What to take a picture of :D?

May 30th, 2010
So I will be staying at home for the next 2 weeks, studying for exams and stuff, so I won't be going anywhere. I like photography so far, but since I am a beginner, I really ran out of ideas ALREADY..
What can I take a picture of at home maybe? [Ive taken too many pictures in the garden already..]
Any ideas?
Or.. what stories can I tell through a picture?
May 30th, 2010
look around the house for shapes and textures. Once you start 'learning' to see things you'll be surprised how many differnt things you an photo around the house.

Some examples of mine from around the house http://365project.org/hednod/365/2010-05-28 http://365project.org/hednod/365/2010-04-16 http://365project.org/hednod/365/2010-04-12
May 30th, 2010
Hey, I asked a question earlier about finding inspiration. Some good responses: http://365project.org/discuss/general/806/finding-inspiration
May 30th, 2010
Thanks Murray - I love them!
Vik ; thanks alot, I am reading all the comments now :)
May 30th, 2010
You could try a series of self portraits, I did a while ago and had to get pretty creative to keep going and not end up with too similar shots
May 31st, 2010
macros are always fun if you can manage it. Interesting textures and knick-nacks are always fun. And as Craigy suggested, self portraits are a great idea too.
May 31st, 2010
Im mostly stuck at home this week. Ive been out in the garden today experimenting with macro shots like this
May 31st, 2010
Thanks Craigy, Sare and Kellie, I'll be sure to try those stuff :D
May 31st, 2010
You could tell the story of your pen... desk.... mascot.... the style of your handwriting.... different shoes or the texture of your clothes... the snacks you eat... meals.... or shoot a picture of the clock every day at a different time.... or write us a message on your mobile phone.... little ornaments..... book edges/titles.... inside the fridge....
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