speaking of cameras

June 26th, 2011
i know i posted a while back but now im actually getting serious about getting a DLSR i really need one, photography is suffering due to my camera sucking!
anyways ill have $1200 at the MAX so going higher is not an option
what would you buy? that price has to include tax and any other lens and hopefully a bag as well because my current bag would be too small
i was kind of thinking the nikon D90 ... thoughts?
June 26th, 2011
For that, you can get a Canon *insert cheesy grin and two thumbs up* 500D or even 550D (though I'm not entirely sure what they retail for in the US) and skip the kit lens so you can get something more useful to better fit your interests. You could probably throw in a 50mm f/1.8 just because.
June 26th, 2011
Canon 600D is the newest entry level model, but you might be able to get a 60D. If you can afford it get the latter.
June 26th, 2011
I just bought a D90, it cost me half your max. I'm very pleased with it so far.

What do you currently have?

Just looked as some of your shots, you seem to be doing pretty good with that Powershot!
June 26th, 2011
@bobg thanks :) i make the best of it! but it sure has its limits!

@vikdaddy @indiannie_jones
i should mention id like to go with a nikon im pretty tired of cannon
June 27th, 2011
I just got a Canon 60D for around that and LOVE it.
June 27th, 2011
I would go D90. I will be getting the D7000 at the beginning of next month, and the D90 was a VERY close second.
June 27th, 2011
I have a D90 and love it! I got one with an 18-105 kit lens, which has been great, and I would highly recommend that you immediately get a 50mm f/1.8 for it as well.
June 27th, 2011
D90 would be my choice.

I have a D40 and a D80. For my work I get to use a D90 and a D5100. Of these four cameras, the D90 is my favorite! My next camera is probably going to be a D90. Sometimes I think I should get the D7000, but it's a lot more $. I love how the D90 feels in my hand and it's really easy to change the settings. The photos are really sharp and it has an internal focus motor so you can experiment with older lenses.

PS: I have to disagree with Ken R. about the D5100 being better than the D90. I've used them both and the D90 is a far superior camera in my opinion. It's much easier to change the settings, it has an internal focus motor, and the shots are sharp. The D5100 hasn't really impressed me too much. Maybe I need to play with it more?
June 27th, 2011
thank you all for the advice :) the more i read and research the more i think ill go with the D90 :D
June 27th, 2011
Your budget seems correct for various choices. Just to speak about what I know, I have the Nikon D90, I love it and recommend it to anyone who would be interested. I am not against other brands though. You should also consider the lens choice. I mean, if you choose Nikon but would have more choice for good lenses with a Canon, then perhaps Canon would be a better choice, or the other way around, or another brand. Personally I have Tamron lenses and I love them (Nikon lenses were way too expensive for me anyway). Read reviews before choosing, and go in a shop, try the cameras. One model or another may be more comfortable, better fit your hand, etc. This is very important. Never choose your cam only from Internet or advice, it's also a personal feeling.
June 27th, 2011
I'm a Nikon kid from Waaaaay back. I have to say my D90 cost close to $2000 when I bought it. Price has dropped and if you can get one within your budget...GO FOR IT
June 27th, 2011
I am the lone gal out, but I have the Olympus Evolt 620 and love it (best feature is it is a tad less expensive, is lighter than the comprable Nikon and Canon and has no video in it (my choice), uses a 4/3 lens system, (so no changing with a canon or nikon lens) and it has an xd and an sd memory card slot so I always have a card.

Most of the cameras today come as a kit with two lenses included. I would make sure to add a macro lens, uv filters for each lens, at least one Neutral Density Filter (bright sunny days and showing water all white and dreamy) and one Polarized Filter )(cuts out glare on glass, and great for water reflections). This way you will be able to do more of what you want to do.

Now what I did is know how much the camera was going to cost, and shopped around on Amazon since I was buying just a body (replacing an older camera but kept all my lenses (hence one you pick a brand you will stay with that brand). I ended up saving about $100 from what Ritz camera and Best Buy were listing the price as. I found a company in New York City and they even called to confirm if I knew what I was getting.

For a camera bag it is all a matter of choice, but I prefer a messenger bag style because you can easily reach in to grab something, but it does not have a strap that causes the bag to swing and take your photos off balance. Found those on etsy.
June 27th, 2011
I think you should check out the Nikon D5100, or D7000. Both are within your budget, the 5100 more so if you also need a lens. But they both are the upgraded versions of the older D60/D90 series of nikons. They have better sensors and newer technology. I just recently got the D7000 and I'm loving it. It has been a learning curve though, has loads of buttons.
June 27th, 2011
I'd go for the D90, plenty of room for growth and you may be able to pick up second hand lenses that'll still autofocus. Avoid some of the lower range Nikons like the D5100 as these need more expensive lenses to be able to autofocus. I got that wrong, so am only able to manually focus two of my lenses.
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