Firefox Vs IE

June 30th, 2011
I normally use Firefox as my everyday browser. Recently an email link opened the Project in Internet Explorer and to my horror all the photos looked soft, almost out of focus. The same link in Firefox and all was back to normal - crisp and sharp.
I've checked the setting in IE and can't see why it would soften all pictures so much.
Does anyone know if I'm missing something or is that just how IE is, and I should stick to Firefox?
(Incidentally, both Safari and Chrome kept the pictres sharp).

June 30th, 2011
I have no idea but I never use IE. Ever.
June 30th, 2011
funny you mention that. I do firefox at home and I feel the color is more real and a bit crisper. At work we use IE and the colors have a slightly saturated look and I just imagined it was my monitors, and hoped for the best. Now this is a bit interesting and will have to figure out if the magic of the box and wires is doing this.
June 30th, 2011
IE is scuzzy and evil...

Moved away from FF for chrome and opera though, I like firefox but Opera's faster with handy tricks, Chrome's good too.

Worth noting I usually have two browsers, PS, Dreamweaver, media player, a pile of folders and photo viewers open and maybe a game or worse still premiere.

So FF is a bit bloated for piling on in there compared.
June 30th, 2011
No idea how/why Internet Exploder could manage to visibly soften images, that's really not something that's in its remit, or even... possible for it to do.

The main thing is "colour spaces" (or colour profiles) and which ones each browser supports, which *can* make a difference to the colour saturation. Someone did have a nice link about this but the best I can find at short/lazy notice is this:
June 30th, 2011
I think it is more on how IE downloads and compresses the file (or photo) for viewing. It must be the javascript or activex control which IE tries to limit - in plain words, why use a third party software where we in Microsoft can do EVERYTHING! (just my opinion)

Firefox, Safari and Opera are "open" to these third party apps but there are certain degree to it. My top picks for the browser wars would be - Sea Monkey and of course (the unbeatable combo) Ubuntu with Chrome

June 30th, 2011
June 30th, 2011
Safari..... ;)
June 30th, 2011
Chrome here, never tried foxfire.
July 1st, 2011
Safari. Chrome if you're a PC. Then Firefox. Never IE.
July 2nd, 2011
Never used IE too, it invites more viruses and it pops up a lot of things. Firefox Rocks, they always update things in.
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