Thank You from the USA

September 12th, 2011
This past weekend the United States of America witnessed the 10th anniversary of the day that changed our lives forever - the September 11, 2001 attack by terrorists on American soil. Thousands of lives were lost on that day and as a result of the aftermath that followed. I'd like to personally thank each and every one of you who remembered our country's loss in this senseless attack.

As a way to honor those who lost their lives in this attack, I felt compelled to visit our town square where a memorial tribute had been set up. There I saw thousands of tiny American flags placed in the lawn of the city square's park. One flag for each of the nearly 3,000 individuals who died that day. Along with the tiny flags, the American flag that hung over the attack site in New York City for weeks during the recovery effort was on display. This flag still contains remnants of the death and destruction from that day - it is covered with dirt and ash that rose from the site where the Twin Towers once stood. This flag stirred emotion in all who viewed it. I snapped several photos of the flag and then returned home to begin the editing process. When the final product was revealed, tears came to my eyes. It was as if the photo was crying out in despair for all the voices that were silenced that day. I uploaded it to my 365 project in the hopes that a few others would see and appreciate what it represented. Never in my wildest imagination did I anticipate the overwhelming response the photo has received. I thank you for your kind words. But it is with humility that I ask the recognition be shifted from the photo to those for whom the photo represents.

The attacks of 9/11 were much more than attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon and a failed attempt to hit the White House. What occurred on 9/11 was nothing less than an attack on the idea of America. We must never forget what happened on 9/11. Our children must be taught the importance of that day. We must pledge that we will never allow terrorism to destroy the American dream.

Allow me to post this photo once again. With it, I'd like to share the story behind it.

Musco Lighting based in Oskaloosa employs about 1,200 workers around the globe (800 in Iowa) to illuminate major facilities and sites. In the wake of the 9/11 attacks, Musco immediately dispatched four trucks to ground zero to help with recovery efforts. (Three trucks already were in Rhode Island for an ESPN event, and another was in New York City.)

The morning of Sept. 12, local firemen decided that a flag should be raised at the site, and the 120-foot boom of the mobile lighting truck offered the most obvious pole. So a flag was grabbed from the fire station and hung on the truck. That flag flew at the entrance to ground zero until December, when it was replaced by a series of flags. The flag then made its way back to Oskaloosa where it lay folded on a shelf in the office of the president of Musco Lighting. The flag made its first unveiling this weekend and has made a forever-impact on our community.

It is with extreme humility and gratefulness to those who continue to risk their lives for my freedom that I post this photo once again.

Thank you 365 for remembering our country!
September 12th, 2011
Your post humbles me. You have written this so eloquently, and your photo is BEAUTIFUL. Thank you. Thank you for the wonderful remembrance and for an image that says "UNITED States of America" so well. Well done!
September 12th, 2011
What a powerful image Deb. And such a touching story. Thank you for sharing this photo with everyone.
September 12th, 2011
This image is absolutely haunting and simply incredible, Deb. So many emotions and memories of that dreadful day can be so perfectly tied to this amazing and moving photo. Well said and well done!
September 12th, 2011
Stunning photo. Thank you for sharing your story too
September 12th, 2011
stunningly moving shot and tribute! thank you:)
September 12th, 2011
beautiful and thank you so much for sharing this.
September 12th, 2011
Powerful and moving... the shot and the tribute! Thank you from a grateful American.
September 12th, 2011
@dejongdd Awesome shot and ever greater explanation. I am saddened that it takes an event like this to pull our country together but grateful that it did. You are to be commended for your depiction of it. Your picture calls to mind a picture that might have been taken during the revolutionary war...another time when we were unified against a different foe.
September 12th, 2011
Fantastic photo and tribute, thanks for sharing x
September 13th, 2011
A powerful, provoking, beautiful tribute. :)
September 13th, 2011
@dejongdd Words cannot express how deeply I feel. Thank you.
September 13th, 2011
@dejongdd Thank you Deb for your moving tribute and beautiful photo. I went to a memorial service yesterday, and also spent a great part of the day ad night watching the tributes throughout the US. At times, it was almost too much to bear and recall that horrible day. But we must not ever forget. The kids in my class were just a few months old when this happened, so they didn't really have a clue. I made sure they know about it now. Their worlds have not changed, but ours have been changed forever.
September 13th, 2011
beautifully written words and an even more amazing photo. Thank you for your tribute!
September 13th, 2011
I just got goose bumps reading your story. I think the story behind the flag is amazing and I think you did a fantastic job editing the photo. Thank you for sharing this photo, you managed to capture the heart and the soul of the emotions it evokes.
September 13th, 2011
A very moving story and a great tribute picture. I'm a little late..just posted a picture of a Toronto newspaper write up in remembrance of 9/11.
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