No time to even so much as breathe these days!!!

June 26th, 2011
First of all I need to say how much I appreciate everyone's comments on my posts. I am always truly astounded by the time people take and it makes my day when I log in to see my photos have had comments. Unfortunately it's got to the point where I don't have the time to either thank individually or in groups the comments that are made. It's been difficult for me to come to that decision because I think it's only courteous. To compensate I've decided that I'll continue to comment on your photos instead. I hope this is ok with everyone and if there happen to be any particular questions I will definitely answer these. Thankyou so much to all my lovely followers :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
I can totally relate, this site can be very time consuming, especially if you follow a bunch of people. I usually put a general thanks at the end of everyone's comments each day, but with 3 albums, commenting and the myriad of other things to do sometimes I get slack. Your work is awesome and I look forward to your pics. No worries!
June 26th, 2011
@mariboo Thankyou so much. I have so much to do what with work, kids, studying, home etc. (I'm sure you know what I mean) that something needs to give. Unfortunately it's individual thankyous but I'm sure everyone will understand why :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
@psychographer I came to the same choice a few months back Lisa, it felt awkward at first and I still thank people occasionally but trying to look through the 200 or so people I follows photos each day and comment and add my own AND thank everyone was gettign too much.

I try and comment or at least look at everyones photo who has commented on mine and put a thank you note in my caption with some photos.

Your decesion is completely understandable and I hope it allows you to carry on participating here without it feeling like a core.
June 26th, 2011
@emmar84 Thankyou Emma. I know all my followers will be understanding. It just goes against my upbringing somehow :oS I still wnat to comment on everyone's photos so it seems the only way. Thanks for understanding :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
Got to that point long ago:) Everybody understands!!
June 26th, 2011
@pwallis Thanks Paula :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
Hey Lisa, you are studing as well as looking after your family, this project is a fun thing to do but you can only do so much! I think you are fabulous and supportive and you do a great job!! Your photos have so much thought in them as far as the effect that you want to create. Thanks for your lovely comments, they are much apprecaited x
June 26th, 2011
@jenrobcarr Awww Jennifer, I'm welling up here. That's so lovely of you. I really appreciate your comments too and absolutely love your photos, although I tend to get to them after other people and everyone's already said what I want to :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
@psychographer I feel your pain! There are so many wonderful images and so many kind and generous folks here, there literally is not the time in a day to get to everyone. Not only can I not thank the individuals, I have a hard time commenting on their magnificent photos. I end up feeling eternally guilty for not getting to everyone--and I SO want to!!
June 26th, 2011
@aikiuser Hey, it looks as if we're all in the same position doesn't it! I was fine when I started this with only a dozen followers and following a few but as I carried on I gained more followers and felt compelled to follow them. I now don't automatically follow other people because I know I won't have the time to spend commenting. That's life I guess, it's full of making choices :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
I know exactly what you mean- I stopped breathing months ago!! I have to go through and scan and upload all the black and white film pictures I've been taking. It looks like I haven't touched a camera for weeks. Plus school, work... I'm always happy just to have you comment. It seems like a lot of people don't even bother to do that. It doesn't mean that you have a character flaw if you don't say thanks to everyone on here- it just means that you're a realist. I love your photos and it's wonderful to have you around, even if you don't have a bunch of free time. whew. end of novel! :)
June 26th, 2011
@psychographer You may have noticed that I stopped thanking individually a couple of months ago. I say thanks for comments below the photo title and hope that everyone reads that. I also started reading how annoyed people were having their notifications list filled with thanks.

I also stopped feeling the need to make a comment on every photo of everyone I follow. Takes too much time.
June 26th, 2011
@annienoodle Awww, I have soooo many lovely followers. I'm really appreciative of any comments I get so to hear you actually think my stuff's good too is like icing on the cake. Thanks so much for understanding xx
June 26th, 2011
@annielf I didn't notice tbh so it obviously won't bother people as much as I thought it might. I did see the thread re. not commenting but at the time felt it wasn't something I wanted to stop doing so I continued. The only reason I'm stopping now is due to time really. It means I can carry on commenting on those photos I love :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
Fully understand! I am doing the same. It saves me time to look and comment at more pics. But even though, I am completely overwhelmed and can't look at all my followers/commenters pictures, at least not everyday.
June 26th, 2011
Aw hun I know the feeling, I end up staying up wayyyy too late like now trying to catch up, I have taken to clicking on folk that comment and doing a bulk reply to their shots but even that is a struggle! so I may miss you from now on when commenting but I will still look and enjoy your pics when I get a chance to look through my homepage xx
June 26th, 2011
@scatcat Thankyou. It's wonderful how cool everyone is being. I have time on my days off...well a little more time in between everything else anyway. But when I'm working it's not so good so thanks for understanding :o) xx
June 26th, 2011
@araminta Hey no probs. We're all busy busy bees :o) xx
June 27th, 2011
I made the same decision a little while ago Lisa. As it is I probably spend way too much time here and neglect so many other things. I figure if I visit the other person's photos they know I've appreciated them visiting mine. I now follow a lot of people and it's even too hard to get to all their photos.

I really love 365 and it has become a bit of an obsession but I don't know if I should continue for another year. Do you think you will be able to do a second year? I'm only half way through, I imagine it will only get more time consuming as the year continues.
June 27th, 2011
I am in the same boat...I LOVE LOVE all my followers including YOU :) I just struggle with time work and family barely give me time for much else so I have kind of stopped doing the multi-thank you with the idea its a given plus I want to spend time commenting on my followers photo's especially the ones that just commented on mine but I have to kind of find a chunk of time on one of my days off to do breaks my heart how I have fallen behind and never ever want anyone to think that I don't want to check out their photos and comment
June 27th, 2011
@bella_ss @loztsoul Much as I hate the fact that I've had to reach this decision I am so glad that we're all in this together and are all suffering the same fate. I love your guys photos but haven't always the time to see everything you do. Even though I'd love to follow new people I know it would put even more of a strain on my time. You're all such understanding people. What a fabulous community this is :o) xx
June 27th, 2011
@psychographer Lisa, I actually gradually stopped thanking people when it overwhelmed me. I think it's more important to still be able to comment on other people's photos. Sometimes I can't even do this and have to wait for a day off at the weekend to try to go through everyone's shots. I do respond if people have asked me something specific. I think that's fair. Keep shooting those gorgeous pics.
June 27th, 2011
@swilde Thankyou so much Sue. You have always been a constant follower and that is very much appreciated. Like you there are some days when I haven't the time to properly look so occasionally I miss some fabulous photos. Thanks for your continued support :o) xx
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