Back after a couple of months

May 18th, 2010
So I took a photo yestarday and thought that it'd be good to go on here.. only i realised i've been away a LONG time. My last upload was 1st march! I could spiel off a load of excuses but basically it's loss of inspiration, motivation, switching back and forth between laptops.. and yeh, just..being lame. BUT! I'm gonna try again. Perhaps I may not have a photo every day, and I will certainly have large gaps, but I would like to try and keep up a little bit :-) I'm going to sort through my memory card/external hard drive and fill in any 'definite' dates (i.e. i'm sure of when the photo was taken) and then kinda.. be back to square one and try to get photos more regularly again. So yes, hello! again.. :-)
May 18th, 2010
Encouragement is.. well, encouraged!
May 18th, 2010
Welcome back Jess! Sometimes we all have to stay away for a while. I've done it, too, just for shorter durations. Just keep on keepin' on!
May 18th, 2010
keep on keeping on! doesnt matter bout the gaps just jump back on board!!
May 18th, 2010
Thank you both :-) I've been through my facebook albums (easier to find dated pics and choose the best etc), my external hard-drive, and my phone/s (old and new) so i'm now about as up to date as I can be and the last couple of months aren't completely devoid of photos!
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