US Police stop photographers over crap esthetic shots....

August 17th, 2011
LOL... Read a similar story in the UK of police checking someone's shots then mentioning the poor quality of them...
August 17th, 2011
oh gee...why am i not surprised.
August 17th, 2011
I have been hearing rumors and similar stories this summer. I belong to a photo club. We are ordering Photo ID "badges" to be worn around our necks. These will have our photo and the name of the photo club. We have already been carrying our club membership cards. I want to make "business" cards like one of the club members has made. She has her name and the photo club name & information on the cards. Then, I can just hand the person my card. I have already been stopped by a store owner when I was taking pictures of a store building across the street. My story must have seemed plausible enough because he did not call the police. Perhaps I should also wear my Photo Club shirt, which should be arriving in a week or two. Layers of identification!
August 17th, 2011
Haha at least they have a reason (a ridiculous one i know, who are they "photography police"? pffft) Here though, it's just "no photos" and the one saying it doesn't even have to be police, it could be anyone just making you worry for no reason.
I believe that those who get suspicious when photographers take photos of buildings or other impersonal things are either hiding something or doing something wrong. HA!
August 17th, 2011
Funny, though, I have been questioned when taking photos of or near official buildings when using my 1D but not with my pocket camera. If I were up to no good, I certainly would not carry 3 kg of camera.

Funny the aesthetics as well. So, are the police adequately trained and is it now illegal to be a bad photographer?
August 17th, 2011
@lilbudhha It should be illegal. ;) Oh, and I'm adequately trained. Hahaha!
August 17th, 2011
I am sure it was caused by the terrorist attacks and they are really trying to watch out for people taking photos for evil purposes. So far, no one has questioned me or checked out my photos for I am a novice.
August 17th, 2011
my friend was taking a photo of her son who just learned to swim..she was abused by another mumsy cottonwool mother sworn at and said if my kid gets in your photo il smack you and smash your camera..she was shocked she said i want this for my album..she never puts pics of her kids on internet any way..the woman asked to see her photos..when one had a pic of her kids forearm and hand in background she told her delete it..what the hell is going on with ppl..make me laugh esp when her type put half naked pics of there kids on internet for world to friend was really upset at the womans actions she didnt delete the photo she cropt it.
August 17th, 2011
haha like the story you told me about that pub!
August 17th, 2011
You can order "press" passes too from your state police (I believe)'s where I ordered mine!
August 17th, 2011
This is getting weird! What can we take pictures of (legally)???????
August 17th, 2011
So, we can just take selfies. That'll be fun. LOL.
August 17th, 2011
not ever had a problem - then i am a middle aged women and therefore seem to be invisable now (he he)
August 17th, 2011
Uh Oh, I just took an abstract photo of a traffic construction signal (I swear it will work with editing) and not one person here in Philly stopped me. I bet they thought I was strange though.
August 18th, 2011
@daisy Fantastic Idea. I have so many press pass necklaces that I am going to use for this.
August 18th, 2011
i was taking a pic in the train station a couple of months back as the escalators looked cool all lit up in blue and i was told i wans't allowed to use the flash.. er no shit sherlock,the blue lights wouldn't have shown if i had ;)
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