Is This Normal... or Fixable?

October 7th, 2011
I'm using a Canon Eos (original), and when I take pictures what I see in the viewfinder isn't totally correct; actually, the vertical alignment is about 10-15% off. For example, if I was shooting a sign like this:

50% off
Today only!

I would actually need to cut off the top portion of the sign in my viewfinder (most likely about 1/2 of the word "SPECIAL"), and the picture would be of the whole sign. Otherwise, I would be missing half of the "Today only!" and have extra space above the top of the sign.

I've never noticed it with another camera, and I'm not sure if it had always done it before. I know since July, at least, it's been this way. Thoughts?
October 7th, 2011
I have a Canon 550D and my VF isn't 100% either. Not as extreme as yours, but definitely not completely accurate. I always compensate by zooming out, or stepping back, and then crop later. I'm not so big on SOOC shots anyway.
October 7th, 2011
The viewfinder isn't a 100% viewfinder - it's about 95%, so you don't quite see everything. It's common for the lower end model DSLRs.
October 7th, 2011
@gurry I never think to do that, for some reason, but that's a good idea. Thanks. :)

@vikdaddy Thank you! :)
October 7th, 2011
It's possible your mirror isn't quite seating properly anymore - that would cause a vertical mis-alignment.
October 8th, 2011
@eutony And how does one go about fixing this? :)
October 8th, 2011
@jessicaelaine Take it to a repair shop. Unless you are very good and experienced you run the risk of screwing it up and sending the repair bill higher.
October 8th, 2011
@jessicaelaine I've got to agree with @lilbudhha. If you take the lens off you may be able to see if it looks wrong, and if you do the sensor clean mode to flip the mirror you may be able to observe the action not working properly - but unless it's something obvious physically in the way (like a twig or a fly), it's a specialist job I would think!
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