Thoughts on a Second Year

June 13th, 2011
I am half way through a second year on 365 and I am curious if others are experiencing the same feelings i am. I finished the first year with great enthusiasm and lots of friends. We spent hours enjoying each other's photos and commenting regularly. I couldn't bear the thought of ending this connection so I had no trouble deciding to continue. I have been faithful about posting daily and I still enjoy the challenge and the friendships I maintain.
But here's the thing, it is inevitable that many original friends and followers will cycle out and you begin to feel like the last one at the party. Some people just quietly stop posting and you don't know whether to stop following them or hope they will regain their enthusiasm and return. It is rather depressing to click on a name and see their last post was several months ago.
I am not writing with any great announcement or conclusion that I have reached but I can't help but think that 365 is actually the right length of time to devote to this project. I just wish there was a halfway house for people like me who want a reason to take pictures every day.
June 13th, 2011
You know Allison, I believe I brought this up at one point with Clarissa. For those who have faithfully posted for one year, it's a great feeling, not only for achieving that goal, but also as you have said, for all the friendships. This has been a great experience, but perhaps it is time for someone to create another venue, one where the gradautes can laterally move to, a place where there is no more the pressure to post daily. Weekly may be more convenient for some, at least that way they wouldn't feel as though they had to quit all togetrher because they can no longer keep up. It is sad to see some just drop out, but I guess you'll have that, because it does take a commitment to stick to it. It would be nice if there was a computer guru out there that could create a "365HalfwayHouseProject.Org"
June 13th, 2011
There are still some of us hanging around and posting daily in our second year, although I must admit it might not be a photo taken on the actual day. Continuing with this still keeps me inspired to carry on taking pics and trying new things. Maybe this can be the spot to find out who is left. I know some people don't post regularly, some have left and returned and some have remained. You may be surprized how many of us are still on here Alison.
June 13th, 2011
Seeing that you and Weezie had finished your year are 2 reasons that prompted my soul searching. I just hate the thought of not knowing how your lives are going.
June 13th, 2011
Maybe you can find a way to contact them off of here like facebook or just email to stay in contact. There are a lot of people who I got to know on here but no longer post and I still chat and catch their photos on facebook or wherever.
June 13th, 2011
I totally agree with your Allison! I often miss all the people from my first year. I guess I have also grown a bit lonely, because I don't devote as much time to follow others (which is a big part). I rarely comment on other's pictures any more for lack of time. When I have time, I will go and check out what every one else is up to, but it's certainly keeping me from getting to know new people on here. :(
I still love taking a picture a day and I think I won't quit for the rest of my life, but I've also been much more tolerant with not always getting a shot a day... I am thinking about getting myself a proper photography site (you know, where I might even get the opportunity to advertise my services), but I am sure I will continue posting on here...
June 13th, 2011
I guess what I am trying to say: in my second year, the project has been much more about myself and doing the project for me than it was the first year, where it was a lot about the community feeling as well. Maybe I will have more time later on this year (well, then again, probably not) and then I can get back into the swing of things. I'm often sad that I can't keep up with everyone. :(
June 13th, 2011
I know what you mean, Allison! I've stuck around after finishing my first 365, but haven't posted daily. I post when I have a picture for the day that I want to share, but I also don't feel like I have to do a daily picture. It is nice to still "keep in touch" with the friends that I've made on here.
June 13th, 2011
Everyone does this for their own reasons. Once that first year was done the burden I placed on myself went away. In my second year now and I am really excited to see what happens this year. I don't see any problem with posting once a week if you'd like, it's up to you. This is what you make it. I can see though how it would not be as much fun without company after all this is a very social site. How about reaching out to new people? You can start following new people and build those online relationships that mean something to you.

I wanted to add this might be a great time for you to join in the challenges either here or elsewhere, is a great site to follow whether you use twitter or not. You can just do the challenges. This year I am doing a look back series. I am converting negatives to dvd and looking back at the old pictures I can now edit them myself which I could not do before. I am posting a weekly look back photo. These are just a couple examples of what you can do to bring interest into your second year. Do things that will challenge you and force you to learn new things.

This is all assuming you want to stay in photography. If you are just here for the social interaction you may be disappointed unless you reach out to others to build those relationships.
June 13th, 2011
Allison, you bring up some interesting points. Like you, I am also sad because I have lost many followers from the first year. I look back at last year and remember everyone. I know that it's inevitable....but that doesn't make it easy. Checking in with everyone each day was one of the things that I looked forward to most.

I signed up for the second year because I didn't want to stop taking pictures as I feel like it's such a worthwhile interest for me. I like the challenge as well as the goal of having to take pictures. However, I am finding that I have far too many days where I take hundreds of pictures and the next day where I take none. I hate to not post a good one from the day before. So, I do, but then I realize that I am not really doing the 365 Project any more.

I have needed another "avenue" to go with my photography, but what? I recently signed up for flickr, and thought that I might enjoy that and I also thought about starting a blog with photography, but about what? So, I am not sure of what to do with all of this just yet...but there is something out there. I just have to figure it all out.

Thanks for posting this...I am glad that I am not alone in these thoughts.
June 13th, 2011
@allie912 Allison, this is an interesting thread. I'm glad you are in your second year, because that meant that I had the chance to be your friend and follow you. I'm nearly half way through my 365 and I appreciate all the friends I've made on here, but even as a year one 365'er I can understand your comments.

The important thing Allison, is to ensure you enjoy your photography. Once you stop enjoying it then it it time to take a break and recharge your batteries. Does that make sense ?
June 13th, 2011
I am only a third of the way through my first year but I have come to the conclusion that I cannot take a picture everyday, probably 5-6 days out of the week I do but then I have to edit them or at least put my stamp on them and takes time too. I decided that I love photography so I will try to take a picture a day and post when I can, ususally every 2 or 3 days, though sometimes everyday. I love the challenge of finding a picture everyday and participating in the challenges when I can. Don't pressure yourself to do this project for anyone but you. I am doing it to challenge myself and become a better photographer, why are you? Nobody says you can't participate in discussions, postings, etc and have to post a picture everyday to boot. I comment on a lot of discussions on here because I have that latitude at work. I however have to go through a process to upload from work that is not very work flow friendly so I don't unless I have to. I guess what I am trying to say is bottom line, this is your project, participate however you want to. Put something in your bio stating that you might not post everyday but appreciate the comments....etc if you still like gaining followers. That way they know you aren't "flaking out" on the project, just participating on your terms. Thats my opinion, hope it helps.
June 13th, 2011
I am less than a month from finishing my first year. While I've learned more than I could have ever expected to from this project and have enjoyed the friendships that come with it, I have no intention of keeping going for another year. At this point I find it increasingly more difficult to interact with others in the way I feel that I should. Life just gets in the way of participating as much as I'd like. I will probably keep my account, and post when I can, but I'm not gonna feel pressured to post daily. I may even start my third album and simply call it my "52 Project" and try to post once a week! It's bitter-sweet coming to an end with this thing. I'm sooo glad that I've done it...
June 13th, 2011
I have found completely the opposite. Towards the end of my first year, I started to lose motivation, I missed quite a lot of days, and found that I was hardly getting any interaction or comments on my photos at all.

On the whole, I've found that my drive in this second year is much better - partly because my photography has (marginally!) improved, and partly because I have a much more active group of followers, and I get at least one or two comments on my pictures most days.

(I know that "one or two comments" will seem pitiful to some people - those with many hundreds of followers - but it makes me happy, anyway!)
June 13th, 2011
As a newer member of 365 and at only a quarter of the way through, I really don't know how I will feel at the end of it all, but I'm sort of a loyal person and will probably want to keep going for those who are behind me in their completion. I like the concept of posting a picture taken on the very day you post it, but real life does not always allow me to photograph that way, so since my start up I have never felt bound to that rule. I don't think anyone who's completed the 365 quota should either. But like Phil, I am so grateful that you stuck around because I really enjoy your pictures and I am so grateful when you comment on mine. On a different note, artistically speaking, I enjoy seeing others' photographs because it gets my creative juices flowing. Could I take a picture like that? Would I do something different if I was shooting that subject? Or it allows me to appreciate the work of others that I can't accomplish with my little camera (but lets me dream about what I would do if I had a better one!) Sometimes the "graduates' " pictures are something to aspire to. And many times you offer such great encouragement for those of us who don't have the same resources. I guess its hard to lose the ones you start out with (sort of like one generation dying off) but I guess I would look at this as an opportunity like the old Girl Scout song: Make new friends, but keep the old; One is silver and the other gold. I'm really glad I found you on 365!
June 14th, 2011
I've just finished my first year and love Alison's idea of a halfway house! I'm still committed to the idea of a picture a day and am afraid that if I stop, my camera will slowly start gathering dust!
June 14th, 2011
Yes, second year feels different and I really miss lots of the folk from year one ... but am enjoying those who ahve stuck it out into the second! Over the last month or so I've not had time to make many comments but I do a quick check through the home page just to see who is there and what they've posted. Hopefully will get back to commenting again soon. Would hate to lose everyone as there is a strange bond between 365ers.
Facebook serves a different function ... I use it regularly ... but the photographs give a deeper insight.
This year is more a record of my life than following the themes ...
And I continue to add the day's picture to my blog ... that's where the photographs are used ... often more than one from the same photoshoot.
I'm rambling.
I do like the discipline of taking a picture a day and 365 is a good place to store the particular image.
I must admit that I very much enjoy it when folk comment ... so am trying not to feel too bad that I've not been able to do comments of late.
On the wider 365 - there is so much to inspire and so many insights into the global community .... and I do love seeing how folks lives develop .... I'm going to hang in and try to do a picture a day .... missing the old gang ... but there are enough of you/us left for it still to feel like "home" and to know that we do know a little of each other's lives .... and maybe one day we'll meet in reality ...
June 14th, 2011
i am well into my second year and i am glad to see that others have some of the same feelings.....i thought it was just me! i enjoyed the energy and ideas that new people brought in back in january, but was happy to see many of my friends continue as well. for me it has simply become something i do, and i don't worry if my picture isn't the greatest...its just a picture. i like the halfway house idea. like some of the others who commented i would like to do more with my photography but also have the community feeling. good thread!
June 14th, 2011
the second year has become something different for me too, but I've made some new friends although not in the quantity that I had the first year, definitely the same great quality. I haven't devoted as much time to commenting and viewing as I did last year. It has become more personal both in terms of subject matter and in pleasing myself, so I'll continue on maybe even for a third or fourth year and just join in the community, discussions, commenting and viewing as I am able.
June 14th, 2011
I appreciate all your thoughtful comments. It is comforting to realize I am not the only one having these mixed feelings. In fact, your responses have inspired me to continue for all the reasons you listed. Actually I never considered quitting. I think I was just feeling melancholy about the friends I am missing.
June 14th, 2011
It's interesting, isn't it, to see the majority of the people commenting here began around the first of 2010. Me...I'm running a little late inconcluding the first round, but after being absent awhile, I realized how much I missed the community. Yes, *the community* as much as having a place to share our photo journals. But like you, I've found so many of my original companions have moved's like an unfinished story in some cases. I don't receive many comments from newer members of the community; the "@" is used a lot to reply to the comments I leave, so there are replies, but the photo audience is much smaller.

That said, I know the "melancholy" feeling about friends who've moved on. But at the end of the day, my photos are ones I want to share, and I treasure each old friend (and new one!) who stops by.

This has been a wonderful thread, in that I feel I know everyone here so well! Thanks Allie!
June 14th, 2011
I decided to do a second year because this community is great and I would really miss it. I felt a bit uneasy at the start of the year when I felt that I had been 'left behind' and that everyone else had moved on.

It picked up a bit and I carried on. However, I now feel as though I'm posting more for the dialogue of my life between myself and my followers then actually for the photos. I seem to have the same 10 or so people comment daily. Don't get me wrong, I think my followers are amazing and I value their comments and their support, but there is definitely a much narrower range of people commenting now then their used to be.

At the moment, I'm finding it difficult to keep taking one a day and sometimes it's stressful. I seem to have no inspiration and no drive. But I'm worried that if I give up, I will stop picking my camera up :/
June 14th, 2011
Wow! I am so pleased I read this I am half way through my 2nd year and you have all mentioned something about the way I am feeling. I do still have a few friends from last year and feel my strongest bond with them but I have picked up quite a few new friends this year, but def the atmosphere of the community from last year has changed. I know this is supposed to be about photography etc but it became more than that to many of us as we became part of people's lives, ups and downs, sad and happy, travels and family. I'm so glad you posted this Alison @allie912 . I shall continue to the end of this year, already have an idea for next year but all depends on the next 6 months really. Thanks to all of you :-)
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