Canon 28mm 1.4?

September 13th, 2011
Does anyone own this lens? Here's what I'm thinking:

I need a lens for the weddings that has a wider option than the 50mm I have right now. But I still need that wide open aperture for the low light stuff. I do, however, have a tight budget. So in the $500 range would be the best thing.
I'm noticing that my 50mm is hard to get to focus in quick situations like the reveal, or dancing, etc. So I need a lens that will give me more consistent focus but also get more in the frame.

So, a few questions:
Any ideas of an ideal lens for that?
Also, what I've seen is the Canon 28mm 1.4L, looks yummy. Does anyone have that lens and can show me some examples of work shot with it?

Thanks guys!

September 13th, 2011
Cannot wait to see the answers you get here, Amy! I've had the same things floating around in my head!
September 13th, 2011
Hmmm.... do you have a zoom lens? I don't think I'm really the right person to be answering your question about the 28mm 1.4... but here are my thoughts.

I usually use my 28mm 2.8 for portraits. But, I feel like I have to be really close, like in people's faces. I used to use my 50mm 1.4 for most portraits, but found the same problem with the focus.

So, this weekend while I was shooting a wedding, I actually ended up using my 28mm - 135mm zoom lens. Basically I wanted the option of that 28mm without having to switch lenses all the time. I can't believe what I was able to get with that lens. I shot in RAW to make sure I would still have the crisp detail with the soft look.

So, I'm wondering if a great zoom lens would be a better option for you if you're doing lots of weddings... and would give you the most for your money.
That's just a thought... like I said, I'm no expert, but I think a zoom lens is the way to go for weddings.
September 13th, 2011
@eliserose781 I agree, after shooting a few weddings and even other events I came to realize that it was just a better option to just use my 27-300 zoom rather than any of my primes. I LOVE my 85 for a few of the standard shots but for the most part by shooting RAW I come to find I get nearly the same result with my zoom.

the 28 would most likely put you right in their face and at a wedding I just don't think it would go over very well, but I can be wrong after all I have only shot a few.
September 14th, 2011
You might be able to pick up 24-70 f/2.8 second-hand for $600 or so. I think, ideally, that would be a better option.

I've had a play with the 28mm, but from what I recall it isn't great when you have to move quickly. Beautiful images, though.
September 14th, 2011
@jinximages ah thank you jinx. And that's what I need, as you know, I'd the quickness. Cool, I'll search for that one! Appreciate it!!
September 15th, 2011
The website of Jeff Ascough is a great pace for you to get info on shooting weddings... [blog_jeffascough_com]

He's a huge fan of wide angle prime lenses and although I can't find the link he mentioned using an EF 24mm f/1.4 L II USM amongst others. I know that's way out of your price range but it's worth keeping in mind.
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