Should I take up the offer??

May 23rd, 2010 lately...people have seen that I have been really into photography...because just within the past few months (the time I have been on 365) I have been adding some of the pictures I've been taking on facebook...and I have even provided a link to my 365 project. and because people have seen this...I have gotten a few offers to do senior pictures...and pictures just because.

I have never been as into portrait photography...or just taking pictures of people...because I am not super comfortable with it.

1) I lack experience...I have no idea exactly what I'm doing...or how to pose people. even though it seems that way in my photos.
2) I'm so young...of all people...why me??
3) I dont know EVERYTHING about the camera yet like I would want to. I want to be more knowledgable and more well-known......

then again....dont we all have to start somewhere?? Idk...I'm just so nervous to do it. and the reason I bring this because a girl at my school (Bree Bragg...a junior...same grade as me...she wants to be a famous singer...she has been in many concerts, always participates in the talent shows, and she has even made a CD album!!!!!! she is really good)........and wants ME to take pictures for her so that she can use them as posters, to get publicity...etc....she needs an answer of whether or not I can do it ASAP.

she was like, "how much do you charge?"....but I don't charge yet!! I have never done anything like it before!! so it completely took me by surprise when she asked...especially considering she knows I just got into it...and gosh idk...I just dont want her to be unhappy with her pictures...I am just too scared they wont turn out right...

I told her IF I did them...I would do them for free...after all its my first time...and I honestly dont know what the heck I'm doing.

Is it normal to be this scared??? I can't stop thinking about it...if I took her pictures....(which she needs singls AND group shots done....I would also be photographing a senior boy that goes to my school...and a rapper named Taz)...I would be taking pictures NEXT WEEKEND!!!

and I am just under a lot of stress with finals...and it stresses me out more that two, older guys would be watching me the whole time...more than likely making a fool of myself because I have no idea what I'm doing. Idk WHAT is making me so it because I'm short?? (lol) is it because it is my first time doing this sort of thing??

so I just wanted your opinion.
Should I just do it regardless of how nervous I am??
or should I just avoid the stress and give myself more time and practice considering its finals week (last week of school where we test over EVERYTHING) and she told me at last minute??

but if I dont...will I regret it??
ahhh!!!! HELP!! lol
May 23rd, 2010
The other benefit I would get out of it...would be more people knowing my name. She said she would put my name at the bottom of each if people see it they can check me out...then again, what if I still dont want to do "people photography" for a living and then I start getting a bunch of offers?? *sigh*.....
May 23rd, 2010
I think you should do it but don't charge at first. Takes most of the pressure off. Like they say, fake it until you make it. You don't know unless you try.
May 23rd, 2010
It is definitely normal to be a bit scared and nervous about it because you've never done anything remotely like it before, and because it might seem like people are 'looking over your shoulder'. But think of it this way - how much did you know about photography before you got your first camera, or before you started 365? Chances are you've learned so much about photography and know so much more than the average person - even if you don't consider yourself an absolute 'expert'.

I would totally go for it. :) Although I can understand that it may impact on your study, so if you're worried that it will severely affect your exam performance. then probably best not to do it. But that's the only thing that should stop you - not any doubt in your ability, because you definitely have an amazing ability. :)
May 23rd, 2010
Do it!!! You take amazing pictures :-)
May 23rd, 2010
sounds like an excellent opportunity! but if its going to cause so much stress maybe its not worth it? you definatley are talented and i can understand why people are asking you to take photos. dont sell yourself short though, it can be stressful and if you are doing it for free, does it make it worth your while? idk hard call, go with your gut. you never know where this could lead for you, this could be a good thing and we all have to start somewhere!
May 23rd, 2010
How do you get experience? Well, you do things. You don't learn until you try. I'll just say that... I hate for you to miss this opportunity...however finals are also important. It's a tough decision...and one that you alone will have to make. There could be other opportunities later.

I will let others on this site who have more knowledge about money answer that question. Also, it would be good first if you could shadow someone to learn from them.

Whatever you decide is the right decision....
May 23rd, 2010
I would do just what you said but I would tell them that you will take the pictures but they don't have to pay you unless they come out and they like them.

I have been taking pictures for years but still don't have the confidence to charge people and yet I know people who get paid for their work and in my opinion they are not that good! If someone offers to pay you for your work then you must be pretty good.

There is a saying that the only difference between a professional and an ameteur is that the professional has the conficence to charge people for what they do.

I personally will never do a wedding for a fee. I might be a backup person but there is no do over in a wedding. If you mess up senior pics you can always offer another photo shoot. If you mess up a wedding there is no second chance.
May 23rd, 2010
Well, why not go for it! You have to start somewhere, so if it won't be too much pressure and time, give it a try! You may think that you are not so good, but there are many people out there making a living on photography, who can't step on your little finger (an expression in Bulgarian, meaning they can't compare to you). So calm down, put a big confident smile on, put your Nike shoes on and "Just do it!" ;-)) I know that you can, Lauren! :-)
May 23rd, 2010
You are an awesome photographer. I understand you are nervous, that would be expected, you also are saying you are nervous because you "I have no idea what I am doing" well, guess what, the other people who are watching you or who you are taking pictures of have no idea that "you don't know what you are doing". They are all looking at your finished product, and they obviously think/know you are talented. I am very self conscience about being the center of attention too (thinking people are looking at me & thinking "what the hell is she doing") but the people you are photographing are probably more nervous than you. If there is conflict between finals & taking the pictures and it is causing a lot of stress, I would suggest focusing on the finals first. But, seriously, you are a great photographer and you can do this. Sending you hugs and good vibes! : )
May 23rd, 2010
You are all so wise...and brought up things that I didnt think of...gosh I'm still I just know I'll regret it if I dont!!! I think I might just do it.....
May 23rd, 2010
But nothing!! You are an amazing photographer Lauren, and you're only gonna get better, and practicing on this kind of stuff is what is going to get you to that better! Go for it, I know you'll be great, and if you don't like doing the people photography, then at least you'll know, right? Good luck sweetie! :)
May 23rd, 2010
Do it and expect to be very nervous about it.

When my son got married, he and his wife asked me to be the wedding photographer....back in film days. I said I would do it and was never so nervous in my life. And you can imagine my dismay when I realized that the ISO of my camera was set to 200 and the film I was shooting was 400. (I told the developing company that and they noted it and said, "No big deal."

Photos turned out fine and dandy. Saving grace was that she was going to put together her own wedding scrapbook, so she was able to "crop to center" and other things like that.

One always does have to do "a first". Enjoy it; have fun; it probably won't be your last.

May 23rd, 2010
Go for it! As they say, everyone has to start somewhere. You can do this! What's the worst that will happen? They don't like the photos and have to go somewhere else. That sounds terrible, but think of it as a learning experience. If you took a bunch of photos that didn't turn out how you wanted, then you'd know what NOT to do next time. And if they turn out great (and let's face it, you're great, so some of them will turn out well), then hey, bonus!

And you never know, you may discover you *love* photographing other people, once you have the opportunity to get comfortable with it.

Good luck!
May 23rd, 2010
Lauren just do it! Its nerve racking but great fun. I started out with the idea of one day making a small business ot of my hobby. I would take my camera to events (birthdays ect) and give the hosts copies of what I took. The first couple of times I did portraits I did them for friends for free.
Then gradually, friends who liked my pictures asked how much and I started charging a small amount.

Just do some research online for location, prop and posing ideas and go for it.
If they are people you know you always have the option of not charging if you or them dont like the photos and you still get learning experience out of it.
May 23rd, 2010
do whatever you me, i work as a designer, at d same time photography as a hobby, and theres no such thing as "easy" but in your case , u have a unique talent , so i guess u can do it at d' same time .... =) go go go lauren!
May 23rd, 2010
I would imagine it is completely normal to be nervous at a time like this! It's something that you are loving doing, and being nervous just goes to show how important it is to you.
You are an amazing photographer, and I'm sure you'll do great if you take her up on this offer! I say you should go for it and give it a shot. Even if you decide portrait or "people" photography is not for you, you'll have that much more experience under your hat, which is always a plus!
Good luck whichever way you decide to go!
May 23rd, 2010
GOsh I really appreciate your feedback guys....its good and bad..because of what most of you have said..I am pushed to just do it...most of me is saying JUST DO IT LAUREN!!!!.....but I am still unsure...I'll let you guys know what I decide in the next few days....I hope I gain more confidence in a day or to to come out and say I'M GONNA DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
May 23rd, 2010

Feeling nervous is always normal.
Honestly, everytime I go out on shoots, I feel the same way you do.
I always start to wonder whether or not the pictures are going to come out well or not. If my model is going to like what I've created, if what I envision in my head will show in my pictures etc etc etc.

It's all good though, you'll do a great job!

Good luck :)
May 23rd, 2010
thanks Stefanie :) :) I'm still trying to make up my mind...pretty sure I'll do it in the end though...
May 23rd, 2010
Do it for the experience. If they don't like the pictures, they don't have to use them. Even if you don't go into portrait photography, it can still be useful experience.
There is no reason to be nervous since you are not charging for it.
Remember that professional photographers take hundreds of pictures and may only use a few of them. There is no way to control every detail of every scene so take a lot. It's like filling a glass with a lawn sprinkler, every drop is useful but only some drops will make it into the glass.
I hope you find a way to be excited for this opportunity.

Good luck and enjoy.
May 23rd, 2010
I had a masterpiece written for you and I just lost it. How did that happen? Anyway, it seems like an ideal situation to put your talents to the test. In my very brief experience I have found that feeling prepared both with the location and the "look" ("poses" isn't really the right word) is the main thing in gaining confidence and having a great time during the shoot. Since you've decided not to charge this first time, you really have the chance to do a "professional" job without the pressure. I'm sure you understand deep down that you know what you are doing with a camera both technically and artistically. Here are my best suggestions: Jeremy Cowart is a major artist photographer in Nashville (think he's in LA for a while now), and he has some fabulous stuff on his website. If you haven't come across she is a must read. She offers a ton of information and advice on conducting a shoot. Even though she does weddings, she is a great resource. Wow, I've written a lot -- but you should have seen my masterpiece. I have absolute confidence you will do a great job . . . should you decide to accept this assignment :)
May 23rd, 2010
oh no william!! I hate it when that happens...when you write sooo much...and spent time wording things just perfectly..they disappear!! yea that happened to me just about an hour ago actually. I was emailing somebody about an important subject...wrote a "masterpiece"...tried to send it...and send failed, I had to lgo back in...and it was gone. It was very depressing.
I really appreciate you taking the time to write back agian though. and thanks for the links!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS. I DID IT. I SAID YES. MY GUT SAID YES. I COULDNT CONTROL MY FINGERS AND I EMAILED BREE AND I SAID I COULD DO IT. WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!!!!!!!!! lol great. so I am really doing it. I just decided to because I didnt want to regret it....and youare ALL right. If she doesnt like them...or I make a fool of myself...whats it gonna hurt?? well...maybe my pride a little...but if shes a true friend she wont give me crap lol (I dont realy know her...sot hats why I'm saying I hope it wont be awkward...also with aaron adn taz)....and I'm not I cant lie and say I'm not nervous. but I'm proud of myself for taking up the offer!!!!! thanks for the feedback and support.
but oh man....I hope this turns out well. STOP FREAKING OUT LAUREN!! lol
May 23rd, 2010
O Lauren! I'm glad you told her yes! You will do amazing! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! YOU ARE AWESOME!! If you don't feel comfortable or like it after you do hers you dont have to do anymore! But I know the pics will be great!!
May 23rd, 2010
YAY! :D I hope it goes super duper dandy for you. :) You can totally do it, you have the talent!
May 23rd, 2010
Ok I will be honest, you have a lot of great advice already and I didn't read all of them. So I might repeat some things

First I will say like others you are a very talented artist. You feel uncomfortable and that unfortunately is not a good thing, yet understandable. You need to gain confidence in your talent. You need ot KNOW your camera left and right. I remember listening to a photog give a speech. when he gets a new camera. he sits watching tv with it. and plays with the dials and just by feel he tests himself which dial is shutter. which is aperture. What settings is it at with out looking thru the view finder. His point is. you need to know your camera inside and out. if you are fumbling at it trying to figure out the "correct exposure" (that is the exposure you want for a mood) that insecurity will come across and your "client" will pick up on it. In turn you client becomes uncomfortable and it will show in facial expressions thru the lense. I would suggest using this girl/friend/muse as a mutual thing. I would use her to gain your confidence. let her know up front that this is a shared experience. You get to try things, new things with her, in return she gets images that she likes. This then turns into a learning experience for you that you will build confidence. As far as posing. its all crap. Don't worry about that. Get on flickr and look at "rock band" "senior photos" you will see that the current trend is very relaxed and not Posey. You have an eye, you know colors. go have fun with your muse, and get your photos out there with your name on it, or credits given on album covers. Go follow Zach Zarias, he is a freelance photog in ATL that does indy bands.

In the end, if you build this relationship with this person, know your camera and what it can do, you have your entire life to work towards getting a cover on rolling stone. Don't let your age limit you. I have posted to you before about Joey L. He is very young and shooting covers, big bands, and giving seminars. Talent doesn't understand Age, and you have it, you are just missing confidence, so go build it and believe it, we all do here, so should you.
May 23rd, 2010
I'd totally do it. These are the opportunties that experience comes out of.
May 23rd, 2010
Run with it!
Push your boundaries, go outside of your box and grow!
What is there to lose? A larger, more diverse portfolio? More people to brag about your talent? More people willing to pay you to do what you love?

Of course it is scary the first time you get paid, because you are "required" to produce. Do a few for free, build up your comfort, and run!

You have it! Now go out there and show yourself what you are capable of.
May 23rd, 2010
Go for it. Mayby you will love it? And if not, you havent lost anything!
May 23rd, 2010
Youve got the talent
You love photography
Someone w*a*n*t*s you to take photos!!

What could be better than that?

This is where excperience comes from. If you don't feel comfortable charging the first time, just tell yothem to pay you what they think they are worth once they have seen them. The worst that can happen then is that you have some practice for nothing.
And don't forget to enjoy the experience...., you'll do great.
May 23rd, 2010
I'm so glad you have decided to do it! Your feelings brought back to me so many times when I have agonised over doing something new, and been SICK with nerves, terrified to the point of distraction - but then the reality is never as scary as you think - I just bet about ten minutes into the shooot you'll suddenly realise you are breathing again, your hands have stopped shaking and, could it be...yes, you are actually ENJOYING it! This is a great opportunity - grab it with both hands!
May 23rd, 2010
WOW what a fantastic opportunity! You have amazing photos so its no wonder she asked you. It would be a great learning experince both personally & in your photos. Its understandable to be scared, but also so much fun. Definately go for it!!! ; ).
May 23rd, 2010
Brilliant!!! We all gotta start somewhere, and the fact you've been asked is testiment to your talent, so well done you!! You ARE an amazing snapper, so dont forget it, lol!

The only advice I would have is to ask her what kind of thing she has in mind. I mean for example, does she want light and bright or mean and moody? I know it sounds daft, but she prob does have an idea and this way you will avoid disappointment for both of you. Least then if you have an idea, you can get thinking of where to go, if its inside or out on location. I promise it helps!
Best of luck and hope you post a pic on 365 :-)
May 23rd, 2010
Do it! (That is all...)
May 23rd, 2010
From the photos I've seen that you've taken of yourself and your sister, I don't think you'll have any problem. I agree with Frieda, find out beforehand exactly what type of photos she wants. Also, be realistic and make sure you're both aware that she can get someone else to take photos if she doesn't like how yours turn out. I'm sure she wil though. Good luck! :-)
May 23rd, 2010
Do it! have fun and yeah don't charge to start off with, if it gets your name out there that's great. :) good luck!
May 23rd, 2010
yes do it! i have been asked to do photos before for fashion students, and it was a good experience. i did it for free, but used the pictures in my portfolio and for my flickr page. it is a very good experience to do it because one of the best ways to continue learning photog is by practising and playing with the camera, and no doubt you will get positive feedback, and you can learn from what worked and didn't work!
Also think about the fact that the people who asked you obviously don't really have knowledge on photography, so whatever you are doing, they will assume is correct! They are not going to be snobbish and think you are doing it wrong!
Remember they wanted you to do it, so they obviously like your style of photographs.. so keep to your strengths and stay true to yourself! Don't try and take the photographs as if they were somebody she could have asked someone else. be flattered that she wanted you!
Good luck and enjoy it, its only a small part of a long life ahead of you! It may even open some new doors for you to venture along!
May 23rd, 2010
❀ I agree JUST DO IT!!! With time your nerves will be less & once you take that first step, your confidence will grow - especially when you get feedback from your clients & they refer other people to you......I remember my first family portrait shoot - I was pretty anxious, but when my clients husband told me how nervous he was I realised that they don't know what to expect & actually you have the upper hand - my motto is to have FUN & pop your face out from behind your camera every now and then & give them a big SMILE ~ you'll be suprised at how they respond!! Looking forward to seeing the pics - Good luck!!! ❀
May 23rd, 2010
You have such a natural talent for photography Lauren, you should persue every opportunity to develop your skills. I agree you should use it as an opportunity to develop a portfolio of your work. What sort of work are you hopping to go into when you finish school?
May 23rd, 2010
I'm the same way you are. people see the stuff i shoot of my son and want me to take pictures of their kids and stuff and i'm just not that comfortable yet to charge to do it. a friend last year had me do senior pictures for her daughter because it was too late to order more of the professional ones. i stressed that there was no gaurantee they would be worth anything and i didn't charge. i made her a disk of the pictures and let her have them processed like she wanted. there actually were a few great shots that turned out and they were happy with them.
May 23rd, 2010
I'm so glad to hear you're going for it Lauren! You've got some great advice here that I couldn't possibly add anything more to. But I sincerely hope we'll get to see some of what you take???

May 23rd, 2010
definitely do it! you'll surprise yourself, promise.
May 23rd, 2010
I think it is an amazing credit to your photos to have have been offered these things with what you call your lack of knowledge and ability. Your photos are always gorgeous and I had no idea you were still in school, you have amazing natural talent and I think you should definitely take up the offer and be proud. I for one (among many) admire all your photographs and I think you need to not be so critical of yourself, you can expand later with a photography course if you like to improve etc I'd love to see your photos then OMG we would all be way under the mark beside you. Be wary of your stress with exams though I guess and take up an offer when it suits you better. Whatever you do, don't stop taking photos - you have so much to offer!!! xo
May 23rd, 2010
I really can't say much more than everyone else here has said. Some awesome advice given!

Glad to read that you said yes! You will do just fine. Just put the camera in your hand and work your magic. You know you have an amazing eye for photos. Don't sweat the small stuff, girl. All will be okay!! Just have FUN! :)
May 23rd, 2010
Lauren--for you and others--, one other thing about . Under her "Categories" on this page the "Photography" category is the place where she discusses how she does all kinds of things related to photography and the photography business. She is very free with her information. Her writing reminds me so much of the way you express yourself.
May 23rd, 2010
hey lauren ~ i haven't read all the responses - so sorry if this advice is duped.

i absolutely think you have the talent...but because you lack may benefit you to second shoot for someone who is established in business.

this way you will gain business experience and experiences from shoots.

i would hate for you to go running into this and get yourself "hurt" by the business side of it...

definitely do it, but be really careful as you start setting up pricing...don't sell yourself short. do some research of photogs in your area. :)

good luck girl !! (if you lived close to me, i'd take you under my wing !)
May 23rd, 2010
Go for it! It's a great compliment to you and clearly they see something in what you do. The best thing to do is, if you are uncomfortable with it, don't charge. Explain that you are still learning and that you will do it for free provided you can use the work for a portfolio for yourself.. You should be so proud of yourself!! You have to start somewhere and why not with a willing model!
May 23rd, 2010
wow, such great advice...and everything you guys said is so true....
Jeff, you are right , I do need to build confidence...I'm hoping this thing with bree will help with that.
Vivian, I am planning on doing something with photography. DEFINITELY. just not sure exactly what yet.
also, dont worry guys, I will defintely post a picture or two of my photoshoot with Bree :) well....if the pictures I take dont turn out horrendous that is ;) jk
thanks again for your time.
May 23rd, 2010
Go for it Lauren. We all know you can do it...Good luck!!
May 23rd, 2010
I'm a bit late seeing your thread. Enough opinions given & digested by you. You will do good because of this ...admired your maturity (& of course your photography skill).
So...GO LAUREN!!!...You know you are not plan to, whatever the outcome, you are doing yourself proud by taking this will always going to improve & this is the 1st of many to come. I know 365 is rooting for you. Again...GO LAUREN!!!
May 23rd, 2010
you should totally go for it, i would love for someone to ask me. well done! you will be a very succesful photogrpaher if you pursue it further in the future :D
May 23rd, 2010
Lauren, I think that you are capable. It's good that you would be doing it soon since that would still leave her time to have someone else re-shoot if she's not happy, The suggestion of taking them and letting her decide if she would like to pay is a good one. Relax and be yourself. she already likes your style if she has seen your work. Ask if there are any particular ideas she has in mind. Have fun and good luck.
May 23rd, 2010
I'm feeling a little better about it...I've been giving it a lot of thought...its gonna be okay :) I'm actually slightly excited...but I still have finals to worry about so that comes first...then the nerves will probably set back in on friday...but I am GOING to do it...I already said yes...and I'll show you guys one or two of the pictures okay? :) Thanks for helping me decide!
May 24th, 2010
You should do it, but not charge. Get her to sign a release and use the pictures to start your portfolio. It'll be great experience for you and since you won't be charging, you won't feel bad if you don't have a lot to show her.

Your pictures are fantastic. You can do this.
May 24th, 2010
Lauren. I clicked too late on your thread and you already made up your mind. ok i'm glad you decided to do it. i just wanted to say - at least you know what you are doing, taking pictures is a passion of yours by now and the opportunity was there for you. when i think back over 5o years ago when i first lived in Chicago shortly after i immigrated and didn't speak or write the English language i was fed up with looking after other peoples kids as a live in, never had time for myself. anyway what i'm trying to say is that i went to an employment agency and was sent to a company which was looking for a teletype operator. i knew how to type but that was the end of it. so here i was typing and trying to decipher the words (handwritten ones at that). i had no clue as to what i was typing or the meaning of most of the words. and i couldn't read it back as it came out of the machine in a strip of paper with holes which one could read if one learned what these little perforations stood for. so needless to say i didn't get fired so it must have been ok what i typed. as to you.. only you know what you are doing. the people you photograph have no clue except they will know the end result. either they like what they see or they don't and if your pictures will be only half as good as what we see here you'll be a great success
May 24th, 2010
by the time i scroll all the way down to the bottom, i guess i don't really need to write anything anymore. looks like we all have the same thoughts: do it. it's pretty simple, especially if you do it for free, you have nothing to loose. and i'm pretty confident you will do a great job! :)
May 24th, 2010
Lauren, Good luck on your great opportunity that you have. Stay calm, if you aren't comfortable with the person you are going to shot (what a choice of words) sit down and talk to her first, or the gentleman, get to know them a little and go from there. And you have nothing to loose ( as Chimom said), enjoy the experience and treat it like you would all the other picture taking sessions that you have done. You're going for the best shot that you can get. You might even find that the one that you think is the best will be the first rejected and the one that you would delete will be the one she wants.

Good luck, and have fun.
May 24th, 2010 me. I will tell you about my journey in going pro. x
May 24th, 2010
What a story Bruni! thanks for sharing...and having confidence in me....ALL OF YOU.
JA Byrdlip, I will defintiely try to have fun. thanks so much for the encouragement!!
and I will definitely email you Robyn. Thanks so much!!
May 25th, 2010
DO IT! Like some have said - do it for free at first. You have such an amazing eye - you would do a bride or senior proud. Do it!
May 25th, 2010
oh I hope! :) we'll see how this weekend goes...
May 25th, 2010
You are very talented and I think you would be awesome at it. I agree with some of the others, to maybe do a few shoots as a comp and see how it goes.
May 25th, 2010
I haven't read the other comments, so this may have already been said, but I think being a secondary photographer at a wedding would give you a lot of experience.
May 25th, 2010
You are Very Talented!! Every time I'm on 365 I make sure that I check out your work...and I look forward to tomorrows picture! Honestly - you are amazing and have a great spirit - which shows in your photos!
Everything in life happens for a reason - so go for it!! If it doesn't work then it's another chapter in your life that you have learned from and can say 'yes I tried it'.
Good Luck :)
ps - I'm not sure you'll truly know its for you or your ready for it until you try it out :)
May 25th, 2010
Do it! you're pictures are stunning!
May 26th, 2010
Sorry to respond so long after your initial question. You really have a great eye for photography. I don't know what I can say that hasn't been said.
I encourage you to go ahead, not to let it interfere with school, and not charge for it until you are comfortable. Your reputation will spread and you will have a great opportunity to get even better.
May 26th, 2010
I know this is a late answer- but you should do it! especially if you do it for free there won't be so much pressure, plus if they aren't exactly what she was looking for, she can just hire someone else... so you should just have fun and if she DOES love them (which I'm sure she will) then you could charge next time!!!
May 26th, 2010
I had this happen to me...I went for it and it turned out magnificently!!! Follow your dreams!!!
May 27th, 2010
I've been asked to do a friend's wedding. It is the ultimate compliment but also a beautiful gift that is very personal. Do it!
May 27th, 2010
I have been asked to do a wedding and a family portrait in the past, so I did both for free because I was sure that I couldn't do it really well. Both shoots turned out okay, but they we really invaluable experience.

I would always shoot in RAW as you can edit so much more, which is really important. Remember to let them all know that you are NOT a professional, but that you will try your best. Looking at your photos I am confident you have the eye for composition, it's just about translating it to a high-pressure situation. But that comes with experience, and with experience comes confidence.

As for the settings on your camera, you will pick it all up. I've been using a D-SLR for a year and a half now and still struggle with some of the more complex settings. As long as you know about shutter speed and aperture, then you're almost there. Go for it and try to enjoy it, I think you will do really well. We all have to start somewhere!
May 28th, 2010
very true :) thanks for everything you guysss :)
May 28th, 2010
do it you will learn alot from being in situations you cant control to the full at first as vik says do them for free at first to gain knowledge then take it run with it. it may seem scary but i think grab it. you have a wonderful eye and skill too, and the more you do the better you get. grab them opportunitys baby!!!!
May 28th, 2010
ps have a read up on portrait stuff and im sure there are people on here who will give you little nuggets of joy too!
June 25th, 2010
lol...nuggets of joy
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