Why did I not fav any photo, some words about my journey here, a disclosure and some words for good bye

August 12th, 2011
I wrote a long essay about my journey here, about my feelings and observations along the way and how participating here affected me ( much more than I had in mind at the beginning). It is too long, not finished and I need some more time to ponder about it ( and to phrase it in English). So I gave it up for the moment. I still feel I owe an explanation to the wonderful people here who followed me, commented on my photos and faved .

I did not fav any photo and it is not because I did not love any. There were many that really were wonderful. At first, I did not know that it exists, the fav bottom, and then I did not know how to choose, thought that it is like the “like” in face book which I dislike. Then I understood that it has to do with winning an appearance in the popular page which makes it a kind of competition that I tried to avoid, leaving another place before. I understand how it makes people feel good to see their photo on the popular page and for that you need many fav. I hope that my whole heartily comments had the same or effects. And showed my apriciation.

I joined 365 after arriving to the site when looking on the internet for other people who take a picture everyday and would like to share it. I loved it when I read
" We want to help you build a picture of the little day to day things that make your life so special and unique. Everyone can take part and join in! All you need is a camera."

I loved the communication with many people from so many different part of the world, from different ages and interests and knowledge in photography. I cherish some dear friendships (virtual at least) that I acquired here. But participating became more and more time consuming and difficult – not taking pictures every day, that was easy, but choosing, learning ,thinking about the criterion that guide the process, looking at people's pictures and commenting and writing in English . There were days that it took long hours. There were days that I was very emotional, touched, thrilled, or disappointed.

At the end of my journey here I would like to thanks Ross (@Scrivna ) for a wonderful work and site . I would like to thank all the many followers and the ones I follow that make this place what it is.

I will not continue for another year. I have many other plans and projects and I also wish to learn photography more deeply , not only how to take better pictures (knowledge that I badly need) but philosophical and artistic matters as well. I also would like combine this knowledge and skills with the works and writings in my profession .

Yoella Offir is a nick name. My real name does not even sound like it. For various reasons that has to do with my profession I did not want it that when people google my name they will get to this site. I thus felt freer and could bring my true self more comfortably.

I will drop from time to time to look at my friends and followers pictures. There are so many good and dear people here who have been part of my life this year and I will not be able to address each personally. So I say goodbye to all of you together.

Well it came out quite long non the less.

If you wish to communicate me - my email is on my profile or just write a comment on any of my photos here.
August 12th, 2011
thanks and congratulations yoella for your wonderful project, have loved seeing your part of the world which is so different to mine! all the best to you jen carr
August 12th, 2011
beautiful heartfelt piece of writing. i have so enjoyed looking at the world through your lens. you are a very gifted and talented photographer and have an amazing eye for what works in a photograph. i especially loved that you captured so many scenes that others would not have thought of as art as in back yards, porches, alley ways... and yet in your hands they did become art.
i will miss you.
thank you.
August 12th, 2011
I'm sad that you will no longer be posting your wonderful photos! You have donated such a unique album/s to 365... you will be dearly missed! If you pass through northern Italy, please contact me. I'd love to meet my virtual friend in real life!
August 12th, 2011
Good observations 'Yoella Offir'! There is a time to start thing as there is a time to end things :-) I wish you all the best of luck with your life and projects.
August 12th, 2011
All the best Yoella - you will be missed. I loved the many photos of daily life in a country so very different to where I live. You have a wonderful eye for capturing ordinary people, doing ordinary things, which confirms my belief that people world wide are not so different, even if their environments are. Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the 365 family. You will be missed.
August 12th, 2011
Some good things never last, they say. But the good thing is, they will come back. It's sad to know you're done with your project and end it there but am glad that you will drop by from time to time.

Congratulations for the job well done. You and your photos will be missed. All the best to you! If ever you visit Paris one day, please do let me know. Like Amy, it would be nice to see a 365 friend in person. :-) xxx
August 12th, 2011
What a lovely way to say goodbye or " au revoir " which sounds better ..It is lovely to read you thoughts of your 365 year, & i have enjoyed seeing your world, your picture have been super . Good luck with your new projects i hope they are all a great success stay safe Yoella but most of all have fun in whatever you do ((o;
August 12th, 2011
You will be missed. Your photos have been wonderful pathways into a world that was unfamiliar to me. Thank you for sharing them with us. I wish you well on what ever journeys you choose.
August 12th, 2011
Thank you, Yoella Offir. It has been an absolute pleasure and an honour to get to know you and experience your view of the world.

להתראות ידידי. אני מקווה שניפגש שוב.
August 12th, 2011
i enjoyed following your journey and i understand completely about the time it takes, and having other interests to pursue. still it would be nice to see a photo from you now and then. i wish you luck and have fun with whatever you do next!
August 12th, 2011
Congratulations on completing your project and thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences as some certainly ring true for me and I'm sure for others too. I wish you well in your new endeavours - may they be as rewarding or more than this one has been. Cheers and good luck.
August 12th, 2011
@yoelao I am so touched by your words, You have eloquently stated all the many wonderful things about this site and also some of the difficulties. I am sadden to know that you will not be continuing as I have learned so much from you and have been able to see a part of the world I may never be able to see in person and I will just plain miss you, Yet I totally get it and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!!
August 12th, 2011
I did not realize that favs were in competition. I fave my solely for the purpose of viewing them from time to time. It's like a magnificent collage all in one. I enjoy your lovely photos!
August 12th, 2011
Congratulations on reaching your 365 milestone, Yoella! I will miss your beautiful photos with their unique view of life. I feel enriched by the experience of sharing your world. I wish you well with your future plans and projects. It sounds like you have some wonderful things on your agenda. All the best to you ~ Peggy
August 12th, 2011
congrats...i wrote my my heartfelt message on your 365 shot..you will be missed...your work is brilliant...xoxoxoxo
August 12th, 2011
Thank you for showing me your world, Yoella! Will miss your pictures! See what you mean about the fav-thing even if I have used it to keep pictures, or as just a "like"-button on Face-book. To me 365 represents a diary and it's nice to go back once and a while. Because of my profession I usually have a nick name on internet too, but not here :-) Agree, it IS time consuming to write in English!
August 12th, 2011
I like your post, but I am going to have to "disagree" about the PP page.
First I was told about the PP page by someone and later about top 20 by someone else..... Before PP or top 20, I was doing photos, I was enjoying doing photos, and I was already doing my photos digital and on my dark room years before 365 Project.
I can't speak for everybody, but I and a lot people don't see PP as competition, even though is good for people's ego to see their photos recognized.
I can not see one photo I liked and not fav that photo, as I did with many of your photos, because they were so amazing. I never noticed you had no favorites, just now that you wrote in your post I got to know. I always try to remember that behind that computer screen or behind that photo there is a real person and either you, me, or everybody else like or not, 365 is community with a bunch a persons interacting and exchanging experiences, and part of that experience are comments, being commented, PP, top 20, discussions, themes and could go on.... To me the best part is "whole", I'll take it all and I wish I had mote time to be more active on 365 project.
Anyway, I hope I made sense.

You have a beautiful project and I was inspired by many of your photos.
August 12th, 2011
Goodbye, and thank you so much for all the inspiration you gave me. You are absolutely one of my favourits here. All the best and take care.
August 12th, 2011
A lot of nice thoughts here. Best of luck in whatever you do next with your photography.

@alecio This is exactly why I love you so! You took my exact thoughts about the fav issue and expressed it in the nicest possible way. I agree that it's the whole experience and all of the interactions on here that I cherish. I especially enjoy viewing my favs and revisiting those pictures that stuck with me the most. Not to mention that it gives me a little ego boost to know that people found some of my pics good enough to fav. But to each his own. That's the beauty of this site!
August 12th, 2011
What lovely wishes- many thanks for your photos and your comments and good luck for the future - we'll miss you!
August 12th, 2011
Yoella! I am so wanting to know your real name now, you mysterious woman! ;). I think I've told you before, but in case I haven't, you are one of my absolute favorites on here. Your honest portraits of a life far away from mine, but not really so different, are such a pleasure to view. You got style, girl. It's all your own style, not trying to be like anyone else, honest and good, and I love that. Keep it up, and I do hope you pop in to say hi every so often!
August 12th, 2011
I will miss your quirky photos of people and life especially from a country I know so little of apart from the one-sided, usually bad, news on the telly - by following and viewing and interacting with real people from around the world - we get a chance to see a more balanced view. Thank you so much for all your pics and all the positive comments you've left on my pics. All best wishes for your aspirations and future projects.
August 13th, 2011
A lovely way to say farewell from one of my favourite 365 friends. I will certainly miss your wonderful photographs and the insight I got into your country and way of life. Best of luck in everything you do, Yoella and thank you for being such an inspiration during your time here.
August 13th, 2011
This was a beautiful ending. You are a unique presence here and I know many people will miss you. Having ended a week before you I can tell you it will be different not participating here each day.
I am finding that I am as busy as ever with photography but in different ways. I made the right choice and I hope will will feel the same way.

It has been a pleasure. don't be a stranger.
Congratulations. I loved your collage.
August 17th, 2011
I'm going to miss you. Best wishes!
August 17th, 2011
Yoella, I have loved your pictures. I agree it is wonderful to meet people from all over the world. I have enjoyed talking with you and wish you well. I'm sure your photography will continue to improve as you have an artistic eye.
Best wishes.
August 20th, 2011
I will miss your lovely shots. Thanks for such a beautiful farewell.
August 20th, 2011
@yoelao While I am sad that you will no longer be posting, I totally understand, value and respect your desire to "move on" as they say. I have so thoroughly LOVED your album and will really miss you, but I wish you all the very best in life's journeys. Happy shooting!! xxoo :-D
August 29th, 2011
-i will dearly miss you and ur creativity !!Take care and Good luck :)
September 1st, 2011
I will miss your photos. We live near each other and I would love to have tea with you (I am British, this is what we do). My email is celialeaberry@hotmail.com

No pressure, but if you fancied it that would be wonderful.

September 8th, 2011
I totally understand your reasons for not continuing but I will miss your presence and insights into a part of the world that I have so much interest in and want so badly to visit. You brought a little piece of Israel to me and for that I thank you. I hope to "see" you again and share some of your creativity and spirit. Always all the best to you.
November 21st, 2011
I just came across this now, have been away from 365 for a while. I wish you success in everything you do, I love your photography and your warm, observant and perceptive nature. Enjoy your journey :-)
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