Action shots!

October 12th, 2011
Please help! Today my friend and I were taking pictures for the yearbook at a volleyball game. Is there a way you can make the pictures not blurry without the flash?
October 12th, 2011
Ah, thanks for posting this Abbey!
I was with her, here are some of the shots that came out...

October 12th, 2011
try high ISO (as high as you can go), fast shutter speed (no slower than 1/600), low f/stop # (as low/open as you can go - wide open aperture)

i haven't done much indoor lately, but this was taken at almost 10pm outdoors under stadium lights (that always suck) You can see the medatadata under EXIF info.

October 12th, 2011
ps - do you get to use a school-issued DSLR for yearbook photos? I don't know how much control you have over the settings with a powershot, I think that's a point and shoot? sorry if i'm not much help...i'm not familiar with your camera.
October 12th, 2011
If you're using a Powershot, as @sdpace indicated, you can shoot in full manual mode; I prefer to shoot in AV, but for these you may be better off with TV, which will adjust your aperture based on your shutter speed. I would completely avoid digital zoom, because it tends to make things pixelated and grainy. I definitely second the higher ISO, though - indoors, in florescent light, I tend to prefer around 400-800 for action shots at all. Also, I don't know if you can with a Powershot or not, but setting your focus manually to would probably help greatly.
October 12th, 2011
Wow - glad this was posted - This is a help to me too ! @sdpace I actually am in charge of yearbooks at my school and I always have issues with indoor shots... I am going to try this out today at the basketball game. Hope it works! :D
October 12th, 2011
I can't change mine from AV to TV I'm pretty sure..

This is why I would like a nicer camera... :)

Thanks everyone for your helpful comments!
October 13th, 2011
@sdpace Just so you know - advice worked! I changed the aperture and the white balance too. I got GREAT, clear shot tonight! FINALLY NO YELLOW PICTURES!!! :) Thanks! @abbeygrace and @tigervolleyball - hope it works for you guys too!!!
October 13th, 2011
@sbb1980 yay for you! glad to help :)
October 13th, 2011
@sdpace @jessicaelaine Thank you! Im pretty sure my point and shoot can do most of that. It has alot of options! Id love to try it! Thank you for all the wonderful info! (:
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