I made it to the guest bedroom. I've arrived!

September 23rd, 2011
Erm, I'm not sure whether to ask this, but you can ignore me if you think the answer is no!

I recently got a 40 page photobook made using my favourite photos from my project so far, with 1-4 photos on each page. I probably wouldn't have bothered doing this, but as I'd bought the photobook through Groupon and only had a few more weeks left to use it up I thought this was as good an use as any. I'm quite pleased with the result. However, I got it delivered to work and my colleague had a browse -- she really liked it, and asked if I would be happy for her to make her own photobook using the photographs of local places, with the intention of leaving it on the bedside cabinet in her guest bedroom at home (she always has friends/visitors from away staying for weekends etc).

Whilst I don't mind this at all (and feel VERY flattered!) and wouldn't expect payment of any sort, I do feel I ought to have a watermark of some sort. Afterall, if I wouldn't paint her a watercolour without signing the bottom! I probably wouldn't use it on my 365 project itself, just if I give photos away etc.

I don't own Photoshop and have no idea how to go about 'desigining' or 'making' a watermark, or how to apply it to the photos afterwards (what format etc). So I'm looking for a few pointers, and if I'd be completely honest and very bold (indeed), if anyone "likes" doing stuff like this and would enjoy doing one without wasting too much time, and explain to me how to apply it, I'd be extremely grateful! I'd like it to be very subtle (but there) and to read Elin, Elin Angharad or E Angharad.

I'm off to see whether drop photography works with silk emulsion (the only way I'll ever get to paint the kitchen)!

Have a nice weekend everyone!

September 23rd, 2011
You can add a sort of watermark in Picnik (which is free to use). Just add some text to your picture and then change the colour or fade to suit.
September 23rd, 2011
I dont think its really that necessary, if you are printing up a book all you need is one image ( preferably a title page) with your name on it everything after that is taken as read that they are your photographs (you just have to look at books of photography for sale.) and should you choose It may also be financially beneficial to you to have a contact address somewhere so that people looking through the book can order prints from you :D Just a thought.
September 23rd, 2011
Thanks for both your answers.

@minxymissk Oh yeah, thanks. I'll have a look at that. I was actually thinking of something a little more arty than a squiggly font, but on second thoughts, seeing as I want it to be subtle maybe it'd be better not to be so fussy/arty after all.

@asrai The problem is, I wouldn't actually be printing out another book. I'd be sending her some images to include in her own book, presumably with some other images of other things important to them as a family/friends.
September 23rd, 2011
@lluniau I don't know if this is what your going for, but in Picasa you can select multiple photos and attach a watermark. Just google it and they have helpful instructions. :)
September 23rd, 2011
picasa and picnic have text and watermark options.
September 23rd, 2011
I use PS but I do know that @shortperson2002 has figured out how to get a watermark image that was saved as a jpeg and apply it in Gimp. She also uses Pixlr which I believe are both free. She might have some insight for ya.
September 23rd, 2011
I might have some time to dink around and figure something out for ya, too. We will see what the weekend holds.
September 25th, 2011
Yeh, photoshop is best, and if you don't have it use picnik. For printing though try to do it discrete I guess. I use watermarks so people don't use my photos on the internet. I'd be interested in saying to her put a thanks page before the contents page, or a credit under the contents saying page5-8-10 are taken by... because unless she owns a Hilton there isn't going to be huge numbers viewing it. Maybe she will just tell friends who you are anyway, tell her it would be cool to get comissions from it and she might push people to take your 365/website address. I'd be worried if shes putting her own pics in the book too yours might look a bit pretentious for having a watermark on, in comparisson. The front page credit is a good option. Good luck.
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