New Lens

August 3rd, 2011
Ok so I am not usually one to make a new thread topic about things but I am so excited I had to share. My old zoom lens for my dslr completely died on me a few weeks ago and all I have been able to use lately is my basic 18-55mm lens. I had been debating over when to buy a new zoom lens and which one to get. So my wonderful hubby decided to surprise me and bought me a 300mm zoom lens!

Please excuse how utterly icky I look. I am taking and posting this right before bed, so I am sans make-up and look like poo. :)
August 3rd, 2011
Happy Smile :))
August 3rd, 2011
The huge smile totally overshadows any lack of make-up!
August 3rd, 2011
Great smile and bright blue eyes! Congratulations on your new lens! I hope you love it as much as I love mine!
August 3rd, 2011
my 70-300mm may have died last weekend... its not good. I think I may have to buy a new lens!
August 3rd, 2011
@jennarichards What a good man! New lenses make me hugely happy!
August 3rd, 2011
Yay!!! I wish I could have gotten the 300 when I got my camera but the 200 was within the budget... one day! =D
August 3rd, 2011
@autumnseden Well I was debating about buying it myself but in stores, but the VR was $400(too much for me!) but my husband found it brand new on ebay for $300(which to be honest, would have still been too expensive for me right now). I'm just so grateful for it because we are going on vacation in a month and I was worried about not having a zoom lens at all. Next step is a camera though. My is about 5 years old. It's time to upgrade! :)
August 3rd, 2011
@jennarichards I got my 200 as part of a packaged deal on my D5000 so it was discounted to around $150 I think. I wanted to spend the extra to upgrade to the 300 but it just wasn't in the budget at the time. I am still kicking myself for it but it can wait. =)
August 3rd, 2011
Congrats! I just got one for my birthday and I so excited!!
August 3rd, 2011
I was hoping for a new macro lens for my birthday in July, but instead I got a gorgeous new setting, full of diamonds, for my wedding ring. Hmmmm, lens vs diamonds...I choose diamonds. I'll request the lens for Christmas and then I can have both. Yep...I'm spoiled.
August 3rd, 2011
@dejongdd See I'm the exact opposite. If given the choice, the lens would be mine. I hardly ever wear jewelry anymore. My wedding and engagement rings are about it. I'm too rough on them. I have a few pieces of jewelry my husband has bought me over the years that just sits there and never gets worn. I am just not a jewelry person.

My hubby spoiled me with this gift. It's nowhere near my birthday, nowhere near our anniversary... this was a "just because" gift that he knew I wanted. Plus there are a few things coming up that I was really hoping to have a new lens for, along with a weeks vacation we are taking in a month so this was good timing. I will probably ask for another lens for Christmas. lol
August 3rd, 2011
@jennarichards Hold on to that man! I don't wear a lot of jewelry, but what I do wear always involves diamonds. I guess I just love the sparkle. Enjoy your new lens.
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