Case of the mysterious Un-follow?

May 18th, 2010
A few days ago I started following Sarah Jane Connors, then today I was looking at the popular page and clicked a photo of hers that was there. I then noticed that according to her page I wasn't following her. This has happened on a couple of previous occasions but I put that down to me forgetting to click "follow" for those people. Now I'm not so sure.

Has anyone else experienced this?
May 18th, 2010
I think a lot of us have experienced this. But...sometimes, technology just "plays" with us. If I refresh the screen too quickly, the "follow" perhaps did not take.

That is the only possible explanation I have!
May 18th, 2010
I've had it happen to me.
May 18th, 2010
oh, just realised it's happened to me too - I thought I was just being forgetful!
May 18th, 2010
Funny that you mention this...I just actually noticed today, that one of my followers was no longer following me.
Since we're pretty good friends, I'm quite certain she didn't remove me, so ...I don't know if both of our issues are related, but I'm chalking it up to a glitch.
May 18th, 2010
I'm glad it isn't just me. I was starting to think my memory was going and I'm only 32.
May 18th, 2010
I've added a few people I was SURE I was following the past few days!
May 18th, 2010
Along with this thread, I was going to post my own thread on this topic that is related. When you are following people, do you get to see everyone's uploads on your HOME page? I have quite a few that I am following but my home page seems quiet for the amount of people I am following. I know there are some that have a ton more people that they are following, do you see all of your follows updates?

ps, I don't mean to try to hijack your thread but I think these topics are to similar. if you prefer me starting a new thread let me know and I will delete.
May 18th, 2010
Feel free to expand the thread Jeff :-)

I think I get everyone's updates but it is a bit hard to tell. I think most people are updating when I'm asleep (being in Australia and all) so I often miss some people in the mass of updates the next morning.
May 18th, 2010
Yes, it has happened to me several times.
I also seem to have the same issue as Jeff with my home page.
May 18th, 2010
i know i have followed people from my phone, but it didn't actually happen. so i had to re-do it from the web.
May 18th, 2010
I posted about the same problem as Jeff a while back and people just acted like I must be just a failwad at scrolling/viewing. I know I'm missing updates because, no offense to anyone, but I do have my favorite photographers. Sometimes I don't see anything from my "favorite photographers" in my home tab for a bit and I assume they haven't uploaded for a while. Then when I go to their page I see they have indeed been uploading and have been uploading nice photos that I damn sure would have commented on and really wouldn't have passed over. I have a good memory. I know which photo I stopped on in the feed.
May 18th, 2010
Well, at least I am not going nuts!!! I swear there are people I was following that I have found that I wasn't and it seemed so odd to me. Hmmmmm....
May 18th, 2010
Has happened to me several times, too.
May 19th, 2010
just checked and seems to be the same with me... I follow over 130 people but in general, it's the same old faces (no offence) on my home page - so I checked through a number of people I follow (those I don't see too often on the old home page) and they are still uploading daily... Possible glitch somewheres....
May 19th, 2010
Yup, happens to me all the time. Totally don't see people's pictures on the home page, only to go to their page and see that they have in fact been uploading every day. Glad to hear that other people are having this problem - I thought I must be doing something wrong!
May 19th, 2010
For me I have noticed change (sudden decrease )in the no of people I follow or people who are following me ... and also when I check my home page after two three days and there is a lot of redundancy.......I see same pictures twice... has this happened to some one else?
May 19th, 2010
You just reminded me. I have seen some double ups of pics on my home page recently. Not too many though and normally together (i.e. one below the other).
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