My 2nd Year Has Started

July 6th, 2011
July 2011
Time now for an update, well since starting this project over a year ago now my level of photography has developed (pun intended) from a reasonable happy snapper with a P&S to now doing weddings, proms and photo shoots, with an array of equipment including my Canon 550D DSLR, whilst teaming up with fellow 365er Simon (sfe4r) to develop our photographic business further. Happy shooting everyone and looking forward to seeing where You/I will be in another years time.

I would also like to thank all those that have followed and or are still following me, your support is truly appreciated, and although I am guilty of not commenting as much as did at the beginning, I do manage at least a few times a week to look at all the wonderful and creative work that gets submitted to this brilliant site.

Special thanks to

You guys have particularly inspired with your creativity and have been a constant with your encouraging comments, for which I am very grateful
July 6th, 2011
Congrats!! Great that you're staying! I am following you, but I hardly find time to look and comment on your pics, I regret this :-(
July 6th, 2011
Congratulations Griff! Looking forward to what the next year brings. :)
July 6th, 2011
Congratulations on all of it! Bet you didn't know where this would lead when you started a year ago. That's a great ending and a fun new begining. :-)
July 6th, 2011
Congrats on your second year!! I just started mine too and I look forward to seeing another year's worth from you! How far you have come!!
July 6th, 2011
July 6th, 2011
Congrats on kicking off your second year! It's been great to watch you grow in your talent and art, and I look forward to seeing what you do with year two!
July 6th, 2011
Congratulations on starting your second year. It is easier the second time around. I do find myself looking a pictures more this year and commenting less, something I need to work on. Looking forward to following you for another year.
July 6th, 2011
Second year is good ... I'm now into the second half of the second year!
July 6th, 2011
Yeaa! I think I'm in my second year now, too, and I feel the same. I attribute ALOT of my growth as a photog to this site in particular, and I think it's just the coolest. :) Congrats on your business!!
July 6th, 2011
Well, congrats on the beginning of your second year, and it too will be interesting to see how your work is going to expand. It has been pleasurable following you
July 6th, 2011
Hey Darren, firstly, just let me say congratulations in completing a full year. I finished my first year and was so proud that I did it. I know life gets busy and eventually, commenting... it doesn't happen as much as the year goes on haha trust me, when you said this:

" I am guilty of not commenting as much as did at the beginning, I do manage at least a few times a week to look at all the wonderful and creative work that gets submitted to this brilliant site."
,... Guilty too :)

Secondly, the fact that you mentioned me out of all others who you could haveon this site... wow. I'm sincerely honored. Just that in itself is inspriring to me. And honestly... like you.... I started to comment less because life got busy... maybe not for the same reasons considering mine were that I graduated and am now beginning my life as a college student... and because of this whole act of commenting less, I missed out on pictures taken by people like you. I am sorry for that... but I am trully flattered and overjoyed that I could be an inspiration to you. Thank you so much and a huuuuge congratulations to you!!

Good luck in your future endeavors :)

July 6th, 2011
well done - and thanks for the mention - chuffed :o) love your stuff, it does get tougher to comment as the project continues - I'm over half way now and finding it takes up way more time than in the beginning! Still, look forward to following you into your second year, and who knows I may make it to year 2 also!!
July 6th, 2011
hey.. well done mate and congrats on an exciting sounding business venture.. sounds great.... looking forward to seeing and hearing how it goes...

also know what you mean about the commenting lark.. I try my best but do feel a bit guilty sometimes that I don't comment as much as I once did..
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