Lost Inspiration

August 28th, 2011
I'm sure throughout this whole process there are a lot out there like me who get into a funk and have a hard time coming up with something new, interesting or inspired to shoot every day. That last couple of weeks have been a serious challenge for me and while I haven't missed a day or used any filler (my personal rule), I haven't been super excited or proud of the photos I've posted lately.

I'm wondering how others out there handle that blah feeling? How do you pull yourself out of the rut and bring back some of the fun and excitement of the project? I have no intention of stopping but I have been feeling lately that this is more of a chore then something fun.

Sorry for the vent :)
August 28th, 2011
I have to agree with you the past couple weeks. Hard to find something to shoot and then hard to sort/edit and then comment on others. I find I look at more shots on the site hoping to get inspired. Hope some ideas show up here.
August 28th, 2011
Could not have said it better myself. This month has been brutal. And the word "chore" has crossed my mind several times. This happened to me back in March. I just compare it to being a baseball player. Everybody goes through slumps. Slumps end. When I came out of my last slump, I was invigorated. I just keep telling myself ti stick with it. This too shall pass.
August 28th, 2011
If you carry your camera everywhere, there should be plenty of opportunities throughout the day to take a picture. The sky always gives me something whether it's clouds, sunrise, sunset, oh and don't forget the moon is the most photographed thing in space. ;-)
August 28th, 2011
Yes, I know the feeling, but I have rarely experienced it because I never look for pictures ; they just come to me, and my 'secret' is simple: Whenever I see something I feel worth mentioning to somebody or writing about, the words immediately come to mind in the form of a caption and I find myself pressing the button instinctively. Job done, and I amaze myself with the unexpected and effortless result, and have more than enough to feed my three albums, and never miss a day. Try it ... don't let it become a chore, just pretend you're not looking, and the pix will come knocking at your door begging to be shot. Good luck!
August 28th, 2011
I'm hoping the September challenges get me out of my funk.
August 28th, 2011
Katie, I am pretty sure everyone has times where they are stuck and ask 'why am I doing this to myself?' It is hard to be creative or inspired if you are feeling unwell, working in a stressful job from daylight to dusk, or there are family issues to deal with. When I have times of no enthusiasm or drive, I think back to why 'I' started this and what 'I' wanted to achieve. Looking back in my 365 calendar I am remided of how many locations, events and conversations I have had as a result of 365, and how my photography is improving from when I started (I think :D).
I also enjoyed working with a fellow 365er for a while, and found that sharing the ups & downs, ideas and equipment helped a lot. I went to the local library yesterday & borrowed a swag of photo mags for some tips & inspiration.
Hang in there.
August 28th, 2011
@jannkc @john244 thank you for your kind words! The thing I love most about 365 has been the support of the community!
August 28th, 2011
@dmortega @wordpixman you both offer great suggestions which are much appreciated. I probably am trying to force it and missing out on some wonderful opportunities that are there if I just stop and look around.
August 28th, 2011
This has happened to me MANY times! Finally, @emmar84 pointed out to me, how many years do you have a memory of each day? At the end, won't it be great to have 365 photos that remind of you the days of a whole year? That thought gets me through it. i don't use fillers either and I have great photos on here and I have TERRIBLE ones too. At the end, I have grown so much and continue to do so.

Some things that have helped in the passed are the artist challenges, trying new photography, learning the technical terms and practicing, getting new accessories for my camera, download a 30 day free trial of photo software....

Those are some of the many things that help me get out of the rut or funk. You started this for a reason and don't forget why. Hang in there, you can do it!
August 28th, 2011
@mej2011 I do enjoy the challenges as I do think that helps keep the motivation going. That is an idea...maybe ill start my own challenge!
August 28th, 2011
@ltodd thank you so much for your wonderful words. That is exactly what it is...work, family, life, etc...things have been crazy and have one more thing I feel like I have to do can get overwhelming. But you suggestion is a great one...I need to remind myself why I wanted to do this in the first place and what I am looking to accomplish from this experience.
August 28th, 2011
@cfitzgerald ... Well said! I have never seen a comment here which explains more clearly what "becoming a photographer" is all about. It is not a chore, but an experience ... and so is life!
August 28th, 2011

I have noticed a few 365ers of late mention that they have lost their mojo, and after an evening letting their hair down and getting on the turps, they seem to be reinvigorated, even if a little hungover. It has worked for others...
August 28th, 2011
Katie, I feel just like you do right now. So much is going on with work and family that it often is an added stress somedays to come up with a picture. I do carry my camera everywhere...but on the days I drive from home to work and right back home...I can never seem to find anything to take a picture of that I have not already.
I have found that when I feel like pictures of my kids (my most used topic) seem boring and dull....like they are lately...I turn to pictures of nature etc... instead. Just to change things up. But, it does get discouraging when I post bad picture after bad picture!
I am hoping the fall weather will inspire me!
Katie, your work is beautiful. hang in there... :)
August 28th, 2011
@mcdougall ...and don't feel guilty when you do take some 'ME time' for the 365. I have found that the very days I feel I 'just want to let it slide' because there are more important things I 'should' be doing, are the very days I need to listen to the universe and step off the treadmill for just a little while at least. It can actually help you balance everything else, when there is some 'you' in your life. (if that makes sense)
August 28th, 2011
@cfitzgerald - what you wrote below...has helped me a lot too when I get into a funk.
"Some things that have helped in the passed are the artist challenges, trying new photography, learning the technical terms and practicing, getting new accessories for my camera, download a 30 day free trial of photo software.... "
August 28th, 2011
I wanted to add that a good excerise to help you develop an eye for what you find interesting is to stand in one place. It doesn't matter where, anywhere will do. Now take pictures within that space. Give yourself about a 5 foot diameter. Look for the details and look for different ways to see what is in front of you. I bet you will find at least one picture worthy of posting every time.

It may seem silly but give it a try. Don't forget to think close-up and far away. If you do this at least once a week, it will become second nature to you and you will never have any issues again with finding something to photograph.
August 28th, 2011
My past month has been like this. I just ride it out and eventually inspiration comes to me. Sometimes challenges help, but sometimes that doesn't even work for me. I started my own challenge this month so I could kind of take it easy, but still work on ideas I wouldn't normally have done. Just stick with it!
August 28th, 2011
What would you suggest for any 365ers who are not legal? lol.
August 28th, 2011
I kind of go with the flow, like @wordpixman. I take my camera when I leave the house and randomly photograph things. I also have a list of things that are sort of landmark things that I can get out to photograph if I don't like all the random photos I've taken that day. Sometimes I have a few days in a row where I feel in a funk, but it only lasts a few days for me. Also.never feel like you can't photograph the same things...I've put up pix of the same spider, the same type dragonfly, my lovely cat....but they all were different and all got different reactions. I thought that this project would be more difficult from me because I live in a rural town---not much noce architecture, no interesting people to see...but somehow I have managed. I think that some of the city people here don't know how lucky they are!!! Also, learning a good editing program can help. I like to have a lot of SOOC pix, but sometimes editing can make a regular photo into something spectacular., which can be as satisfying as turning out an SOOC pic. Sorry to have written so much...hope some of it helps.
August 28th, 2011
I have gone thru the same thing from time to time on here, and the next couple months are going to be realllly difficult because of physical limitations. at the same time, i am hoping i can find a new twist on things so i can try to keep my spirits positive. *crossing fingers* sometimes inspiration / motivation can pop up in the most strange and unusual ways. good luck!
August 28th, 2011
@mcdougall - I had this lack-of-inspiration-slump this last month, even though I'm travelling and see amazing things to take photos of, it felt a little like a chore. I took a break (not purposely but it just turned out like that) for a couple of weeks - not from taking photos and using my camera, but from "needing" to take a photo every day. It actually turned out that I took photos most days anyway!

I decided to come back for all of the reasons above, I remembered why I started. I looked back on the photos I had taken and just hadn't bothered to upload or edit, and found that I had plenty to fill in the month of August (only another 5 days to fill!)

I'm thinking of setting myself new challenges for a month - like an alphabet challenge or a rainbow challenge - to give me some focus. I think that type of thing will be useful for when I get back to the UK! There are tons of thigs I also want to learn more about, like taking good portraits, selfies, editing...so setting persoal challenges to improve on certain aspects could help too :)
August 28th, 2011
Katie, sometimes I just say to myself "no need to rush the photo for today," and then all of a sudden it is 11:30 at night and I have to look at my surroundings and think what may be interesting. I also accept that sometimes I am going to shoot complete crap and I still go with it anyway. My photo last night was not my best, but can I really be great 365 days in a row, I say not really. Also @bobfoto seems to share my secret to my latest subject matter.
August 28th, 2011
@mcdougall To be honest I think that this whole 365 journey is a great way at looking at life. In life we all get into a funk once in a while. I have found that we just keep doing what we like to do and soon enough the great shots come back and we feel inspired once again. To be to concerned about trying to hard
August 28th, 2011
@mej2011 - Red Cordial. Extra strong too.
August 28th, 2011
@mcdougall Katie, I understand your predicament. This is such an incredible community, it's the only thing that keeps me here. My dilemma is that I am getting bored with my usual landscapes, flowers and nature shots and would like to explore different types of photography that isn't "pretty" like street photography, abstract or still life. So that's what's keeping me going, trying new things, being inspired by photographic books and mags, and most importantly, posting shots that serve my purpose, not that of the popular page. It's easier to accept that your shots may be mediocre for a while if you see them as stepping stones in your growth as a photographer.
August 28th, 2011
Hey, know what you are going through and have had several slumps during the process. I think it can hit hard if you have been on a bit of a roll and then suddenly it's over. Now I have learnt just to let it go and realise that nobody can be on fire all the time and that the less I force it, the more likely inspiration will come. Doing challenges can help focus the choice of photo and get you thinking in new ways - these can be recommended ones, or ones that you have thought up yourself...Really, though, the thing is to let go and trust that your mojo will return after it's short vacation!
August 28th, 2011
Katie, Thanks for posting your comments. The replies you have received have inspired me more than anything I have done in the last two months. = )
August 28th, 2011
For me its not a problem of taking photos it is of getting quality. I always have my camera and shoot many a day but it is same drive to work same yard at home so I try to catch the unexpected and try to find a different angle of the usual. Sometimes its just too many to work with. It will improve though- taking a class on using my camera settings. Hope that motivates.
August 28th, 2011
I've found that I can get some interesting shots by just waiting to see what comes up, but that has also been the fastest road to losing inspiration; to hitting the slump. For me, the best remedy is to, firstly, set myself a weekly theme and, secondly, plan specific shots within that theme in advance. Sometimes I'm unable to get the specific shot planned or executed, but I've still got the general theme to fall back on for more ideas.

As with so many other areas of life, working towards a specific target makes the job at hand much easier. If you're having to think about where you're going, it's harder to come up with a creative way of getting there... but once you know the destination, you are more free to choose the scenic route to arrive... you know?
August 29th, 2011
@bobfoto Sounds like a fun photo shoot!

@cohare Thank you so much for your kind words and your suggestions. I am also looking forward to the fall! Should be some beautiful photo ops!

@dmortega this is a great suggestion that I haven't tired before. Thank so much! I definately will!

@triciaanddazzle @cchambers Thank you both for your encouragement. I am not planning to quit...just trying to stay sane!

@5unflow3r I like the idea of trying to re shoot things you have already done in a new and interesting way. I haven't tried that yet. Thanks for the tip!

@enfys I agree...I think that the challenges help a lot. It helps me to focus on an idea and I feel like I am more creative and less stuck. I usually rely on the challenges posted by other so maybe I'll have to be more proactive and come up with my own challenge!

August 29th, 2011
@deens Thanks, Nadine. I agree - I am also bored with my shots. I live in the suburbs so there are not a lot of opportunities to get good urban or rustic photographs without opting to travel which lately hasn't been an option. I think I want to devote more time to "getting to know" my camera and the different features and, as you suggest, use the experience more as a learning experience and stop being so hard on myself if every picture isn't popular page material!
August 29th, 2011
@giselle @demetriceanntia @jannkc Thank you ladies for your comments and for sharing your esperiences. It is nice to know that others feel this way too!
August 29th, 2011
@davidchrtrans Agree completely. I think part of the problem righ tnow is the lack of planning. It is when I get home after a long day, look at the clock and think "holy crap, it is 9:00 pm...what am I going to take a picture of?" I think if I did plan or utilize the themes more, that would help keep me focused!
September 2nd, 2011
Actually, it all depends on you! :)

Also, my personal choice... I don't really follow the post something you took for the day. Why? Because, some days, I can't take shots due to work. Some days, I would just like to go straight home and relax. Why do I have pictures? I take them when I can, then post it.

Others may say that I'm cheating. Others may say that I am defeating the purpose of 365. Well, to me, I have other motives. I may want to post a picture I took months ago, to show a picture that means something to me. I may want to post a photo which can inspire others to be happy. I posted a 5-day series of photos, all taken in one night.

Example, you went for a 3-day trip to Italy and got lots of pictures for the day. Does it mean, you should just post 1 picture when you really really want to show other photos you got because you're proud of them? :)

So, it all goes down to you. I will not look down on you if you put fillers. Don't make this project a chore. Relax, and put what you like. It's ok to be confined to your rules, if you follow it wholeheartedly. If it gives you stress and pressure, time to change it. :)

Peace! :)
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