Finding inspiration

May 26th, 2010
What do you do to find that daily inspiration? What do you do to ensure your photos don't end up being repetitive?
May 26th, 2010
Sometimes follow the theme.... always follow my interest... 365 is for me.... and some days are "the same" and that's okay! I just enjoy taking pictures.... seldom shoot fewer than 40 per day... often take 100+ and delete most of them.... just keep the ones that I really like and of them.... just post the one that reminds me of the day, or some happening in the day! Everything is inspiration and 365 has helped me see just what can be "a picture"!
May 26th, 2010
I carry my camera everywhere...and I do mean EVERYWHERE. I find myself continuously noticing everything around me and details. Some days I will just take a short trip to a local park or cemetery where I will find a wealth of material to capture. You will notice on my photos my three big tags are Historical, Nature, & Scenic. Even if I added a flower everyday to my 365, I still could not exhaust the individuality and amazing beauty of each one. I wouldn't consider this repetitious at all. Happy hunting! :)
May 26th, 2010
I keep a camera with me at all times and look for interesting colors, shapes, patterns, textures... or I try to find a different way of showing something we've all seen over and over. Sometimes I intentionally shoot the same subject a few times to get different angles or lighting. It's ok to shoot the same subject or type of subject over and over. The things that draw our eye give each of us our individual style. If you're worried about becoming repetitive, try out some of the weekly themes... even go back and try some of the older ones, try out new techniques, or find a photography buddy to shoot with. But most importantly, have fun and remember there are no rules!
May 26th, 2010
I'm sure when my butterflies start laying eggs my photos are going to be mostly caterpillars and butterflies! I take a lot of flower pictures too, just because I have a lot of flowers and never tire of them.

Now, for inspiration I tend to do searches for "photo ideas" and then the theme of the week inspires me to take pictures of things I never would have before.

I'm also taking photography class so my classmates and teacher inspire me.

If it's a rainy day, I look around the house to see what might be interesting.

I love when people view and comment on my photos but as my teacher says, if you yourself like your photo, that's all that matters.
May 27th, 2010
I usually take pictures of anything around me that I find interesting, or something that i want to remember of that day.
May 27th, 2010
It definitely helps to have your camera with you as much as possible. As an example, when I arrived at work this morning I noticed there were some really interesting cloud formations around so I pulled out the camera and took a few shots. If I hadn't had my camera with me I would have missed that opportunity.

I also just found this interesting article on finding inspiration: Finding Photographic Inspiration.
May 27th, 2010
I'm like a lot of the other posters in that I keep my camera within arms reach at all times now. I got tired of seeing things at work, while I was driving, etc that I thought would make a good shot but not having my camera so I decided to just keep it with me. I've managed to get some great shots I normally wouldn't have even if I don't use them for the project. What made me finally start keeping my camera with me was when I pulled in from work and between me and my front door were 4 birds.....2 babies and 2 bigger ones. The bigger birds were feeding the babies and it would have been an amazing shot. One I probably will never catch again and I totally missed out because my camera wasn't with me. I find inspiration in the simple things you normally wouldn't think twice about. I'm always thinking about how I can make the ordinary spectacular. Not sure I've fully done that but I'm trying. I'm also inspired by trying not to just take pictures but make art. Doesn't always happen but when it does it's worth it.
May 27th, 2010
Hey peeps,

Thanks for the tips, by and large I am keeping a camera with me every day. I have started doing this since I began this project, but my question is more about searching for that elusive money shot. How do you know what to look for? When you're trying to post a great picture every day (or at least aspiring to), how do you keep being creative?
May 27th, 2010
Vik, I think it's up to you no one of us can tell you what to do. Keep your eyes open it is sometimes it looking at everyday things we do not SEE them. Does that make sense? Have you looked at some of the posts and then go find soemone who you think - wow that is great, click onto their picture and when it opens to you click on 'view album'. Otherwise, if you are in an area where there are rocks, water, trees, sky, mountains, gardens, animals, a zoo, an Aquarium, roads, playgrounds,
sunrise, sunset. Then you have all the inspiration that you need like the rest of us, you need to begin just remember to Practise, practise, and more practise. That is how we all do it.
I'm fairly new, check out my "inspirational photos? hah I haven't a clue if any of these bring a big aaaahh from anyone. but I like most of them. Do you go into the area when there is of course this is where you are. Sorry do you read all the things that people are writing about. I have I find that can be helpful.
Vik, if you are wanting to find a "money shot" you may be looking for a very long time. Who knows what is that "A money shot", I don't think this is meant to be the arena for that. It could be a stepping stone to improvement, but otherwise, you may need to check other Photog websites. Best of Luck with whatever you are hopeful
of doing.
May 27th, 2010
Oh I forgot 1 main thing KEEP A CAMERA WITH YOU , VIK!!
May 27th, 2010
Hi Glenys, thanks for the tips. I think I'm just frustrated that I'm not getting great photos everyday; I'm impatient like that. I'm determined to have a good shot daily for this project, and I see others' work on here and I'm really impressed with some of their shots, and the consistency of the quality of some of them.

I suppose the biggest tip you're giving me is to keep practising. I'm a relative newbie when it comes to proper photography, as I've only been doing it for about a year.

Thanks again
May 28th, 2010
I find it's how you look at the world around you. The more photos you take and the more frequently you take them the more you will find yourself looking at the world that little bit differently and great shots will jump out at you. A few tip to get you started:
1) look at 'ordinary' objects from a different perspective. Get down low, or up high. Walk around your subject and examine it from every angle.
2) find photographers whose work you admire. Use them as inspiration. Try recreating a shot you really liked.
3) I highly recommend David duChemin's eBooks. They're available online at Craft & Vision and are only US$5 each. They have a promo on at the moment too. You can get 20% off when you buy 5 or more books from Craft & Vision by using the promo code MAGIC20 . The promo ends at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time June 1, 2010.
May 28th, 2010
I keep my camera with me all the time. Then I hear a song on the radio, or hear or read a poem or phrase somewhere, or see something that interests me or someone at work will ask me what I am going to photograph for the day and may give me an idea. (Right now the city I work in is going to start a fair this weekend and everyone has been asking me if I am going to take photos of it) I have noticed that in the last year, my observation powers have really increased and I am beginning to see things to photograph that I never would have paid attention to in the past.
May 28th, 2010
Totally agree with that about "my observation powers have really increased....."
I have said that myself Claudette, the more photos you take VIK the more you will
be seeing.
May 28th, 2010
do a search in the general discussion, I as others before me, posted a 365 list of ideas. it is a pdf file that you can print out and help you spark some ideas. Hope this helps.
May 28th, 2010
The themes give me something to try to shoot for each week. Hahaha ... pun intended. Normaly however I am just trying to focus on something that interests me or something that is happening that day.

I have been taking pictures for quiet a while, hmmmm ... maybe a picture of the bags of pictures I have. I have a weekly cooking challenge on facebook and create albums every week on my cooking process of what I make. I also created a photowalkers group that I've got a page for on facebook. We get together once a month to take pictures of our city to share with others. I am also photographing my yard throughout the year.

Now, I'm doing this project and you'd think that I'd run out of things to take pictures of. I guess not. Doing this project allows me to go beyond the normal pictures I take to try to be more creative and to look at things differently. So far, I'm having fun with it. Plus using an editing program like photoshop, which I am trying to learn, adds different levels to the pictures.
May 29th, 2010
I have found the themes to be a great source of inspiration. They sure do help me look for creative ways to show or do something. I love nature and like to document the seasons at various places around me. And when all else fails, pets and grandkids are always inspiring.
May 29th, 2010
The camera is slowly becoming an extension of me arm. still like to just take the small digitl camera when i go not used to carrying the new one yet much too bulky but it sure makes better pictures and since i tke photos i look at the world differently and see much more of it's often simple beauty.
May 29th, 2010
Inspiration comes from whatever pops in my head. It's very random sadly and hilariously enough. I like themes of beauty and confidence and I like my subjects to be LGBT people or LGBT allies only.
June 1st, 2010
Hi all. My photos are totally random depending on the day and, as such, I have no plan or theme other than just to hopefully find something worth photographing.

It's been more of a challenge than I thought it would be, but I've kept it up so far. Hunt for the picture of the clock on my microwave reading "23:59" - that was a really desperate one! My Lego Star Wars pick the other day came out of having nothing else to shoot and just looking around the room to see what I could fiddle with.

The best shots are those where something just "appears" out of nowhere - like the pair of shoes which were lying neatly in the street the other day!
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