilty most of the time but i'm sure they all do understand .. .like what Alecio just mentioned----go with the flow and just have fun!!!
June 10th, 2011
I am just getting close to 100 and feel the same way. I used to go to every follower once a week and comment on at least one of their photos. Now I probably only have 75 active and it still takes me days and I am moving onto every two weeks almost. I just went in and cleaned up my Follow list to reduce the people who do not really inspire me (that do not follow me) and those that post irregularly. Hopefully this made some room for new people.
June 10th, 2011
I don't do a very good job of thanking people, but I try my best to look every day and at least comment on several photos each day. I do that a lot from my iPhone while I'm watching the news at night, and it's surprising how many photos you can browse and comment on in a half hour.
June 10th, 2011
I hit a turning point when I got over 200 followers...I now have a list of my "fav" people (20-30 or so) that I try and keep up with daily, I also always catch up with the posts of people who have commented on my shots. If I get a day where i have spare time (ie not many comments) I'll randomly go through my follow list to see who i've not caught up with for a while. I try not to get stressed if i miss a day - the key is not to make it feel like a chore!
June 10th, 2011
It is overwhelming for sure. I do my best and try to not feel guilty because I'm not commenting enough. There is so much inspiration here and that's what's important to me. Enjoy and don't put extra pressure on yourself or it becomes too much work. I wish I had time to comment more, but think most of us feel this way.
June 11th, 2011
I'm having the same problem and I "only" follow 74 people.

Being a little obssessive about organization. I made up a list of those I follow and divided it in three. Every day I comment on part of the list. That way even though I don't comment on everyone every day (sorry), I at least comment regularly. When I miss a day or two I don't feel as guilty because I've been regularly keeping up with people.

I'll admit that I've also been culling my list of those I follow to the people who also follow me, those who only have a few followers, or those who specifically inspire me in the type of photography I'd like to do someday. I know people hate it when others "unfollow", but I feel I needed to do it. **Still feel a little guilty about unfollowing**
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