Let Me Explain...

May 18th, 2010
First, thank you so very much to all of you in this group for your comments and encouragement. Thus far, I have posted 92 photos which have been viewed more than 8,500 times and you have left over 700 comments. I read every one of them! Thank you for your kindness.

With that being said, I am repeatedly asked about the lenses I use and special equipment. I have never shot a photo with an SLR and it is doubtful I ever will. All my photos are point and shoot. I currently use a Sony-Cybershot H55: $265. It is 14.1 MP with 10X optical zoom. That's it. The advantage to me is having it always on my belt everywhere I go, even in church. This is how you get those sudden unplanned shots. Oh, did I mention it stays on my nightstand when I sleep? LOL!

I see comments on here often that say, "I can't wait until I can afford to get a..." Be encouraged friend and content with what you have and learn to make it work to its greatest potential. Also, I have never posted a photo direct from the camera. I edit each one. You see, a digital camera records a wealth of information with each photo. Much of this information is never fully realized by direct posting. I use cropping, straightening, tints, blurring, soft focus, framing, color vibrance, etc.

I'm not a professional. Never had a class. I have been a Christian minister for over 25 years and on 7/27/2010 my family is moving to Swaziland, Africa. Can't wait to post those photos for you as we work with HIV/AIDS children.

Check out my photos and let me know what you think. Also, my personal website for my HIV/AIDS mission is


Here's an example of my published point and shoot photos in a magazine:


I love my SLR and P&S friends equally. It's all about personal preference and I just wanted to explain mine after being asked so many times. Enjoy!!! Blessings to you!!! :)
May 18th, 2010
Excellent write up. I am also a believer that it is not the camera, but the creativity within the individual I have always been proud that I won a photo contest with the Department of Natural Resources of a shot taken with a 1mp cell phone camera, and I think all cell phone cameras are kiddie junk.

Nice work. Keep it up. You make do with what ya got, and as Chase Jarvis has been quoted on this site many times..."the best camera is the one that is with you".

Your work speaks this well.
May 18th, 2010
Michael, thank you SO MUCH for the encouraging word. I too, use only a P&S. This project is forcing me to learn to use all of its features. While I would love to own a DSLR and the goodies to go with it, that ain't happenin' anytime soon, so thanks to your edification, I will be content with what I have.

Earlier today I thought of you, when I missed an excellent photo opportunity because I didn't have a camera with me. I thought to myself: "Michael wouldn't be missing this shot." Lesson learned.
May 18th, 2010
enjoyed reading your post.....I also ALWAYS have my camera with me 24/7!! :) Good luck with your move to Africa and God Bless you for helping the people over there....
May 18th, 2010
Great post - it's true with editing one can do so much with any photo. Good luck with your move - can't wait to see your pictures in the future.
May 18th, 2010
I love both of my cameras that I'm actively using right now. My P&S takes awesome pictures. I like it because I can stick it in my purse when I go somewhere. I can't take my camera bag full of equipment with me all the time. I try and always have some kind of camera with me but there are times I forget it at home. My teacher always tells us that it's not the equipment, it's the eye behind the camera that makes the photo.
May 18th, 2010
Thank you for the perspective, Michael. I have my camera with me all the time, as well. My project is shot entirely on an iPhone 3G, though I may be upgrading to a 3GS in the near future.

I look forward to following your journey.
May 19th, 2010
Well put Michael. I have only P&S cameras - two of them - one lighter in weight than the other - and one (or both) travel with me all the time. 365 has encouraged more creativity, more thought and challenged new perspectives. And we keep meeting a great bunch of folk as well.
May 19th, 2010
I am there with you Michael! I also have a P&S (Nikon P90 12.1 MP, 24x optical zoom) and LOVE it! It is small enough to carry around with me all the time and if I don't have it, I inevitably have my cell phone so I am rarely if ever lacking for a camera. At some point I can see trying to upgrade to an SLR but I do not 1) believe that it will make be a better photographer or 2) believe that I need to spend thousands to become a better photographer. I can't see getting an SLR happening any time soon so I will continue to be happy with my P&S! =D
May 19th, 2010
nice post. keep going. :) i use little camera on my celluler nokia 2600c (VGA) my photos have not good stuff, but i like if see all photos people on this project. that give me inspiration to always take a photos everyday. :)
May 19th, 2010
great write up...very encouraging. Thanks
May 19th, 2010
Wonderful post, I never would have guessed it was all p&s. It is always encouraging to see others so successful with their projects who also use a p&s, because that is what I have as well, and I am quite content with mine. I love the challenge of trying to come up with the best photos I can take, and your words are just more motivation to keep it up. I cannot wait to follow your journey to Africa!
May 19th, 2010
I totally agree with Chris. It isn't what you have but how you use it! Once someone takes the time to learn how to use their equipment, be it dSLR, lenses, film SLR, P&S, whatever, they can do amazing things with it. Your photos are proof of that.

I was recently reminded of this myself. I have a Nikon D40x and kept thinking "I can't get those crystal clear landscapes that others get as my lenses aren't good enough". Boy was I wrong. Enter Brenda and Kellie with their equivalent level Canons and kit lenses, a few photography lessons and they were taking amazing shots. It inspired me to become a better photographer and learn how to use my equipment properly instead of sabotaging and limiting myself.
May 19th, 2010
LOL!! on ur night shand !!! that must be fun to wake up in the middle of the night and click a picture.. But Michael.. Thanks for the encouranging words.. I am one of the "I wish I had a better camera... type of person" :) But u changed the outlook and inspired some thing in me :)
May 19th, 2010
Thanks for this discussion Michael. I agree with Marti. I keep finding new settings on my little Canon Powershot. I'm not upgrading until I have taken it as far as I can. The challenge for me is finding interesting subjects and framing the shot the best way possible in the conditions. And I have to remind myself, 365 is not a competition! If I'm happy with my photo then that's enough.
May 19th, 2010
I recently got an DSLR camera and took a digital photography class that was geared to both DSLR and P&S. Taking this class I learned all the things my P&S could do that I never knew - I didn't realize it had so many settings. The DSLR is more fun to use but the P&S is much more convenient to carry around and it takes great pictures too.
May 19th, 2010
I to only have a canon point and shoot camera and i love it to bits it goes everywhere with me i do get frustrated at times but thats due to my limitations not the cameras i'm always learning somethings new everyday and you sure are an inspiration to me your photos are amazing awesome and beautiful and the fact that you also use a point and shoot makes me want to better myself so i'm as capable as my camera lol thank you for your encouranging words and i cant wait to see your photo from africa
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